年次 grade |
時期 time |
5年一貫制博士課程 5-year Ph. D. course |
博士後期課程 3-year Ph. D. course |
all grades |
4.1 - 9.30 |
前学期授業期間 1st Semester |
前学期授業期間 1st Semester |
4月上旬 beginning of Apr. |
前学期履修届提出・科目履修決定 Course Registration of 1st Senester |
前学期履修届提出・科目履修決定 Course Registration of 1st Senester |
前学期科目履修・研究活動の開始 Start of 1st Semester |
前学期科目履修・研究活動の開始 Start of 1st Semester |
10.1 - 3.31 |
後学期授業期間 2nd Semester |
後学期授業期間 2nd Semester |
10月上旬 beginning of Oct. |
後学期履修届提出・科目履修決定 Course Registration of 2nd Senester |
後学期履修届提出・科目履修決定 Course Registration of 2nd Senester |
後学期科目履修・研究活動の開始 Start of 2nd Semester |
後学期科目履修・研究活動の開始 Start of 2nd Semester |
11月 or 12月 Nov.or Dec. |
生命科学リトリート Life science retreat |
生命科学リトリート Life science retreat |
生命科学リトリートは、生命科学研究という共通基盤を持ちながら専門分野が異なる複数のコース(遺伝学、基礎生物学、生理科学、統合進化科学、および関連分野)の学生・教員が学術交流を行う。 Life Science Retreat is a course for academic exchange among students and faculty members of several programs (Genetics, Basic Biology, Physiological Sciences, Integrative Evolutionary Science, and related fields) who share a common basis in life science research but have different areas of specialization. |
生命科学リトリートは、生命科学研究という共通基盤を持ちながら専門分野が異なる複数のコース(遺伝学、基礎生物学、生理科学、統合進化科学、および関連分野)の学生・教員が学術交流を行う。 Life Science Retreat is a course for academic exchange among students and faculty members of several programs (Genetics, Basic Biology, Physiological Sciences, Integrative Evolutionary Science, and related fields) who share a common basis in life science research but have different areas of specialization. |
適時 any time |
基礎生物学プログレス Basic Biology Progress
Advice on research and oral presentation will be given by a supervisor and other staff members in each laboratory. |
基礎生物学プログレス Basic Biology Progress
研究計画、進捗状況、今後の方針を指導教員および同研究室所属の他教員の前で発表し、質疑を行う。 Advice on research and oral presentation will be given by a supervisor and other staff members in each laboratory. |
適時 any time |
先端学術院特別研究 Dissertation Work in Advanced Studies
Planning research, learning research techniqus and writing skils. |
先端学術院特別研究 Dissertation Work in Advanced Studies
Planning research, learning research techniqus and writing skils. |
適時 any time |
基礎生物学論文演習 Basic Biology Reading Seminar
Reading recent papers, and discussing about the research topics on Life Science. |
基礎生物学論文演習 Basic Biology Reading Seminar
Reading recent papers, and discussing about the research topics on Life Science. |
1年次 D1 |
4月上旬 beginning of Apr. |
入学式 Entrance Ceremony at Hayama campas |
4月上旬 beginning of Apr. |
フレッシュマンコース Freshman Course |
4月中旬 middle of Apr. |
ガイダンス guidance |
5月~3月 May - Mar. |
基礎生物学特論 Class "Introduction to Basic Biology"
Introduction of research works at NIBB by all professors. |
2年次 D2 |
7月 or 8月 July or Aug. |
基礎生物学プログレス(第一回ポスター発表) Basic Biology Progress (1st Presentation)
Advice on research and poster presentation will be given by all faculty members. |
3年次 D3 |
4月上旬 beginning of Apr. |
入学式 Entrance Ceremony at Hayama campas |
4月上旬 beginning of Apr. |
フレッシュマンコース Freshman Course |
4月中旬 middle of Apr. |
ガイダンス guidance |
5月~3月 May - Mar. |
基礎生物学特論 Class "Introduction to Basic Biology"
Introduction of research works at NIBB by all professors. |
4年次 D4 |
7月 or 8月 July or Aug. |
基礎生物学プログレス(第二回ポスター発表) Basic Biology Progress (2nd Presentation)
Advice on research and poster presentation will be given by all faculty members. |
基礎生物学プログレス(ポスター発表) Basic Biology Progress Report (Presentation)
Advice on research and poster presentation will be given by all faculty members. |
5年次 D5 |
12月下旬~1月上旬 late Dec. - beginning of Jan. |
博士論文提出 submit doctoral thesis |
博士論文提出 submit doctoral thesis |
1月下旬 late Jan. |
論文審査会 thesis defense |
論文審査会 thesis defense |
2月上旬 late Feb. |
博士論文公開発表会 oral presentation of doctoral thesis |
博士論文公開発表会 oral presentation of doctoral thesis |
3月下旬 late Mar. |
学位授与式(葉山) Graduation |
学位授与式(葉山) Graduation |