基礎生物学研究所 阿形清和所長が国際再生生物学会(The International Society for Regenerative Biology, ISRB)の国際再生生物学会賞 (The Lifetime Achievement Award)を受賞しました。
2023年9月4日、オーストリアのウィーンで開催された第1回 国際再生生物学会において、授賞式と受賞記念講演が行われました。また、学会の晩餐会がウィーン市庁舎にて行われ、ウィーン市長によって受賞者の紹介が行われました。
Dr. Agata first became interested in tissue regeneration studying lens regeneration as an undergraduate in the 1970’s, and he has been a leader in investigation of regeneration in planarian flatworms for the past three decades. He is recognized for establishing fundamental methodologies in this system, and among other findings his group has identified molecular mechanisms underlying control of brain regeneration and of whole-animal polarity during regeneration. His discoveries, including how positional information is organized and how signaling gradients may act to impart positional values, broadly relate to stem cell and regenerative biology across species. He has made great efforts to advance the field of regenerative biology, and its applied sister field of regenerative medicine, and he has a long history in representation of academic societies and organization of international activities. He has been a dedicated advisor to junior scientists throughout his career, and his mentoring record includes oversight of 33 PhD theses.
授賞式にてメダルを掲げる阿形所長(Photo by ISRB)

受賞記念講演を行う阿形所長 (Photo by Research Core for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Okayama Univ.)
