オオミヤシの種子の形 Seed shape of Lodoicea maldivica


Lodoicea maldivica is called double coconut because of the twin shape, although it is a single seed with a single embryo.


An embryo localizes at the arrow head.


さて、どんな遺伝子がどう変わることによってこんな大きな種子ができたのだろうか。ラフレシア、Puya raimondii、ジャイアントロベリア、ジャイアントセネシオなど被子植物にはいくつか巨大化したものがある。しかし、どれも、いったい何が変わることによって大きくなったのかは研究例が無い。

I couldn’t find any papers that studied why the shape of Lodoicea maldivica seeds is different from that of other palm trees. One possibility is that an embryo can get nutrients from the endosperm evenly and efficiently, if an embryo is located at the center of the seed. This may be because the if the embryo is at the end of the seed, the distance from the embryo to the end of the endosperm varies depending on the direction from the embryo. Then the efficiency of nutrient supply to the embryo differs depending on the location of the endosperm. On the other hand, if the embryo is in the center of the seed, as in Lodoicea maldivica seeds, the distance to the end of the endosperm will be equal, so it may be that nutrients are supplied equally from all directions. The validity of this hypothesis can be examined by observing how the endosperm declines after germination.

By the way, what kind of genetic changes and how did they produce such large seeds? Rafflesia, Puya raimondii, Giant Lobelia, Giant Senesio, and so on. Some of the angiosperms grow larger than others. However, none of them have been studied to find out what genetically changed to make them really larger.

カテゴリー: 0.6.0.Seeds, 5.06.09.Arecales.ヤシ目, Organ size 器官サイズ パーマリンク