
大学共同利用機関法人 自然科学研究機構



NIBBコンファレンス - 開催リスト

The 44th NIBB Conference "Evolution and Development : Generality and Diversity of Development in Animals and Plants"

Organizers Mitsuyasu Hasebe
Hirokazu Tsukaya
Venue Okazaki Conference Center, Okazaki, Japan
Date Mar. 21-23, 2000
 多細胞生物の個体発生は、単細胞生物から多細胞生物への進化の結果、獲得されたものである。近年、いくつかのモデル生物で発生の分子機構の解明が進み、それを比較することにより、発生過程および発生した結果できあがる形態がどのように進化してきたかを推定できるようになってきた。その結果、Evolutionary Developmental Biology(EvoDevoと略される)とよばれる研究分野が生まれ、興味深い成果をあげつつある。後生動物と緑色植物は、多細胞生物の二大グループであり、両者は単細胞の祖先から平行的に多細胞化したと推定されている。したがって、発生、器官分化過程は著しく異なっており、そこで機能する遺伝子の種類も異なっている。しかしながら、両者ともにホメオティックセレクター遺伝子が発生過程に重要な役割を持っており、未分化な組織を区画化して複雑なボディープランを形成していくという点では同じ手法を使っているなど、いくつかの共通点も見付かってきた。このような潮流を受け、第 44 回基礎生物学研究所コンファレンス「Evolution and Development : Generality and Diversity of Development in Animals and Plants(発生と進化:動物と植物の共通性と多様性)」を開催した。ここでは、後生動物と緑色植物、およびそれらの祖先である原生動物、藻類における発生過程の分子機構を比較検討し、多細胞生物の発生様式の共通性と多様性について考究し、さらに従来、同一の会議に参加する機会が少なかった動物と植物の発生学者がほぼ半数ずつ集い、異なった立場から意見交換を行うことを目標にした。国外 9 人、国内 24 人の招待講演者に加え、41 件のポスタ一発表があり、参加者は合計約 210 名にのぼった。とりわけ、若手研究者の参加が多く、本分野に対する将来性が期待された。

The 44th NIBB Conference

Tuesday, March 21, 2000
12:45-13:15 Registration
13:15-13:20 Opening Address: M. Hasebe (NIBB)
13:20-13:30 Welcome to NIBB: H. Mohri (NIBB)
Session 1: Origin and Phylogeny of Multicellular Organisms: Phylogeny, Evolution of Genes, and Cell to Cell Communication.
Chairperson: H. Hori (Nagoya Univ.)
13:30-13:55 I. Inouye (Tsukuba Univ.)
  "Algal diversity and character evolution"
13:55-14:20 T. C. Takahashi and T. Tabata
  (JT Biohistory Research Hall)
Chairperson: Y. Machida (Nagoya Univ.)
14:20-14:45 K. Goto (Kyoto Univ.)
  "A non-cell-autonomous function of Arabidopsis TERMINAL FLOWER 1 is exerted by developmentally regulated protein trafficking"
14:45-15:00 Coffee Break
Session 2: Establishment and Maintenance of Stem Cells.
Chairperson: Y. Nagahama (NIBB)
15:00-15:25 K. Mikami (Miyagi Univ. Education)
  "Maintenance of germinal micronuclei as'stem nuclei'in Paramecium."
15:25-16:05 H. Schoof, M. Lenhard, R. Gross-Hardt, A. Haecker, and T. Laux (Univ. Tubingen, Germany)
  "Where no cell is a permanent cell": regulation of stem cell identity in the shoot meristem of Arabidopsis"
Session 3: Mechanisms and Evolution of Axes formation.
Chairperson: T. Nagata (Univ. Tokyo)
16:05-16:45 L. Galweiler, J. Friml, A. Muller, E. Benkova, K. Nettesheim,  and K. Palme (Max-Delbruck-Laboratorium in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany)
  "PIN-pointing the molecular basis of polar auxin transport"
16:45-17:00 Coffee Break
Chairperson: M. Tasaka (NAIST)
17:00-17:40 C. S. Hardtke, J. Mattsson, and T. Berleth (Univ. Toronto, Canada)
  "Auxin signals in plant cell axis formation and vascular development"
17:40-18:05 K. Okada (Kyoto Univ.)
  "Axis-dependent development of plant organs"
Chairperson: N. Ueno (NIBB)
18:05-18:30 H. Takeda (NIG)
  "Induction and segmentation of the mesoderm in fish embryos"
18:30-18:55 H. Shibuya (NIBB)
  "Interaction between Wnt and TGF- β signalling pathways during formation of Spemann's organizer.
18:55-19:20 Y. Sasai (Univ. Kyoto)
  "Regulatory genes of CNS development: lessons from fly, frog and mouse studies."
19:30-21:00 Mixer
Wednesday, March 22, 2000
Session 4: Establishment of Positional Information
Chairperson: K. Akasaka (Hiroshima Univ.)
9:00-9:40 B. Galliot, F. Mazet, C. Berney, J. Pawlowski, and D. Gauchat (Univ. Geneva, Switzerland)
  "Evolution of Antp-class genes and differential expression of Hydra Hox/paraHox genes in anterior patterning"
9:40-10:20 C. Minguillon, D.E.K. Ferrier, P.W.H. Holland*, J. G. Fernandez (Univ. Barcelona, Spain, *Univ. Reading, UK)
  "Amphioxus Hox and ParaHox clusters: ended or never ending?"
10:20-10:35 Coffee Break
Chairperson: T. Araki (Kyoto Univ.)
10:35-11:00 J.-I. ltoh (Univ. Tokyo)
  "SHOOT ORGANIZATION genes regulate pattern of leaf initiation and growth of leaf domain in rice"
11:00-11:25 M. Tasaka and M. Aida (NAIST)
  "Cotyledons and shoot apical meristem formation during embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana"
Chairpersons:T. Kiyosue (NIBB)
11:25-12:05 T. Kinoshita, T. Kiyosue, R. Yadegari, N. Ohad, and R.L. Fischer (Univ. California, Berkeley)
  "Imprinting of Polycomb genes during plant reproduction"
12:05-13:00 Lunch
Chairperson: D. Tomotsune (Osaka Univ.)
13:00-13:25 H. Koseki, Y. Mizutani-Koseki, K. Isono, T. Akasaka, H. Masumoto*, M. Kimura, and T. Nakayama (Chiba Univ., *Nagoya Univ.)
  "The role of mammalian Polycomb group gene products during embryogenesis"
Session 5: Establishment and Diversification of Repeated Structure.
Chairperson: A. Kuroiwa (Nagoya Univ.)
13:25-13:50 Y. Shiga, *S. Hayashi, and H. Yamagata (Tokyo Univ. Phramacy and Life Science, * NIG)
  "Did the genes remain the same? - analysis of homeotic and some other developmental genes in the water flea, Daphnia"
13:50-14:15 S. Hayashi (NIG)
  "Developmental origin of insect limbs"
14:15-14:40 T. Ogura (NAIST)
  "Wing / leg identity, evolution of limbs and Tbx genes"
14:40-15:05 Y. Inoue, T. Mito, and S. Noji (Tokushima Univ.)
  "Development of cricket legs"
15:05-15:20 Coffee Break
Chairperson: H. Tsukaya (NIBB)
15:20-16:00 B. Veit (Massey U., New Zealand)
  Molecular and genetic analyses of the plant phytomer
16:00-16:25 T. Araki (Kyoto Univ.)
  "A pair of related genes regulating floral transition"
16:25-16:50 M. Hasebe and *M. Ito (NIBB, *Chiba Univ.)
  "Origin and evolution of floral homeotic genes in green plants"
Chairperson: K. Okada (Kyoto Univ.)
16:50-17:30 U. Nath and E. Coen (John Innes Centre, UK)
  ℃ ontrolof floral symmetry"
17:30-19:00 Poster Session
19:00-20:30 Mixer
<Special lectures> Evolution and Transposons
Chariperson: E. Nitasaka (Kyushu Univ.)
20:30-21:00 A. Koga and H. Hori (Nagoya Univ.)
  Survival strategy of transposable elements
21:00-21:30 S. Iida (NIBB)
  "Transposable elements as a major spontaneous mutagen in the morning glories"
Thursday, March 23, 2000
Session 6: Evolution of Vertebrates
Chairperson: H. Wada (Kyoto Univ.)
9:00-9:25 N. Satoh (Kyoto Univ.)
  "Differentiation of notochord in Ascidian embryos"
9:25-10:05 P. Ahlberg (Natural History Museum, UK)
  "Phylogenetic perspectives on the evolution and patterning of vertebrate morphology"
10:05-10:30 S. Kuratani (Okayama Univ.)
  "Molecular patterning mechanism of the craniofacial ectomesenchyme and the evolution of the vertebrate jaw"
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
Session 7 Pattern Formation of Tissue and Organs
Chairperson: M. Asashima (Univ. Tokyo)
10:45-11:10 S. Aizawa (Kumamoto Univ.)
  Head developmental in mouse
11:10-11:35 K. Agata, Y. Umesono, S. Koinuma, *A.S. Alvarado, *P. Newmark, and K. Watanabe (Himeji Inst. Technol., * Carnegie Inst. Washington)
  "Evolution of the genetic program for brain development"
Chairperson: K. Goto (Kyoto Univ.)
11:35-12:00 H. Tsukaya (NIBB)
  "Genetic regulations for two dimensional expansion of leaves"
12:00-12:10 Closing address: K. Agata (Himeji Inst.Technol.)
