
大学共同利用機関法人 自然科学研究機構



NIBBコンファレンス - 開催リスト

The 11th NIBB Conference "Mechanism of Cell Movement V"

Organizers Noburo Kamiya
Venue National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki , 444-8585, Japan
Date Mar. 14-16, 1983

Masutaro Kuwabara (Director General, NIBB) : Welcome address
Yukio Hiramoto (NIBB and Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) : Business and Introduction
1. K. Kuroda and E. Manabe (Osaka Univ.): Cytoplasmic streaming in Caulerpa.
2. R. Nagai and S. Fukui (Osaka  Univ.) :  Cytoplasmic  streaming in Acetabularia.
3. Y. Yoshimoto (NIBB): ATP-and Calcium-controlled contraction in a saponin model of Physarum plasmodium.
4. T. Shimmen (Univ. of Tokyo),  Y. Tominaga  (St. Agnes Jr. Coll.)  and M. Tazawa  (Univ. of Tokyo) : Studies on cytoplasmic streaming in cell models of Characeae.
5. K. Takahashi (Hokkaido Univ.) : Morphological aspects of thiophosphorylated and dephosphorylated myosin molecules from the plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum.
6. S. Hatano, H. Sugino and K. Ozaki (Nagoya Univ.) : Effects of fragmin and  profilin on actin polymerization.
7. K. E. Wohlfarth-Bottermann (Universitat Bonn) :  Contractile and structural reactions to impedients of energy metabolism in Physarum polycephalum.
8. N. Kamiya (NIBB) : Motility characteristics of the myxomycete plasmodium.
9. Y. Hiramoto (NIBB and Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) : Analysis of pronuclear migration and chromosome movement in sea urchin eggs by local application of Colcemid.
10. Y. Hamaguchi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) and S. Inoue (Marine Biol. Lab. Woods Hole) : Reversible anchorage of the mitotic apparatus to the cell surface.
11. H. Sato and T. Kato (Sugashima Marine Biol. Lab., Nagoya Univ.) : Differential effect of mitotic arresters for the spindle assembly and chromosome movement.
12. K. Izutsu (Mie Univ.) : Microtubular organization and distribution of dynein in mitotic spindles of animal cells.
13. M. Yano and Y. Yamamoto (Univ. of Tokyo) : Actomyosin motor made of active fragments of myosin and F-actin from rabbit skeletal muscle.
14. I. Mabuchi (NIBB and Univ. of Tokyo) and H. Hosoya (Univ. of Toky): Actin modulating proteins in echinoderm eggs.
15. K. Fujiwara (Harvard Medical School) : Cell Biology of the stress fiber in situ.
16. L. G. Tilney (University of Pennsylvania) : How actin  filaments  pack into bundles  and what this tells us about hearing
17. Sachiko Tsukita, Shoichiro Tsukita and H. Ishikawa (Univ. of Tokyo) : Bidirectional polymerization of G-actin on the human erythrocyte membrane.
18. S. Ebashi (Univ. of Tokyo and NIPS) : Diversity of calcium regulation mechanism in contractile systems.
19. H. Onishi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), T. Wakabayashi (Univ. of Tokyo) and T. Kamata (Nat. Chem. Lab. for Ind.) and S. Watanabe (Gunma Univ.) : ATP-induced  change in the shape  of chicken gizzard myosin.
20. T. Endo, M. Kuroda and T. Masaki (Univ. of Tsukuba) : Localization of α-actinin isoforms, eu-actinin, and vinculin during myogenesis.
21. K. Maruyama (Chiba Univ.): Native connectin, and elastic protein of striated muscle.
22. S. Maekawa and H. Sakai (Univ. of Tokyo) : Isolation and  characterization of  starfish sperm fascin.
23. D. Epel (Stanford Univ.) : Intracellular pH and activation of sperm motility.
24. R. Kamiya (Nagoya Univ.) and G. B. Witman (Worcester Found. for Exp. Biol.) : Novel behavior of flagellar axonemes and microtubules in Nonidet-extracted Chlamydomonas.
25. S. Higashi-Fujime (Nagoya Univ.): Active movement of actomyosin from muscle.
26. T. Yanagida (Osaka Univ.) : Direct observation of  F-actin-phalloidin-rhodamine complex under a fluorescence microscope.
27. H. Nagashirna (Nagoya Univ.) : Movement of myosin filaments in the presence of F-actin and ATP.
28. H. Y. Kubota, T. Takeichi and M. Yoneda (Kyoto Univ.): Surface movement in amphibian eggs.
29. K. Takahashi and Kamimura (Univ. of  Tokyo)  : Dynamic aspects of microtubule sliding in flagella.
30. M. Morisawa, M. Okuno (Univ. of Tokyo), S. Morisawa (St. Marianna Univ.), K. Ishida (Teikyo Univ.) and H. Mohri (Univ. of Tokyo) : Initiation of sperm motility in animals.
31. I. R. Gibbons (Univ. of Hawaii) : Patterns of  tubule  sliding associated  with steady  state and transient beating of sperm flagella.
32. Shoichiro Tsukita, Sachiko Tsukita, J. Usukura and H. Ishikawa (Univ. of Tokyo) : ATP­ dependemt structural changes of the  dynein outer arm in Tetrahymena  cilia : A freeze­ etch replica study.
33. Y. Yano-Toyoshima and T. Miki-Noumura (Ochanomizu Univ.) : Isoelectric focusing of 21S dynein from sea urchin sperm flagella.
34. T. Shimizu (Res. Inst. for Polymers and Textiles) and K. A. Johnson(Pennsylvania State Univ.) : The mechanism of vanadate inhibition of  the dynein  ATPase :  Kinetic evidence for multiple dynein heads.
35. M. E. Porter (Ochanomizu Univ.) and K. A. Johnson (Pennsylvania State Univ.) : The kinetics of ATP-induced dissociation of the dynein-microtubule complex.
36. Y. Watanabe and K. Ohnishi (Univ. of Tsukuba) : Studies on calmodulin and other Ca2+ binding protein in the cilia of Tetrahymena.
