
大学共同利用機関法人 自然科学研究機構



NIBBコンファレンス - 開催リスト

The 28th NIBB Conference "Dynamics of Thylakoid Membrane Assembly"

Organizers Yoshihiko Fujita
Venue National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki , 444-8585, Japan
Date Feb. 27-29, 1992

第28回NIBBコンファレンスは上記のテーマで平成4年2月26日から29日にかけて開催された。植物をして植物たらしめている光合成の光エネルギー変換系、チラコイド系を中心として、その分化・形成、環境応答、そして老化に至る動態の抱括的な、しかも出来る限り分子レベルでの理解を深めることがこのコンファレンスの目的であった。国外から8名、国内から18名の招待講演者と、51名の参加者をえ、卓抜な発表をもとに活発な議論が展開された。それぞれの研究グループの up-to-date な研究情報の交換にとどまらず、これを通じて国内外の研究者、あるいは研究グループの間に共同研究の計画が芽生え、その実現へ向けての準備が進められている。このコンファレンスが一つの契機となり、この研究領域での国際的な研究交流が加速されることが期待されている。
Opening Remarks : I. Takeuchi (Director-General of NIBB)
Organizer : Y. Fujita (NIBB)
1. H. Kobayashi, Y. Niwa, K. Kobayashi (University of Shizuoka)
  Transcriptional regulation of genes for photosynthesis during the formation of various plastids.
2. D. A. Christopher, M. Kim and J. E. Mullet (Texas A & M University)
  Light-regulated expression of psbD-psbC during monocot and dicot chloroplast development.
3. Y. Sasaki (Kyoto University)
  Nucleo-chloroplast interaction in greening pea leaves.
4. K. Iba (Kyushu University)
  Formation of functionally active chloroplasts is determined at a limited stage of leaf development in virescent mutants of rice.
5. J. H. Argyroudi-Akoyunoglou (NRC Demokritos)
  Expression and stabilization of the LHC-apoprotein in Phaseolus vulgaris.
6. A. Tanaka (Kyoto University)
  Distribution and redistribution of chlorophyll molecules in the formation of chlorophyll-protein complexes.
7. T. Takabe (Meijo University)
  Biogenesis of PSI and cytochrome b6-f complexes.
8. M. Ikeuchi (RIKEN)
  Low-molecular-mass proteins of PSII in wild-type and various PSII mutants of Synechocystis 6803.
9. Y. Takahashi (Okayama University)
  Insertional inactivation of psaC of Chlamydomonsa reinhardtii by chloroplast transformation.
10. Y. Fujita, A. Murakami, K. Aizawa and K. Ohki (NIBB)
  Regulation of PSI formation in response to the electron transport state in thylakoid system of cyanophytes.
11. E. Gantt, F. X. Cunnigham and L. Mustardy  (University of Maryland)
  Light quality acclimation responses: photosystem I and II in situ localization.
12. A. Melis (University of California)
  Modification of thylakoid membrane structure and function by irradiance.
13. J. F. Allen (University of Oslo)
  Protein phosphorylation and control of protein-protein interaction in photosynthetic membranes.
14. G. W. Schmidt (University of Georgia)
  In vitro and in vivo modifications of light-harvesting proteins.
15. N. Murata, I. Nishida and H. Wada (NIBB)
  Gene-engineered maniplations of fatty-acid unsaturation of membrane lipids in higher plants and cyanobacteria.
16. A. Ogawa (RIKEN)
  NADH dehydrogenase as a component of PSI cyclic electron transport in Synechocystis 6803.
17. C. Miyake and K. Asada (Kyoto University)
  Thylakoid-bound ascorbate peroxidase.
18. H. Salter and B. Andersson (Stockholm University)
  In vitro studies of light induced inhibition of photosystem II and proteolytic activities associated with DI-protein degradation.
19. K. Satoh (Okayama University)
  Mechanism of light-induced synthesis of D1 protein in isolated chloroplasts.
20. A. K. Mattoo, D. T. Elich, M. L. Ghirardi, S. K. Sopory, F. E. Callahan and M. Edelman (ARS Agri. Res. Ctr., Weizmann Institute)
  Light modulation of D1 turnover and PSII dynamics in higher plant chloroplasts.
21. T. Ono (RIKEN)
  Photodamage on donor side of Mn-depleted PSII.
22. T. Kuwabara (Tsukuba University)
  Prolyl endopeptidase from spinach photosystem II membranes.
23. T. Mae (Tohoku University)
  Changes in the level of photosynthetic components in rice and Lolium temulentum leaves aged under different irradiances from full expansion through senescence and their relations to gas exchange.
24. A. Watanabe (Nagoya University)
  Cytoplasmic but not chloroplastic glutamine synthetase is required for the translocation of nitrogen from senescing chloroplasts.
25. H. Sakakibara, T. Hase and T. Sugiyama (Nagoya University)
  Differential control of glutamine synthetase and ferredoxin glutamate synthase by light and nitrogen in maize.
26. I. Suzuki, T. Omata and T. Sugiyama (Nagoya University, RIKEN)
  Regulation of nitrate reductase gene by nitrogen sources in Synechocystis PCC7942.
