
大学共同利用機関法人 自然科学研究機構



NIBBコンファレンス - 開催リスト

The 27th NIBB Conference "Plant Organelle Proteins : Biosynthesis, Targeting and Assembly"

Organizers Mikio Nishimura
Venue National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki , 444-8585, Japan
Date Mar. 14-16, 1991

第27回基礎生物学研究所コンファレンス「 Plant Organelle Proteins : Biosynthesis, Targeting and Assembly 」は、特別研究「生体膜を場とする複合分子系の機能とその形成に関する研究」の研究活動の一環として、平成3年3月14日~16日に職員会館2階会議室において開催された。参加者は、外国人研究者19名、日本人研究者65名で、29件の研究発表と活発な討議が行われた。
Opening Remarks : I. Takeuchi (Director-General of NIBB)
Organizer : M. Nishimura (NIBB)
1. A. Alpi (Universita' degli Studi di Pisa)
  Some new aspects on plant peroxisomal metabolism.
2. L. De Bellis and M. Nishimura (NIBB)
  Reverse transition of peroxisomes to glyoxysomes in senescing pumpkin cotyledons.
3. T. Hattori1, M. Suzuki2 and T. Asahi2 (1Mie University, and 2Nagoya University)
  Regulation of expression of catalase genes in the castor bean.
4. J. Harada, L. Comai, J. Z. Zhang and L. J. Olsen (Universety of California, Davis)
  Biogenesis of peroxisomal proteins.
5. M. Yamada1, S. Tsuboi1, T. Osafune2, R. Tsugeki3 and M. Nishimura3 (1University of Tokyo, 2Tokyo Medical College, and 3NIBB)
  Nonspecific lipid transfer protein and glyoxysome.
6. M. Nishimura, R. Tsugeki and H. Mori (NIBB)
  Translocation of plant peroxisomal proteins.
7. T. Ohno, Y. Habu, P. Surin, Y. Sakata and K. Umemoto (Hokkaido  University)
  Developmentally controlled and organ specific expression of kunitz-type chymotrypsin inhibitors in winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L. (DC.)).
8. B. McGuri1, G. Pearce1, S. Johnson1, D. Strydom2 and C. A. Ryan1 (1Washington State University, and 2Harvard Medical School)
  Signaling systems for inducible proteinase inhibitor genes.
9. K. Nakamura (Nagoya University)
  Regulation of expression of genes coding for sporamin, a vacuolar storage protein of sweet potato tuberous roots.
10. S. S. M. Sun1, S. B. Altenbach2 and W. Zuo1 (1University of Hawaii and 2Plant Cell Research Institute)
  Biosynthesis, processing and regulation of 2S seed storage proteins.
11. S. Naito, T. Fujiwara,  M.  Yokota,  H. Tsukaya, K.  Goto,  M. Chino  and  Y. Komeda  (University of Tokyo)
  Genetic approaches toward understanding seed specific gene expression using transgenic Arabidopsis.
12. P. McCourt (Nagoya University)
  Genetic and molecular analysis of catalase in Arabidopsis.
13. N. V. Raikhel, S. Y. Bednarek and J. E. Dombrowski (Michigan State University)
  Sorting mechanism of barley lectin to the vacuoles of plant cells.
14. K. Matsuoka and K. Nakamura (Nagoya University)
  Characterization of the propeptide of the precursor to sporamin that is required for vacuolar targeting.
15. A. von Schaewen, H. Hofte and M. J. Chrispeels (University of California, San Diego)
  Targeting of tonoplast and vacuolar proteins in plant cells.
16. M. Maeshima (Hokkaido University)
  Vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase and membrane development in mung bean hypocotyls.
17. L. Beevers (University of Oklahoma)
  Aspects of vacuole assembly in higher plants. Involvement of clathrin coated vesicles and anion transporters of the tonoplast.
18. I. Hara-Nishimura, K. Inoue and M. Nishimura (NIBB)
  Dynamic aspect of biogenesis of protein bodies.
19. T. Minamikawa and D. Yamauchi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
  Expression of SH-EP (thiol-endopeptidase) gene in germinating Vigna mungo seeds.
20. T. D. Ho, S. M. Koehler, B. C. Holwerda and J. C. Rogers (Washington University)
  Hormonal regulation, processing and secretion of barley aleurone cysteine proteinases.
21. S. Arai (University of Tokyo)
  Oryzacystatins as the first well-defined cystatins of plant  origin  and  their  target  proteinases  in rice seeds.
22. T. Akazawa (Nagoya University)
  Overview : biosynthesis of rice α-amylase. - structure, secretory pathway and gene expression -
23. A. Huang (University of California, Riverside)
  Structure, function, biosynthesis, and assembly of oil body proteins in seeds.
24. K. Muntz1, R. Jung1, G. Saalbach1, I. Saalbach M. P. Scott2, and N. C. Nielsen3 (1Institute of Genetics and Crop Plant  Research,  FRG,  2Purdue  University  and  3USDA  Agricultural  Research Service)
  Processing and vacuolar sorting of field bean legumin in transgenic yeast and tobacco.
25. I. Nishida, Y, Tasaka, O. Nishizawa, S. Higashi, H. Shiraishi and N. Murata (NIBB)
  Expression and targeting of the plastidial glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase.
26. C. Robinson (University of Warwick)
  Protein transport across chloroplast membranes.
27. A. Watanabe, T. Konishi and Y. Maruta (Nagoya University)
  Processing and import into thylakoid vesicles of the 23-kDa protein  of  oxygen-evolving complex.
28. J. E. Mullet (Texas A & M University)
  Regulation of chlorophyll-protein synthesis in chloroplasts.
29. Y. Fujita (NIBB)
  Regulation of photosystem I assembly in cyanophytes.
Concluding : M. Nishimura (NIBB)
