Program |
Opening Remarks: Yoshiaki Suzuki, NIBB |
Welcome Address: T. S. Okada, Director General, NIBB |
Introductory Lecture: "Structural Basis of Cell to Cell Interaction" |
Kiyoshi Hama, Professor, Laboratory of Morphology, |
National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS) |
1. |
On the molecular organization, diversity and functions of desmosomal proteins. |
Malcom S, Steinberg, Hisato Shida, George J. Giudice, Stephen M. Cohen, Mariko Shida, Nipam H. Patel and Orest W. Blaschuk (Princeton University) |
2. |
Desmocalmin: A calmodulin- and keratin filament-binding high-molecular-weight protein isolated from desmosomes. |
Sachiko Tsukita and Shoichiro Tsukita (University of Tokyo) |
3. |
Segregation of the luminal and basolateral membrane domains: Regulative roles of tight junction and microtubules. |
Akihisa Segawa, H. Tamaki, N. Sahara*, K. Suzuki* and S. Yamashina (Kitazato University and *Matsumoto Dental College) |
4. |
Hepatoskeletal system formed by Ito cells in livers of some teleosts. |
Hisao Fujita and Haruyuki Tatsumi (Osaka University Medical School) |
5. |
Multiplicity of gap junction proteins. |
Jean-Paul Revel, S. B. Yancey, B. Nicholson and J. Hoh (California Institute of Technology) |
6. |
Expression of the lens gap junction protein in lens transdifferentiation from pigmented epithelial cells. |
Ryuji Kodama, Kiyokazu Agata, Kenji Watanabe and Gora Eguchi (NIBB) |
7. |
Modulation of cell communication and carcinogenesis. |
Yoshinobu Kanno, Taira Enomoto and Yoshiki Shiba (Hiroshima University) |
8. |
Cell adhesion molecules and morphogenesis. |
Masatoshi Takeichi, Yasuaki Shirayoshi, Kohei Hatta and Akinao Nose (Kyoto University) |
9. |
A quick freeze-deep etch and immunocytochemical analysis of cell membrane cytoskeleton during transdifferentiation of retinal pigmented epithelial cells in vitro. |
Robert O. Kelly, Ryuji Kodama* and Gora Eguchi* (University of New Mexico and *NIBB) |
10. |
Two types of microfilament bundles in pigment epithelial cells of the chick. |
Katsushi Owaribe (Nagoya University) |
11. |
Cytoskeletal organizations in the terminal web of the epithelial cells and their relations with intercellular junctions. |
Nobutaka Hirokawa (University of Tokyo) |
12. |
Microtubles and cell division in the mouse intestinal epithelium. |
Harunori Ishikawa and Y. Jinguuji (Gumma University) |
13. |
Cleavage furrow: Its isolation and properties. |
Issei Mabuchi, Shoichiro Tsukita, Sachiko Tsukita and T. Sawai* (University of Tokyo and *Yamagata University) |
14. |
Contractile protein dynamics and cell movements. |
Thomas D. Pollard (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine) |
15. |
The intermediate filament protein, its implication in cytogenesis and morphogenesis of the CNS (central nervous system). |
Setsuya Fujita (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine) |
16. |
Neuronal recognition in amphibian visual system. |
Hajime Fujisawa and Shin Takagi (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine) |
17. |
Arbolization pattern of axon in the rat hyppocampal pyramidal neuron. |
Nobuaki Tamamaki and Yoshiaki Nojyo (Fukui Medical School) |
18. |
Morphogenesis of nervous system analyzed by mutant mice using primary chimera technique. |
Katsuhiko Mikoshiba (Osaka University) |
Closing Remarks: Goro Eguchi, Chairman, NIBB |