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第9回 生物学国際高等コンファレンス(OBC9) "Marine BiologyⅡ" 参加者募集

基礎生物学研究所は、第9回生物学国際高等コンファレンス(OBC9) “ Marine BiologyⅡ”を2012年10月14日(日)〜10月19日(金)の日程で開催いたします。開催にあたり、ポスター発表参加者を募集します。


We are calling for posters for the 9th Okazaki Biology Conference (OBC). This conference will be held exclusively for active participants aiming for lively discussion. Those hoping to take part in the discussions should apply to give a poster presentation. Preference will be given to applicants who will attend the entirety of the conference schedule.


The OBCs are international conferences initiated by the leadership of the National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB) aiming to create new international networks of scientists as well as to facilitate the development of future areas of research in the biological sciences. The theme of the 9th OBC will be "Marine Biology II".


The ocean is the source of life and home to a wide variety of organisms. NIBB hosted the previous “Marine Biology” meeting (OBC6) with the understanding that marine biology is becoming one of the most important fields in biology. As the second meeting on marine biology, OBC9 will focus more on Cnidarians including corals and their symbiotic algae, because this research field is still developing rapidly and already providing many unexpected observations and insights of general significance. The scientific sessions will cover genomics, Evo-Devo, photosynthesis, ecophysiology, circadian rhythms, and symbiosis. Through these sessions, we would like to discuss the current problems and future potential of the field in basic biology. We are looking forward to hearing exciting new research results from all over the world.



Date: October 14th (Sun) - 19th (Fri), 2012

Location: Okazaki, Aichi (Oct. 14-17) & Onna-son, Okinawa (Oct. 17-19), Japan


How to apply:

Please e-mail us your name, affiliation, position and a summary of your poster presentation (about 200 words) to the conference office at obc9@nibb.ac.jp


Application deadline is June 15th, 2012.

(Acceptance notification will be e-mailed by June 29th, 2012)


Estimated registration fee: approximately 20,000 yen including meals, and reception fee.

In addition, estimated transportation and accommodation fees* (approximately 100,000 yen) will be required.

*These are approximate estimation and are subject to change.



Nori Satoh (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan)

Thomas C. G. Bosch (University of Kiel, Germany)

Jun Minagawa (National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan)







Circadian rhythm




Denis Allemand (CSM), Eldon Ball (ANU), Thomas Bosch (CAU), Sylvain Foret (ANU), Sebastian Fraune (CAU), Toshitaka Fujisawa (NIG), Ruth Gates (UH Manoa), Shun Hamada (FWU), Masayuki Hatta (Ochanomizu Univ.), Michio Hidaka (Univ. of the Ryukyus), Thomas Holstein (Univ. of Heidelberg), Evelyn Houliston (CNRS), Masayoshi Kawaguchi (NIBB), Konstantin Khalturin (CAU), Takao Kondo (Nagoya Univ.), Haruko Kurihara (Univ. of the Ryukyus), François Lallier (SBR), Tony Larkum (Univ. of Sydney), Oren Levy (Bar-Ilan University), Michael Manuel (CNRS), Tadashi Maruyama (JAMSTEC), David Miller (James Cook Univ.), Jun Minagawa (NIBB), Peter Ralph (UTS), Eugene Rosenberg (Tel Aviv Univ.), Kazuhiko Sakai (Univ. of the Ryukyus), Nori Satoh (OIST), Chuya Shinzato (OIST), Eiichi Shoguchi (OIST), Joel Smith (WHMBL), Shunichi Takahashi (ANU), Ulrich Techau (Univ. of Vienna), Ann Terrant (WHOI), Peter Vize (Univ. of Calgary), Virginia Weis (OSU), David Yellowlees (James Cook Univ.)


URL: https://www.nibb.ac.jp/obc9

Please visit the website for further information.



The 9th Okazaki Biology Conference Administration Office at Office of International Cooperation, National Institute for Basic Biology.

TEL: +81 (0)564-55-7596

E-mail: obc9@nibb.ac.jp