Basic Biology Seminar I~V
Whole Year
1 credit
47 Basic Biology
Shoji Mano
Four-grade evaluation
Level : Level 4
Competence : Academic expertise, Broad perspective, Global competence
Students will be attending symposiums and seminars of their choice held within NIBB and learn forefront research in life science directly from the relevant scientists.
■Learning objectives
The goal of Basic Biology Seminar I to V is to acquire a wide range of knowledge over different fields and to develop logical thinking skills by contacting with the cutting-edge research seminars, as well as to develop skills of scientific discussions.
■Grading policy
Credits will be offered based on the evaluation of 5 reports prepared and submitted for the different seminars attended. The reports are evaluated based on the student's understanding of the research stated in the seminar and their ideas regarding remaining topics for the future.
Report Submission and Due Dates:
Assoc. Prof. Shoji Mano
August 9, 2024 (Students starting in the second semester of 2023)
February 7, 2025 (Students starting in the first semester of 2024)
August 8, 2025 (Students starting in the second semester of 2024)
■Lecture Plan
Students will attend the seminars held in NIBB ( The seminars include NIBB Seminars, Open Seminars, Intramural Seminars, Director General's Invitation Seminars and Special Seminars. Only seminars in English are shown in the above web site. The students will learn about the forefront research in life science and the questions for the future. 5 reports in total, each for different seminars attended, should be submitted to be offered credit.
Locations of seminars held (TBA).
English or Japanese
■Textbooks and references
■Notes for students of other programs
This course is intended for students taking the Basic Biology Course. For further information, please contact the Graduate Student Affairs Section, Okazaki Administration Center at
"I-V" in the subject name correspond to the grade (for example, students in the first year of the graduate program should register for "I").
■Contact for Course Inquiries
Shoji Mano