Program |
Opening remark by Prof. M. Kuwahara (Prof. Emeritus, NIBB) |
1. |
R. Glantz (Rice Univ.): Invertebrate visual system. |
2. |
K. Mimura (Nagasaki Univ. and NIBB): Neuronal basis of pattern discrimination in the fly. |
3. |
Y. Okada and T. Yamaguchi (Okayama Univ.): Nonspiking visual interneurons in the crayfish brain. |
4. |
T. Ichikawa (Kyushu Univ.): Chromatic properties of visual interneurons in the swallowtail butterfly larva. |
5. |
T. Goto (Gifu Univ.): Chaetognath photoreceptor. |
6. |
K. lsono (Tohoku Univ.): Rhodopsin mutants in Drosophila. |
7. |
J. Wine (Stanford Univ.): Invertebrate motor system. |
8. |
T. Shimozawa and M. Kanou (Hokkaido Univ.): Threshold analyses of sensory afferents, interneurons, and motoneurons in the cricket cereal system. |
9. |
A. Komatsu (Tokyo Women's Med School): Neuronal mechanisms controlling ventilation in the dragonfly larva. |
10. |
Y. Kondo (Hokkaido Univ.): Neural organization of crayfish abdominal ganglia. - Does ganglionic fusion produce local neurons? |
11. |
M. Takahata (Hokkaido Univ.): Role of local non-spiking interneurons in the equilibrium control system of crayfish. |
12. |
H. Okumura (Hokkaido Univ.): Giant axons and withdrawal reflex in Sabellid worms. |
13. |
M. Burrows (Cambridge Univ.): Transmission without spikes. |
14. |
M. Mizunami and H. Tateda (Kyushu Univ.): Synaptic transmission mediated with and without spikes between second- and third-order neurons of cockroach ocellus. |
15. |
Y. Toh (Kyushu Univ.): Neural organization of the cockroach ocellar system. |
16. |
K. Mori (Gunma Univ.): Spatial distribution of the dendrnitic synaptic output and the axon collateral synaptic output of principal cells in the rabbit olfactor bulb. |
17. |
M. Kawasaki (Sophia Univ. and NIBB): Dynamic sensitivity of vertebrate retinal neurons. |
18. |
J. Toyoda (St. Marrianna Med School): Application of transretinal stimulation for the study of bipolar-amacrine transmission. |
19. |
R. Shapley (Rockefeller Univ.): Signal processing in CNS. |
20. |
K. Tanaka (Res. Lab. NHK): Parallel flow of signals in the primary visual cortex. |
21. |
Y. Shinoda (Tokyo Med. and Dental Univ.): Neural substrates for multiple muscle activation in a mammalian central nervous system: Branching patterns of single neurons in descending motor pathways and cerebello-thalamo-cortical systems. |
22. |
Y. lwamura (Toho Univ.): Functional clustering of neurons in somatosensory cortex of concious monkey. |
23. |
B. N. Christensen (Univ. Texas): Voltage-dependent membrane currents in solitary channel catfish horizontal cells. |
24. |
A. Kaneko (NIPS): Voltage-dependent membrane currents in solitary bipolar cells dissociated from Carassius auratus. |