
National Institutes of Natural Sciences

National Institute for Basic Biology

PhD Program



2nd Half
1 Credit
47 Basic Biology Program
Four-grade evaluation
Level : Level 2
Competence : Academic expertise
Bioimaging is the visualization of information inside a living organisms to understand biological phenomena. Visualization targets multidimensional information that spans space and time, such as the form, size, number, and distribution of substances that make up living organisms, as well as local temperature and pH within living organisms.
This lecture will include lectures and practices from experts in each field on various techniques for visualization, image analysis to extract information from them, and technology for controlling living organisms with light.

・Two-photon fluorescence microscopy and super-resolution microscopy (Tomomi Nemoto)
・Structural analysis of biomolecules using cryo-electron microscopy (Kazuyoshi Murata)
・Optical microscopy for 3D and 4D observation: Light sheet microscope (Shigenori Nonaka)
・Technology to capture various omics information spatiotemporally (Ken-ichi Suzuki)
・Technology to control living organisms using light (Yasuhiro Kamei)

・Quantitative image analysis to extract biological information (Kagayaki Kato & Yusaku Ohta)
■Learning objectives
Understand cutting-edge visualization techniques for life sciences and learn the basics of quantitative image analysis.
■Grading policy
The lectures will be graded based on attendance and submission of one or more reports on topic(s) of your choice.The practices will be graded based on attendance and participation status. Both are summarized as a four-point scale evaluation.
■Lecture Plan
February 4 (Tue), 2025
10:30−12:00 Yasuhiro Kamei
13:00−14:30 Yusaku Ohta
14:30−16:00 Yusaku Ohta
16:00−17:30 Shigenori Nonaka

February 5 (Wed), 2025
09:00−10:30 Kagayaki Kato
10:30−12:00 Kagayaki Kato
13:00−14:30 Ken-ichi Suzuki
14:30−16:00 Kazuyoshi Murata
16:00−17:30 Tomomi Nemoto

*Please bring your own laptop for the practices (Ohta and Kato).
Seminar room B at 9F, Building 3, ExCELLS (Yamate campus)
■Textbooks and references
"Watch all living things! How to choose and use imaging 100+" Experimental Medicine Special Edition Vol.36 No.20 (2018) (Japanese)
■Notes for students of other programs
Students from other courses are welcome to enroll. However, since the course will be held face-to-face, students whose home base is not Okazaki will need to come to Okazaki. Accommodation of the institute is available.
For details, please contact Shigenori Nonaka (snonaka@nibb.ac.jp).
Lectures: MURATA Kazuyoshi, NEMOTO Tomomi, OHTA Yusaku, KATO Kagayaki, SUZUKI Ken-ichi, NONAKA Shigenori
quantitative image analysis, image measurement, optical sheet microscopy, cryo- electron microscopy, two-photon fluorescence microscopy, super-resolution microscopy, IR-LEGO (Infrared laser-evoked gene operator)
■Contact for Course Inquiries
Shigenori Nonaka snonaka@nibb.ac.jp