Practical Spoken English 1~10
1st half/2nd half
1 credit each half
12 Others/Multiple Programs offered
Jeremiah Sechrist, Okazaki Keiichi, Ueda Takashi,
Kinoshita Noriyuki, Yoshimura Yumiko
Four-grade evaluation
Level : Level 1
Competence : Global competitiveness
Communication and Presentation courses taught by SOKENDAI English lecturer Jeremiah Sechrist focus on improving and building the communication and presentation skills necessary for researchers. Classes incorporate both lecture and student practice exercises touching on subjects such as handling questions, presenting clear, logical arguments,etc.
■Learning objectives
•Gain communication skills to actively and effectively participate in an academic environment
•Learn presentation and argumentation techniques to engage in scientific meetings and conferences
•Become able to present ideas clearly and logically
■Grading policy
SOKENDAI students who are officially registered for the course will receive a grade/credit. Scores are based on completion of class presentations and assignments. Attendance and participation are also weighted heavily.
Participation and attendance: 80% Coursework: 20%
■Lecture Plan
Prospective students may choose to take either Presentation or Communication class. Upon approval of the lecturer, Jeremiah Sechrist, it is also possible to participate in both courses in one semester. Each class is held for 1 hour each week, and class size ranges between 4-6 students. The class schedule is based around students’ availability whenever possible.
Schedule for Course Registration and Classes
• Students should send necessary application materials to Jeremiah Sechrist by mid- April
• Level check interviews for new students will be carried out at the end of April
• Students will receive class information and schedules at the beginning of May
• Classes are held from May until September with a summer break in mid-August
Shokuin-kaikan 2F English room, NIBB (Myodaiji) Seminar room 2, Yamate 2F small conference room, ZOOM
■Textbooks and references
Communication course: students will be assigned a textbook based on their English level. Please refer to your class information email when deciding which textbook to purchase.
Presentation course: classes are based on the ideas outlined in The NIG Method: A Course on Scientific Presentation in English「遺伝研メソッドで学ぶ科学英語プレゼンテーション」(Tatsumi Hirata, Todd Gorman, Yasushi Hiromi). Purchase of this text is not required.
■Notes for students of other programs
Depending on student numbers, there may be openings for students outside the campuses at NINS, Okazaki to attend classes by using Zoom. Interested students should contact Jeremiah Sechrist at
■Related URL
■Explanatory note on above URL
English Education Program HP
■Contact for Course Inquiries
Jeremiah Sechrist (e-mail: