
大学共同利用機関法人 自然科学研究機構



NIBBコンファレンス - 開催リスト

The 25th NIBB Conference "Inositol Phosphates and Ca2+Signaling"

Organizers Katsuhiko Mikoshiba
Venue National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki , 444-8585, Japan
Date Feb. 16-18, 1990

第25回基礎生物学研究所コンファレンス「 Inositol Phosphates and Ca2+ Signaling 」は、平成2年2月16日~18日に基生研一階会議室において開催された。参加者は外国人研究者2名、日本人研究者47名で、細胞内情報伝達機構におけるイノシトールリン酸とカルシウム動態と役割について、17件の有意義な研究発表と活発な論議が行われた。
Opening Remarks : I. Takeuchi (Director General, NIBB)
Organizer : T. Yoshioka (Waseda Univ.)
                     K. Mikoshiba (NIBB)
1. S. Miyazaki, and T. Fujiwara (Tokyo Women's Medical College)
  Phosphoinositide signalling pathway and Ca2+release at fertilization.
2. H. Kuroda, H. Soga, R. Kuroda, M. Ohsawa, S. Obata, and Y. Imae (Nagoya University)
  A transient elevation in intracellular calcium concentration during the fertilization of sea urchin eggs.
3. D. L. Gill (University of Maryland School of Medicine.)
  Regulation of inositol trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ pools.
4. Y. Nomura, M. Tohda, T. Takasu, S. Kaneko, S. Yamagishi, H. Sugiyama, and S. Ozaki (Hokkaido University, Kyoto  University,  National  Institute  for  Physiological  Science,  and Ehime University)
  Involvement of inositol phosphates and Ca2+ in acetylcholine- and serotonin- evoked  current in oocytes injected with rat brain mRNA.
5. T. Hasegawa, and S. Kumagai (Saga Medical School)
  A G-protein of sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle is activated by caffeine or inositol trisphosphate.
6. Y. Watanabe (Osaka University)
  Qualitative changes of inhibitory GTP-binding protein.
7. Y. Okano, T. Fu, T. Tohmatsu, and Y. Nozawa (Gifu University)
  Ins (I, 4, 5)P3 generation and intracellular calcium concentration changes in plasma membrane receptor activation : InsP3 mass content and calcium imaging analysis.
8. A. Ogura, and H. Higashida (Mitsubishikasei Institute of Life Sciences and Kanazawa University)
  Regulation of neurotransmitter release analyzed in synapses formed in vitro.
9. N. Takasu (Shinshu University)
  Inositol phosphates and Ca signaling in thyroid cells : IGF-I (Insulin-like Growth Factor- I) and EGF  stimulate  inositol  phosphates  accumulation,  a rise  in  cytoplasmic  free  Ca and proliferation.
10. M. J. O. Wakelam, S. Palmer, R. Plevin, S. J. Cook and B. MacNulty (University of Glasgow)
  Changes in Ins (1, 4, 5)P3 concentration in mitogen stimulated fibroblasts.
11. T. Nakaki, N. Sasakawa, and R. Kato (Keio University School of Medicine)
  Characterization of inositol phosphate formation in cultured adrenal chromaffin cells.
12. M. Iino (University of Tokyo)
  Modulation of the inositol trisphosphate-induced calcium release by calcium and adenine nucleotides.
13. K. Kuba, S. -H. Hua, and M. Nohmi (Saga Medical School)
  Excitation-induced Ca2+ dynamics in bullfrog sympathetic neurons.
14. T. Horikoshi, K. Yanagisawa, A. Miyazawa, E. Ito, T. Yoshioka, T. Nakamura, and Y. Kudo (Tsurumi University, Waseda University, and Mitsubishikasei Institute of Life Sciences)
  Developmental changes of PIP2-immunostaining and glutamate-response in the rat cerebellar slice.
15. M. Hirata, Y. Watanabe, S. Ozaki, and T. Koga (Kyushu University, and Ehime University)
  Synthetic inositol trisphosphate analogs and their effects on phosphatase, kinase  and  the release of Ca2+.
16. N. Maeda, M. Niinobe, and K. Mikoshiba (Osaka University, and National Institute for Basic Biology)
  A cerebellar Purkinje cell marker P400 protein is an inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate (IP3)receptor protein ……Puri fication and characterization of IP3 receptor complex.
17. T. Furuichi, A. Miyawaki, S. Yoshikawa, K. Wada, N. Maeda and  K.  Mikoshiba  (National Institute for Basic Biology and Osaka University)
  Primary structure  and  functional  expression  of  the  inositol  I, 4, 5-trisphosphate-binding protein P400·
