
大学共同利用機関法人 自然科学研究機構



NIBBコンファレンス - 開催リスト

The 15th NIBB Conference "Information Processing in Neuron Network II : White-noise Analysis"

Organizers Ken-ichi Naka
Venue National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki , 444-8585, Japan
Date Mar. 18-20, 1985

Welcome Address
Tokindo Okada, the Director General of NIBB
1. Fluctuation applied to probability theory.
  Takeyuki Hida (Nagoya Univ.)
2. Some theoretical approach to the input-output relationship of the vertebrate visual system.
  Shunsuke Sato, Kyoji Nakai, Ken-ichi Naka, and Eiki Hida (Osaka Univ. and NIBB)
3. Structural testing and identification of nonlinear systems by input-output measure­ ment.
  Hai-wen Chen, Naohiro Ishii, and Masanori Sakuranaga (Nagoya Inst. of Tech. and Nippon Med. School)
4. Stochastic description of neural interaction.
  Peter Johannesma (Univ. of Nijmegen)
5. Models of neuron.
  Ken-ichi Hara (Yamagata Univ.)
6. Estimation of Wiener kernels of a nonlinear system and fast algorithm using digital laguerre filters.
  Hisanao Ogura (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.)
7. Ogura's fast algorithm for Wiener kernel estimation and its application to nonlinear biological system identification.
  Sei-ichi Izumi, Shunsuke Sato, and Ken-ichi Naka (Osaka Univ. and NIBB)
8. An application fo Karhunen-Loeve expansion to measurement of Volterra kernels.
  Atsushi Watanabe and Makoto Yokoyama (Tokyo Metropolitan. Univ.)
9. Characterization of nonlinear systems by discrete Volterra functional series.
  Kazuyuki Murase and Shiro Usui (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)
10. Reconstruction of retinal horizontal cell response by ionic currents.
  Shiro Usui, H. Ikeno, and K. Murase (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)
11. What is the dynamics in the retinal neurons.
  Masanori Sakuranaga and Yu-ichiro Ando (Nippon Med. School and NIBB)
12. Retinal circuitry seen through white-noise analysis.
  Ken-ichi Naka (NIBB)
13. Dopamine modulates the spatial and temporal properties of catfish horizontal cells.
  John E. Dowling (Harverd Univ.)
14. An approach to the analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of the cat retina.
  Jonathan Victor (Rockefeller Univ.)
15. Sptio-temporal  visual  receptive-field  analysis by a micro computer system.
  Makoto Mizuno, Minoru Tsukada, Eiki Hida, and Ken-ichi Naka (Tamagawa Univ. and NIBB)
16. Numerical analysis of signal transmission in crayfish brain.
  Yoshio Watanabe (Chiba Univ.)
17. Nonlinear lateral inhibit1io0n imn visual system: axioms and implications for adaptation.
  Robert B. Pinter (Univ. of Washington)
18. Periventricular unit activity alterations induced by aversive Periventricular electrical stimulations.
  Guy Sandney and Minoru Tsukada (Strasburg Univ. and Tamagawa Univ.)
19. Markov system theory and its application to the receptive field of cat's retinal cells.
  Minoru Tsukada, Mitsuo Terasawa, and T. Iihara (Tamagawa Univ.)
Closing remarks
Ken-ichi Naka
