This lecture will not be offered in 2024.
The following is the information on the lecture offered in 2023.
Fundamental Neuroscience 1
2nd Half
1 credit
48 Physiological Sciences Program
Yoshimura, Watanabe, Wake, Nemoto et al.
Four-grade evaluation
Level : Level 3
Competence : Academic expertise, Creativity
This lecture series will focus on the properties of individual neurons, glial cells, and neural circuits, several basic brain functions, and the analytical methods in order to understand the mechanisms for information processing in the brain.
■Learning objectives
① To understand the neural basis of sensory function.
② To understand the diversity of neurons and the property of synaptic connections.
③ To understand the properties and functional roles of glial cells.
④ To understand the neural basis of biological rhythms.
⑤ To understand the analytical methods with fluorescence imaging.
■Grading policy
Students must attend at least half of the lectures to get credit. Students are requested to submit an essay report on the assignment by the dead line. The grades are determined by the quality of the report.
■Lecture Plan
Date and Time: Friday 10:00-11:30 from October 2023 to December 2023 (see below)
1st lecture, October 27 (Fri)
‘Visual function I’ Yumiko Yoshimura
2nd lecture, November 10 (Fri)
‘Visual function II’ Taisuke Yoneda
3rd lecture, November 17 (Fri)
‘Visual function III (visual illusions and brain model studies)’ Eiji Watanabe
4th lecture, November 24 (Fri)
‘Somatosensory function’ Madoka Narushima
5th lecture, December 1 (Fri)
‘Architecture and functional significance of cortical microcircuit’ Yoshiyuki Kubota
6th lecture, December 8 (Fri)
‘Physiological and pathological functions of glial cells’ Hiroaki Wake
7th lecture, December 15 (Fri)
‘Neural basis of biological rhythms’ Ryosuke Enoki
8th lecture, December 22 (Fri)
‘Fluorescence imaging’ Tomomi Nemoto
Online using Zoom or onsite (Lecture room, NIPS Myodaiji Building 1F or Seminar room B of the Yamate 3rd Building 9F)
■Textbooks and references
■Notes for students of other programs
Students in courses other than the Physiological Sciences course should contact the following email address before enrolling in the course.
D1 and D2 students in the Physiological Sciences course are strongly recommended to take this class. Students from all courses are also welcome.