
大学共同利用機関法人 自然科学研究機構



NIBBコンファレンス - 開催リスト

The 36th NIBB Conference "Stress Signaling and Stress Responses in Plants"

Organizers Norio Murata
Venue National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki , 444-8585, Japan
Date Jan. 9-11, 1996
第 36 回基礎生物学研究所コンファレンス「植物におけるストレスシグナリングとストレス応答」は当該分野の最新の研究成果について高度な討論をするために企画された。近年、植物の環境ストレスに対する応答機構の研究が盛んに行われるようになった。その結果として、環境ストレスのシグナルの伝達機構がいくつかの先駆的な研究によって明らかにされつつあり、シグナル伝達物質としてカルシウムが注目を集めている。また、ストレス応答の結果として得られるストレス耐性の分子機構も明らかにされつつある。そこで本コンファレンスでは、ストレスシグナルの伝達物質としてのカルシウムの研究分野とストレス耐性の研究分野の融合をはかり、新たなアイディアと研究分野を産み出すことを目的とした。国際的雰囲気に包まれて進行したこの試みは成功をおさめ、終始活発な討論や情報交換がなされ、さらにその後の国際共同研究を産み出している。また内外の参加者からは多くの賛辞が寄せられた。参加者は国外から 18 名、国内から 22 名、基礎生物学研究所から 30 名であった。
January 9 (Tuesday) Morning
10:00-10:10 Opening Address-Norio Murata (Organizer, NIBB)
10:10-10:20 Welcome to NIBB-Hideo Mohri (Director General of NIBB)
Session I. Tolerance and acclimation to stress
Chairpersons: Hans J. Bohnert and Tapio E. Paiva
10:20-10:55 Hayashi, Hidenori (Ehime University)
  Enhancement of salt tolerance of cyanobacteria and higher plants by transformation of the gene for choline oxidase.
10:55-11:30 Takabe, Tetsuko (Nagoya University)
  Glycinebetaine accumulation stabilizes rubisco in cyanobacteria transformed with bacterial bet genes under salt stress.
11:30-12:05 Bohnert, Hans J. (University of Arizona)
  Salinity tolerance-signaling pathways, plant development and biochemical responses.
12:05-12:25 Discussion
12:25-12:40 Group Photo
12:40-13:50 Lunch
January 9 (Tuesday) Afternoon
Session I. Tolerance and acclimation to stress (continued)
13:50-14:25 Verma, Desh Pal S. (Ohio State University)
  Osmotic Stress in Plants: Role of praline and sulfur.
14:25-15:00 Paiva, Tapio E. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
  Cold Acclimation and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis.
15:00-15:35 Chen, H. H. Tony (Oregon State University)
  Abscisic acid-induced freezing tolerance in plant cells.
15:35-16:05 Coffee Break
16:05-16:40 Inzé, Dirk (Universiteit Gent)
  Defense mechanisms of plants to oxidative stress.
16:40-17:15 Nishimura, Mikio (NIBB)
  Chaperonins and temperature stress in higher plants.
16:15-17:45 Discussion
18:00-20:00 Reception (at Faculty Club)
January 10 (Wednesday) Morning
Session II. Stress-induced gene expression
Chairpersons: Montserrat Pages and Naoki Sato
9:00-9:35 Leone, Antonella (Universita di Napoli)
  Genes for fatty acid desaturases: control of the expression by external stimuli.
9:35-10:10 Murata, Norio (NIBB)
  Low-temperature-induced gene expression of acyl­ lipid desaturases.
10:10-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-11:15 Maresca, Bruno (International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, Napoli)
  Membrane lipid perturbation  sets the temperature of heat shock response in yeast.
11:15-11:50 Sato, Naoki (Tokyo Gakugei University)
  Cold-regulated cyanobacterial rbp genes.
11:50-12:20 Discussion
12:20-13:20 Lunch
January 10 (Wednesday) Afternoon
Session II. Stress-induced gene expression (continued)
13:20-13:55 Pagès, Montserrat (Gentro de Investigaciò i Desenvolupament)
  In vivo significance and functionality of ABRE-like motifs in the promoter of the abscisic acid responsive genes from maize.
13:55-14:30 Shinozaki, Kazuo (RIKEN)
  Gene expression and signal transduction in Arabidopsis under water stress.
14:30-15:05 Bartels, Dorothea (Max-Plank Institut fur Zuhtungsforshung)
  Isolation of genes invloved in the ABA signal transduction pathway of the resurrection plant Araterostigma plantagineum.
15:05-15:30 Discussion
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
Session III. Stress-induced signals
Chairpersons: Dorothea Bartels and Yasunori Machida
16:00-16:35 Machida, Yasunori (Nagoya University)
  Cutting activates the PMSAP (plant multisignal­ activated protein) kinase in plants.
16:35-17:10 Boss, Wendy F.(North Carolina State University)
  Regulation of phosphoinositide metabolism and the responsive state of the cell.
17:10-17:45 Nagy, Ferenc (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
  Temperature dependent phosphorylation of the S6 ribosomal protein in plant cells.
17:45-18:15 Discussion
19:00-21:00 Banquet (at Restaurant Tsukushi)
January 11 (Thursday) Morning
Session  IV. Ca2+ signaling
Chairpersons: Russell L. Jones and Hidetoshi Iida
9:00-9:35 Iida, Hidetoshi (NIBB)
  Calcium signaling in the yeast mating process.
9:35-10:10 Sanders, Dale (University of York)
  Calcium channels and calcium-based signalling at the plasma membrane and tonoplast.
10:10-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-11:15 Wu, Yan (Rockefeller University)
  IP3 and calcium mediate activation of two ABA responsive genes.
11:15-11:50 Jones, Russell L. (University of California)
  Calcium, calmodulin and signal transduction in barley aleurone.
11:50-12:20 Discussion
12:20-13:20 Lunch
January 11 (Thursday) Afternoon
Session V. Ca2+ in stress response
Chairpersons: Rajinder S. Dhindsa and Masashi Tazawa
13:20-13:55 Tazawa, Masashi (Fukui University of Technology)
  Hydration-induced Ca2+ release from internal stores in Characean cells.
13:55-14:30 Nakamura, Kenzo (Nagoya University)
  Signal transduction in the sugar-inducible gene expression in plants.
4:30-15:05 Muto, Shoshi (Nagoya University)
  Hypoosmotic shock induced elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ and subsequent activation of protein kinases in tobacco suspension culture cells.
15:05-15:25 Discussion
15:25-15:55 Coffee Break
15:55-16:30 Cleland, Robert E. (University of Washington)
  Intracellular and extracellular calcium and their role in gravity stress responses.
16:30-17:05 Frohnmeyer, Hanns (University of Freiburg)
  Analysis of UV-light dependent signal transduction events parsley and soybean cell cultures.
17:05-17:40 Dhindsa, Rajinder S. (McGill University)
  Cold-induced expression of Cas genes of Alfalfa is mediated by calcium signaling.
17:40-18:00 Discussion
18:00-18:10 Closing Remarks-Norio Murata
