This lecture will not be offered in 2024.
The following is the information on the lecture offered in 2023.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 2
2nd Half
1 credit
49 Genetics Program
Four-grade evaluation
Level : Level 2
Competence : Academic expertise
Basic features of molecular and cellular biology will be lectured and discussed. These include dynamics of cell, organelles and cytoskeleton, metabolism, protein traffic, signal transduction and cell imaging.
■Learning objectives
1. Elucidation of biological phenomena at a cellular level
2. Understanding methods to analyze at a cellular level
■Grading policy
The grades will be A, B, C, and D, which are determined by the quality of the paper, which must be submitted to the lecturer by the provided deadline. The subject(s) of the paper must be one of the four important aspects that are presented in the above Course Objectives.
■Lecture Plan
October 20, 2023- January 26, 2024 13:30-15:10 on Fridays
October 20 Shin-ya Miyagishima, Cell Structure
October 27 Akatsuki Kimura, Cytoskelton
November 17 Tomomi Tsubouchi, Cell Cycle and Cell Differentiation
November 24 Shigenori Nonaka, Cilia and Flagella
December 15 Takashi Ueda, Intracellular Transport
January 5 Kazuhiro Aoki, Signal Transduction
January 19 Yoshiaki Kamada & Shoji Mano, Autophagy
January 26 Yuhei Goto, Meiosis
For Genetics Program students: Oral and Zoom: Lecture Room (B202) or Seminar Room (B301), 2nd or 3rd floor of Library in the National Institute of Genetics / For Basic Biology Program students: Zoom online
■Textbooks and references
Molecular Biology of the Cell (7th eds), B. Alberts et al., W. W. Norton & Company. Lewin’s Genes XII, JE. Krebs et al., Jones&Bartlett Learning
■Notes for students of other programs
It is given as an oral lecture, which will be provided in English.