マルバマンネングサの奇妙なシュート構造 Curious shoot structure of Sedum makinoi

Shoot and inflorescence structure of Sedum makinoi

マルバマンネングサの花序は奇妙な構造をしている(邑田 2024)。栄養成長期は葉を十字対生する(1)。生殖期になると、茎頂分裂組織は花原基となり花(2)を形成する。そして、花の下側かつ、花の直下の対生葉(3)と90度ずれた十字対生になる方向へ2本の枝(4)を出す。枝の先には葉(5)が1枚あり、その葉腋に花(6)ができる。この葉(5)と花(6)の間から葉(5)と十字対生の方向に枝(7)が出る。以上を次々に繰り返し、花序ができていく。

 被子植物は胚発生初期に茎頂分裂組織ができ、その後は、葉腋に新しい茎頂分裂組織ができ、枝となる。葉腋にできる新しい分裂組織(腋芽原基)は、茎頂分裂組織と葉の相互作用によってできる(総説としてWang and Jiao 2018, Nicolas and Laufs 2022)。そのためか、被子植物の99%以上の種で、成長途中に傷害などを受けなければ、葉腋以外に新しい茎頂分裂組織が形成されることはない。マルバマンネングサの場合、葉の無いところから枝(4や7)が出ている点が奇妙である。

The inflorescences of Sedum makinoi have a peculiar structure (Murata 2024 in Japanese). During the vegetative phase, the leaves are arranged in an opposite decussate phyllotaxis (1). When entering the reproductive phase, the apical meristem differentiates into a floral primordium and forms a flower (2). Between the flower and immediately below opposite leaves (3), branches (4) emerge oppositely to the leaves. At the tip of the branch, there is a single leaf (5), and in the axil of this leaf, a flower (6) forms. From between this leaf (5) and the flower (6), branches (7) grow out in the opposite decussate direction relative to the leaf (5). This process is repeated sequentially, forming the curious inflorescence.

In angiosperms, a shoot apical meristem is formed during early embryogenesis, and later, new shoot apical meristems are formed in the leaf axils, giving rise to branches. The new meristem that forms in the leaf axils (axillary meristem primordia) is generated through the interaction between the shoot apical meristem and the leaves (reviewed in Wang and Jiao 2018, Nicolas and Laufs 2022). As a result, in over 99% of angiosperm species, new apical meristems are not formed outside of leaf axils unless the plant is damaged during growth. In the case of Sedum makinoi, it is peculiar that branches (4 and 7) emerge from areas where there are no leaves.

Hypothesis on the inflorescence development of Sedum makinoi



The seemingly peculiar morphology of angiosperms can often be explained by anisotropic growth. Anisotropic growth refers to the growth of specific regions of the plant at a rate or manner different from other regions. The unusual inflorescence of Sedum makinoi can be effectively explained by considering that the base region, including the leaf primordium and its axillary meristem, undergoes differential growth as described below.

In regular angiosperms, it appears that the apical region grows almost uniformly (a). However, in Sedum makinoi, the base of the leaf and its axillary meristem primordium elongates more than other regions (b), causing the portion that includes a single leaf primordium (c) and its axillary meristem (d) to extend and forms a branch (e). The leaf primordium develops into a leaf (“C”). The axillary meristem (d) forms  opposite leaf primordia, their axillary meristem, and a terminal flower (f) just like in the previous shoot. The base (i) of the leaf primordia (g) and axillary meristem primordia (h) elongates (D). Repeating this process results in the inflorescence morphology characteristic of Sedum makinoi. Although the inflorescence of Sedum makinoi may seem peculiar at first glance, it appears that this morphology could have evolved through a simple modification—anisotropic growth at the base of the leaf primordia and the axillary region. Investigating where anisotropic growth occurs during inflorescence formation would allow us to test this hypothesis.

引用文献 Reference

邑田仁. 2024. いろいろな植物で見られるマンネングサ型の花序形態. 植物の友 8: 3-4.

カテゴリー: 5.14.01.Saxifragales.ユキノシタ目, Phyllotaxis 葉序, 未分類 パーマリンク