Program |
Tuesday March 12 2002 |
18:00-19:00 |
Registration (at the Okazaki New Grand Hotel) |
19:00-21:00 |
Welcome Party (Only for Invited Speakers from Abroad, Organizing Committee and Director- General of National Institute for Basic Biology) |
Wednesday March 13 2002 |
9:00-9:05 |
Opening Remarks |
Motoya Katsuki (Director-General of National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan) |
9:05-10:05 |
Opening Lecture |
Nicholas K. Tonks (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA) |
"From structure to function of protein tyrosine phosphatases." |
10:05-10:20 |
Coffee Break |
10:20-12:00 |
Session A: Disease and phosphatases, part I |
1. 10:20-11:00 |
Benjamin G. Neel (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USA) |
"Biological functions of non-receptor PTPs." |
2. 11:00-11:30 |
Hideki Matsui (Okayama Univ., Japan) |
"The protein therapy inhibited myocardiac hypertrophy and protected pancreatic islet transplants through calcineurin and NF-AT cascade." |
3. 11:30-12:00 |
Masaharu Noda (National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan) |
"Substrate screening and functional analysis for PTPζ(RPTPβ)." |
12:00-13:40 |
Lunch |
13:40-15:00 |
Session A: Disease and phosphatases, part II |
4. 13:40-14:20 |
Stephane Schurmans (IRIBHN,IBMM, Belgium) |
"SHIP2 and insulin sensitivity: a role in type II diabetes mellitus?" |
5. 14:20-15:00 |
Anna A. DePaoli-Roach (Indiana Univ., USA) |
"Role of protein phosphatase-1 in control of glycogen metabolism and cardiac function: Insights from transgenic and knockout mouse models." |
15:00-15:20 |
Coffee Break |
15:20-16:40 |
Session B: Protein phosphatases and neural function |
6. 15:20-16:00 |
John L. Bixby (Univ. of Miami, USA) |
"Receptor tyrosine phosphatases in vertebrate axon growth." |
7. 16:00-16:40 |
Shirish Shenolikar (Duke Univ., USA) |
"Elaborating the functions of protein phosphatase-1 in hippocampal plasticity." |
17:40-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
17:00-18:10 |
Session C: Cancer and phosphatases |
8. 17:00-17:40 |
Ramon Parsons (Columnia Univ., USA) |
"PTEN and neoplasia." |
17:40-18:10 |
Tomohiko Maehama (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan) |
"A novel tumor suppressor candidate interacting with the lipid phosphatase PTEN." |
18:30-20:30 |
Banquet |
Thursday March 14, 2002 |
9:00-10:00 |
Special Lecture |
Joseph Schlessinger (Sterling Hall of Medicine, USA) |
"Cellualar signaling by tyrosine phosphorylation." |
10:00-10:20 |
Coffee Break |
10:20-12:00 |
Session D: Regulation of MAPK pathways by phosphatases |
7. 10:20-10:50 |
Hiroshi Shima (Hokkaido Univ., Japan) |
"Characterization of MKP-7, which shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm." |
8. 10:50-11:20 |
Masato Ogata (Osaka Univ., Japan) |
"Essential roles of MAP kinase-specific tyrosine phosphatases in mice." |
6. 11:20-12:00 |
Alex Hajnal (Univ. of Züich, Switzerland) |
"The function of the C.elegans MAP kinase phosphatase LIP-1 during germline and vulval development." |
12:00-13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30-14:50 |
Session E: Chemical approach to the protein phosphorylation |
7. 13:30-14:10 |
Terrence R. Burke, Jr. (National Cancer Institure, USA) |
"Phosphotyrosyl mimetics in the design of protein-tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors." |
8. 14:10-14:50 |
Christin A. Frederick (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA) |
"Structure of the cytoplasmic region of CD45." |
14:50-15:05 |
Cofee Break |
15:05-17:15 |
Session F: Regulation of vascular and immune systems by phosphatases |
9. 15:05-15:45 |
Thomas O. Daniel (Immunex Corporation, USA) |
"Receptor tyrosine phosphatase, CD148: a critical regulator of vascular development and neovascularization." |
10. 15:45-16:15 |
Toshio Watanabe (Tohoku Univ., Japan) |
"Abnormal angiogenesis but intact hematopoietic potential in PTPb2/CD148 deficient mice." |
11. 16:15-15:45 |
Seiji Inui (Kumamoto Univ., Japan) |
"Function of phosphatase 2Ac-associated alpha4 in humoral immune response." |
12. 15:45-17:15 |
Hidetaka Yakura (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience, Japan) |
"Novel, dynamic regulation of Src-family tyrosine kinases by CD45." |
17:15-18:15 |
Poster session |
19:00 |
Dinner (For Invited Speakers and Organizing Committee, at Tsukushi) |
Friday March 15 2002 |
9:00-11:55 |
Session G: Regulation of signaling pathways by phosphatases |
13. 9:00-9:30 |
Tatsuya Maeda (Tokyo Univ., Japan) |
"Genetic analysis of the TOR pathway using Tap42p/a4, a non-conventional regulatory subunit of PP2A." |
14. 9:30-10:00 |
Reiko Sugiura (Kobe Univ., Japan) |
"Functional analysis of calcineurin-mediated signaling pathway using fission yeast as a model system." |
15. 10:00-10:30 |
Shinri Tamura (Tohoku Univ., Japan) |
"Molecular cloning of a novel member of protein phosphatase 2C family enriched in testicular germ cells." |
10:30-10:45 |
Coffee Break |
16. 10:45-11:15 |
Takashi Matozaki (Gunma Univ., Japan) |
"The physiological role of SHPS-1." |
17. 11:15-11:55 |
Rob Hooft van Huijsduijnen (Serono Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Switzerland) |
"Identification of protein tyrosine phosphatases with specificity for the ligand- activated growth hormone receptor." |
11:55-12:10 |
Concluding remarks |
Haruo Saito (Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo) |
12:15-13:45 |
Lunch |