Organizers | Haruo Kanatani Yukio Hiramoto |
Venue | National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki , 444-8585, Japan |
Date | Mar. 11-13, 1982 |
Program | |
M. Kuwabara (Director-General of NIBB) : Welcome address | |
1. | R. Nagai and S. Takagi (Osaka Univ.) : Regulation of cytoplasmic streaming in Vallisneria mesophyll cells. |
2. | K. Kuroda (Osaka Univ.) : Cytoplasmic streaming in the Nitella cell cut open by micro surgery. |
3. | Y. Shimnen, M. Tazawa (Univ. of Tokyo) and Y. Tominaga (St. Agnes Junior College for Women): Cytoplasmic streaming in a cell model of Nitella. |
4. | S. Inoue (M. B. L., Woods Hole and Univ. of Pennsylvania) : Analysis of cell motility by video, polarized light based microscopy. |
5. | Peter K. Hepler (Univ. of Massachusetts) : Membranes and ion fluxes associated with mitosis. |
6. | Y. Hamaguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and F. Iwasa (univ. of Tokyo): Visualization of fluorescently labeled calmodulin. |
7. | Melanie M. Pratt (Harvard Medical School) : Dynein ATPase in the isolated sea urchin mitotic spindle. |
8. | Michael W. Berns (Univ. of California) : Mechanism of cell division and other motile processes studied by laser microirradiation. |
9. | M. Morisawa (Ocean Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo), M. Okuno (Univ. of Tokyo) and S. Morisawa (St. Marianna Univ.) : Role of cAMP in initiating sperm motility in rainbow trout. |
10. | H. Murofushi, K. Ishiguro and H. Sakai (Univ. of Tokyo) : Stimulation of sperm triton models by cAMP-dependent protein kinase and a protein factor. |
11. | Y. Yano, C. Toyoshima, T. Wakabayashi and H. Mohri (Univ. of Tokyo) : Structure and composition of dynein arm. |
12. | T. Miki-Noumura and S. Arakawa (Ochanimizu Univ.) : Conformational change of doudlet microtubules. |
13. | K. Takahashi, C. Shingyoji and S. Kamimura (Univ. of Tokyo) : Microtubule slinding and oscillatory movement in reactivated sea urchin sperm flagella. |
14. | S. Ishijima (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Y. Hiramoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology and NIBB) : Flexural rigidity of mammalian sperm flagella. |
15. | S. A. Baba (Univ. of Tokyo): A novel method for waveform analysis of cilia and flagella. |
16. | Charles J. Brokaw (California Inst. of Technology) : Generation of the flagellar bending cycle. |
17. | Y. Naitoh and K. Sugino (Univ. of Tsukuba) : Simulated crossbridge pattern corresponding to a ciliary beat in Paramecium. |
18. | M. Yano, Y. Yamamoto and H. Shimizu (Univ. of Tokyo): Actomyosin motor. |
19. | Shoichiro Tsukita, K. Yokoyama, H. Ishikawa and M. Kurokawa (Univ. of Tokyo): On the coexistence of glial fibrillary acidic (GFA) protein and vimentin in astroglial intermediate ftlaments. |
20. | K. Owaribe (Nagoya Univ.) : Actin microfilaments and intermediate filaments in pigmented epithelial cells. |
21. | Robert D. Goldman (Northwestern Univ.) : Dynamic aspects of the cytoskeletal system during cell movement and shape determination. |
22. | K. Ohashi and K. Maruyama (Chiba Univ.) : Localization of Z-protein, the Z disk lattice protein of skeletal muscle, in intestinel epithelial cells. |
23. | Sachiko Tsukita, Shoichiro Tsukita and H. Ishikawa (Univ. of Tokyo) : The filament organi zation in smooth muscle cells. |
24. | M. Okuno (Univ. of Tokyo) and Elias Lazarides (Calif. Inst. Tech.) : Location of α-actinin and effect of anti-α-actinin antibodies microinjected into differentiating muscle culture cells. |
25. | N. Kamiya (Osaka Univ. and NIBB), R. D. Allen (Dartmouth Coll.) and Y. Yoshimoto (NIBB): Dynamic organization of Physarnm plasmodium. |
26. | T. Masaki (Univ. of Tsukuba): Immunochemical analysis of embryonicmyosin and α-actinin. |
27. | T. Obinata (Chiba Univ.) : Differentiation of C-protein during embryonic development of chicken skeletal muscle. |
N. Kamiya (Osaka Univ. and NIBB) : Closing Remarks |