統合バイオサイエンスセンター(植物発生) 塚谷グループが ”Development”誌に論文を発表しました。本研究は、環境耐性プログラムによる韓国グループの招聘により実現したものです。当プログラムに厚く謝意を表します。
● Development誌
発刊及びナンバー: 2004年1月号 130巻161-172頁
論文タイトル:The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
論文著者:Chan Man Ha. Gyung-Tae Kim. Byung Chul Kim. Ji Hyung Jun. Moon Soo Soh. Yoshihisa Ueno. Yasunori Machida. Hirokazu Tsukaya and Hong Gil Nam
Abstract:The plant leaf provides a unique me ans to reveal the mechanisms of organ formation and morphogenesis. The key factors that control leaf morphogenesis include the timing. location. and extent of meristematic activity during cell division and differentiation.
We identified an Arabidopsis mutant in which the regulation of meristematic cellular activities in leaves was aberrant. The recessive mutant allele blade-on-petiole1-1 (bop1-1) produced ectopic. lobed blades along the adaxial side of petioles on the cotyledon and rosette leaves. The ectopic organ. which had some of the characteristics of foliage leaf blades with formation of trichomes in a dorsoventrally-dependent manner. was generated by prolonged and clustered cell division activity in the mutant petioles.
Ectopic. lobed blades were also formed on the proximal sides of cauline leaves that lacked a petiole. which suggests that BOP1 regulates the meristematic activity of leaf cells both in the petiole regions and in a proximodistally-dependent manner. Proximodistality-dependent ectopic outgrowths were also observed in petals. which are modified leaves. Three class I knox genes. i.e.. KNAT1. KNAT2. and KNAT6. were expressed aberrantly in the leaves of the bop1-1 mutant. We conclude that BOP1 promotes or maintains a developmentally determinate state in leaf cells via the regulation of class I knox1 genes. However. BOP1 controls leaf morphogenesis as well as other developmental programs. since the developmental fates of the ectopic meristematic cells are limited within the context of leaf proximodistality. dorsoventrality. and heteroblasty.
The bop1-1 mutation phenotype was enhanced in double mutants with as1-1 or as2-2 mutations. which are known to be defective in the regulation of meristematic activity and class I knox gene expression in leaves. This result suggests that BOP1 and AS1 or AS2 control leaf meristematic activity in an additive or synergistic manner. Finally. BOP1 appears to regulate meristematic activity in organs other than leaves. since the mutation also causes some ectopic outgrowths on stem surfaces and at the base of floral organs.
2004/01/24 中日新聞
2004/01 Development