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    小林 悟(分担者:浅岡美穂)  仁木雄三  吉田松生  小川毅彦(分担者:大保和之)  吉崎悟朗  小林一也  安部眞一  磯谷綾子  齋藤大介  相賀裕美子  嶋 雄一  新屋みのり  恒川直樹  丹羽隆介  砂長 毅  福山征光  金井克晃  佐野浩子  篠原美都  永松 剛  中村修平  吉村 崇

    小林 悟 (分担者:浅岡美穂)


    Y. Hayashi, T. R. Sexton, K. Dejima, D. W. Perry, M. Takemura, S. Kobayashi, H. Nakato and D. *A. Harrison: Glypicans regulate JAK/STAT signaling and distribution of Unpaired, a novel cytokine morphogen. Development 139, 4162-4171 (2012)

    Y. Ohhara, Y. Kayashima, Y. Hayashi, S. Kobayashi and *K. Yamakawa-Kobayashi: Expression of β-adrenergic-like octopamine receptors during Drosophila development. Zoolog Sci 29, 83-89 (2012)

    K. Hashiyama, Y. Hayashi and *S. Kobayashi: Drosophila Sex lethal Gene Initiates Female Development in Germline Progenitors. Science 333, 885-888 (2011)
    ※ショウジョウバエの始原生殖細胞において、雌特異的にSex lethal遺伝子が発現することを見出した。Sex lethal遺伝子を雄の始原生殖細胞で異所的に発現し、雌の生殖巣に移植すると、機能的な卵が形成された。以上の結果より、Sex lethal遺伝子が生殖細胞の雌化のマスター遺伝子であることが明らかとなった。 >> 詳細

    M. Mukai, K. Kato, S. Hira, K. Nakamura, H. Kita and *S. Kobayashi: Innexin2 gap junctions in somatic support cells are required for cyst formation and for egg chamber formation in Drosophila. Mech Dev 128, 510-523 (2011)

    Y, Kitadate and *S. Kobayashi: Notch and Egfr signaling act antagonistically to regulate germline stem cell niche formation in Drosophila male embryonic gonads. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107, 14241-14246 (2010)

    R. Niwa, K. Ito, T. Namiki, Y. Shimada-Niwa, M. Kiuchi, S. Kawaoka, T. Kayukawa, Y. Banno, Y. Fujimoto, S. Shigenobu, S. Kobayashi, T. Shimada, S. Katsuma, and *T. Shinoda: Non-molting glossy/shroud encodes a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase that functions in the "Black Box" of the ecdysteroid biosynthesis pathway. Development 137, 1991-1999 (2010)

    T. Kondo, S. Plaza, J. Zanet, E. Benrabah, P. Valenti, Y. Hashimoto, S. Kobayashi, *F. Payre and *Y. Kageyama: Small peptides switch the transcriptional activity of shavenbaby during Drosophila embryogenesis. Science 39, 336-339 (2010)

    K. Hashiyama and *S. Kobayashi: Expression of genes involved in sumoylation in the Drosophila germline. Gene Expr Patterns 9, 50-53 (2009)

    T. Maezawa, K. Arita, S. Shigenobu and *S. Kobayashi: Expression of the apoptosis inducer gene head involution defective in primordial germ cells of the Drosophila embryo requires eiger, p53 and loki function. Dev Growth Differ 51, 453-461 (2009)

    Y. Hayashi, S. Kobayashi and *H. Nakato: Drosophila glypicans regulate the germline stem cell niche. J Cell Biol 187, 473-480 (2009) >> 詳細

    J. Yatsu, M. Hayashi, M. Mukai, K. Arita, S. Shigenobu and *S. Kobayashi: Maternal RNAs encoding transcription factors for germline-specific gene expression in Drosophila embryos. Int J Dev Biol 52, 913-923 (2008)

    S. Matsuoka, Y. Hiromi and *M. Asaoka: Egfr signaling controls the size of the stem cell precursor pool in the Drosophila ovary. Mech Dev doi: 10.1016/j.mod.2013.01.002 (2013)


    林良樹, 小林悟、中藤博志: ショウジョウバエ生殖幹細胞システムにおける”ニッチの場”構築の分子機構 細胞工学 29, 645-651 (2010)

    小林悟, *浅岡美穂: ショウジョウバエの卵子幹細胞 卵子学 森崇英編、京都大学学術出版会・京都 13-24(2011)

    *浅岡美穂: ショウジョウバエ配偶子幹細胞とニッチ 細胞工学 29, 638-644 (2010)

    *浅岡美穂: 幹細胞の局在を決めるのは何か Surgery Frontier 16, 339-342 (2009)

    *浅岡美穂: ショウジョウバエにおける生殖幹細胞ニッチとその形成機構 細胞工学 27, 653-658 (2008)




    H. Uetake, K. Oka and *Y. Niki: Stable transformation and cloning mediated by piggyBac vector and RNA interference knockdown of Drosophila ovarian cell line. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 47,689-694 (2011)

    T. Sato, J. Ogata and *Y. Niki: BMP and Hh signaling affects primordial germ cell division in Drosophila. Zoolog Sci 27, 804-810 (2010)

    N. C. Lau, N. Robine, R. Martin, Wei-Jen Chung, Y. Niki, Eugene Berezikov, and *Eric C. Lai: Abundant primary piRNAs, endo-siRNAs and microRNAs in a Drosophila ovary cell line. Genome Res 19, 1776-1785 (2009)


    仁木雄三: ショウジョウバエ配偶子幹細胞/ニッチの試験管内での再構築と分化誘導 細胞工学 29, 675-681 (2010)

    仁木雄三: 配偶子幹細胞の細胞株化の紆余曲折 細胞工学 29, 680-681 (2010)

    *Y. Niki: Culturing Ovarian Somatic and Germline Stem Cells of Drosophila. Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol 10: 2E.1.1-2E.1.9. (2009)




    T. Sato, T. Yokonishi, M. Komeya, K. Katagiri, Y. Kubota, S. Matoba, N. Ogonuki, A. Ogura, S. Yoshida and *T. Ogawa: Testis tissue explantation cures spermatogenic failure in c-Kit ligand mutant mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Published ahead of print September 10, 2012

    T. Sato, Y. Aiyama, M. Ishii-Inagaki, K. Hara, N. Tsunekawa, K. Harikae, M. Uemura-Kamata, M. Shinomura, X. B. Zhu, S. Maeda, S. Kuwahara-Otani, A. Kudo, H. Kawakami, M. Kanai-Azuma, M. Fujiwara, Y. Miyamae, S. Yoshida, M. Seki, M. Kurohmaru and Y. Kanai: Cyclical and patch-like GDNF distribution along the basal surface of sertoli cells in mouse and hamster testes. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28367. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028367 (2011)

    R. Sugimoto, Y-i. Nabeshima and S. Yoshida: Retinoic acid metabolism links the periodical differentiation of germ cells with the cycle of Sertoli cells in mouse seminiferous epithelium. Mech Dev 128: 610-624 (2011) doi:10.1016

    A. Gely-Pernot, M. Raverdeau, C. Célébi, C. Dennefeld, B. Feret, M. Klopfenstein, S. Yoshida, N. B. Ghyselinck, and M. Mark: Spermatogonia Differentiation Requires Retinoic Acid Receptor Gamma. Endocrinology 153 438-449 (2011)

    C. K. Matson, M. W. Murphy, M. D. Griswold, S. Yoshida, V. J. Bardwell and D. Zarkower: The Mammalian Doublesex Homolog DMRT1 Is a Transcriptional Gatekeeper that Controls the Mitosis versus Meiosis Decision in Male Germ Cells. Dev Cell 19: 612-624 (2010)

    A. M. Klein, T. Nakagawa, R. Ichikawa, *S. Yoshida and *B. D. Simons: Mouse germ line stem cells undergo rapid and stochastic turnover. Cell Stem Cell 7, 214-224 (2010) >> 詳細

    Y. Nakane, K. Ikegami, H. Ono, N. Yamamoto, S. Yoshida, K. Hirunagi, S. Ebihara, Y. Kubo, *T. Yoshimura: A mammalian neural tissue opsin (Opsin 5) is a deep brain photoreceptor in birds. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107: 15264-15268 (2010)

    T. Nakagawa, M. Sharma, Y-i. Nabeshima, R.E. Braun and *S. Yoshida: Functional hierarchy and reversibility within the murine spermatogenic stem cell compartment. Science 328, 62-67 (2010)  >> 詳細

    H. Suzuki, A. Sada, S. Yoshida and *Y. Saga: The heterogeneity of spermatogonia is revealed by their topology and expression of marker proteins including the germ cell-specific proteins Nanos2 and Nanos3. Dev Biol 336, 222-31 (2009)


    *S. Yoshida: Elucidating the identity and behavior of spermatogenic stem cells in the mouse testis. Reproduction 144, 293-302 (2012)

    *S. Yoshida: Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Male Germline Stem Cells: Developmental and Regenerative Potential, Chapter 8: Stem Cell Niche System in Mouse Spermatogenesis. Springer/Humana Book Chapter 159-175 (2011)

    吉田松生: 配偶子幹細胞 世代をつなぐキープレーヤーの正体と可能性 基礎の基礎, 細胞工学 29, 634-637 (2010)

    北舘祐、吉田松生: マウスの精子形成幹細胞集団とニッチ 細胞工学 29, 652-657 (2010)

    *S. Yoshida: Stem cells in mammalian spermatogenesis. Dev Growth Differ 52, 311-317 (2010)

    *S.Yoshida: Casting back to stem cells. Nature Cell Biology 11, 118-120 (2009)

    *S.Yoshida: Spermatogenic stem cell system in the mouse testis. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposia on Quantitative Biology Series, "Control and Regulation of Stem Cells" Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 73, 25-32 (2009)

    中川俊徳、*吉田松生: 哺乳類精子形成の継続性を保証する幹細胞メカニズム 実験医学 27, 373-379 (2009)


    小川毅彦 (分担者:大保和之)


    T. Sato, T. Yokonishi, M. Komeya, K. Katagiri, Y. Kubota, S. Matoba, N. Ogonuki, A. Ogura, S. Yoshida and *T. Ogawa: Testis tissue explantation cures spermatogenic failure in c-Kit ligand mutant mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA published ahead of print September 10 (2012)
    ※無精子症(精子形成不全)を示す遺伝子変異マウスであるSl/Sldマウスの精巣組織を培養し、不足しているサイトカインKITLを添加することにより、精子形成を誘導した。さらにCSF-1を加えると精子産生まで進むことを発見し、顕微授精で産仔を得た。 >> 詳細

    T. Sato, K. Katagiri, T. Yokonishi, Y. Kubota, K. Inoue, N. Ogonuki, S. Matoba, A. Ogura and *T. Ogawa: In Vitro production of fertile sperm from murine spermatogonial stem cell lines. Nat Commun 472 (2011)
    ※単離した精子幹細胞やその細胞株から精子形成を誘導し、精子産生できるin vitro系として体外移植培養法を開発しました。不妊症モデルマウスから精子幹細胞を採取し、この方法での精子形成誘導にも成功しました。 >> 詳細

    T. Sato, K. Katagiri, A. Gohbara, K. Inoue, N. Ogonuki, A. Ogura, Y. Kubota and *T. Ogawa: In vitro production of functional sperm in cultured neonatal mouse testes. Nature 471, 504–507 (2011)
    ※新生仔マウス精巣組織を培養し、精子形成を誘導して精子産生に成功した。それらの精子を用いた顕微授精で正常な産仔が得られた。また精巣組織片は凍結保存も可能であり、解凍後の精子形成・精子産生にも成功した。 >> 詳細

    *Y. Araki, T. Sato, K. Katagiri, Y. Kubota, Y. Araki and *T. Ogawa: Proliferation of Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Microdrop Culture. Biol Reprod 83, 951-957 (2010)

    A. Gohbara, K. Katagiri, T. Sato, Y. Kubota, H. Kagechika, Y. Araki, Y. Araki and *T. Ogawa: In Vitro Murine Spermatogenesis in an Organ Culture System. Biol Reprod 83, 261-267 (2010)

    T. Watanabe, H. Hayashi, K. Kita, Y. Kubota and *T. Ogawa: Ectopic porcine spermatogenesis in murine subcutis: tissue grafting versus cell-injection methods. Asian J Androl 11, 317-323 (2009)

    K. Tokuishi, S. Yamashita, K. Ohbo and K. Kawahara: Splice variant HE4-V3 expression is associated with favorable prognosis in pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Tumour Biol 33, 103-109 (2012)

    Y. Takada, C. Naruse, Y. Costa, T. Shirakawa, M. Tachibana, J. Sharif, F. Kezuka-Shiotani, D. Kakiuchi, H. Masumoto, Y. Shinkai, K. Ohbo, A. H. Peters, J. M. Turner, M. Asano and H. Koseki: HP1gamma links histone methylation marks to meiotic synapsis in mice. Development 138, 4207-4217 (2011)

    S. Glaser, S. Lubitz, KL. Loveland, K. Ohbo, L. Robb, F. Schwenk, J. Seibler, D. Roellig, A. Kranz, K. Anastassiadis and *AF. Stewart: The histone3 lysine 4 methyltransferase, Mll2, is only required briefly in development and spermatogenesis. Epigenetics & Chromatin 2, 5 (2009)


    小川毅彦: 哺乳類の精子幹細胞のマニピュレーション:医学的な展望や課題を含めて 細胞工学 29, 687-692 (2010)

    小川毅彦: 精子幹細胞 HORMONE FRONTIER IN GYNECOLOGY (1340-220X) 16, 207-212 (2009)

    大保和之小川毅彦: In Vitro 精原細胞培養系の進化 Journal of Mammalian Ova Research,26 (4):178-182 (2009)




    S. Lee, Y. Iwasaki, S. Shikina and G. Yoshizaki: Generation of functional eggs and sperm from cryopreserved whole testes. PNAS (2013) published ahead of print January 14, 2013, doi:10.1073/pnas.12184681
     >> 詳細

    T. Morita, N. Kumakura, K. Morishima, T. Mitsuboshi, M. Ishida, T. Hara, S. Kudo, M. Miwa, S. Ihara, K. Higuchi, Y. Takeuchi and G. Yoshizaki: Production of donor-derived offspring by allogeneic transplantation of Spermatogonia in the yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata). Biol Reprod 86(6), 176 (2012)

    K. Kise, H. Yoshikawa, M. Sato, M. Tashiro, R. Yazawa, Y. Nagasaka, Y. Takeuchi and G. Yoshizaki: Flow-cytometric isolation and enrichment of teleost type A spermatogonia based on light-scattering properties. Biol Reprod 86(4), 107 (2012)

    G. Yoshizaki, T. Okutsu, T. Morita, M. Terasawa, R. Yazawa and Y. Takeuchi: Biological characteristics of fish germ cells and their application to developmental biotechnology. Reprod Domest Anim 47 Suppl 4, 187-192 (2012)

    J. J. Nagler, T. Cavileer, S. Hunter, R. Drew, T. Okutsu, T. Sakamoto and G. Yoshizaki: Non-sex specific genes associated with the secondary mitotic period of primordial germ cell proliferation in the gonads of embryonic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Mol Reprod Dev 78, 181-187 (2011)

    K. Higuchi, Y. Takeuchi, M. Miwa, Y. Yamamoto, K. Tsunemoto, G. Yoshizaki: Colonization, proliferation, and survival of intraperitoneally transplanted yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata spermatogonia in nibe croaker Nibea Mitsukurii recipient. Fisheries Science 77, 69-77 (2011)

    G. Yoshizaki, K. Fujinuma, Y. Iwasaki, T. Okutsu, S. Shikina, R. Yazawa and Y. Takeuchi: Spermatogonial transplantation in fish: A novel method for the preservation of genetic resources. Comp Biochem Physiol Part D: Genomics Proteomics 6, 55-61 (2010)

    G. Yoshizaki, T. Okutsu, M. Ichikawa, M. Hayashi and Y. Takeuchi: Sexual plasticity of rainbow trout germ cells. Anim Reprod 7, 187-196 (2010)

    R. Yazawa, Y. Takeuchi, K. Higuchi, T. Yatabe, N. Kabeya and G. Yoshizaki: Chub mackerel gonads support colonization, survival, and proliferation of intraperitoneally transplanted xenogenic germ cells. Biol Reprod 82, 896-904 (2010)

    S. Shikina, *G. Yoshizaki: Improved In vitro culture conditions to enhance the survival, mitotic activity, and transplantability of rainbow trout type A spermatogonia. Biol Reprod 83, 268-276 (2010)

    K. Nagasawa, S. Shikina, Y. Takeuchi, *G. Yoshizaki: Lymphocyte antigen 75 (Ly75/CD205) is a surface marker on mitotic germ cells in rainbow trout. Biol Reprod 83, 597-606 (2010)

    *G. Yoshizaki G, M. Ichikawa, M. Hayashi, Y. Iwasaki Y, M. Miwa,S. Shikina, T. Okutsu: Sexual plasticity of ovarian germ cells in rainbow trout. Development 137, 1227-1330 (2010)
    ※ニジマスの卵原細胞を性分化前の孵化稚魚の腹腔内へと移植すると、移植細胞は宿主の生殖腺へと移動し、そこで配偶子形成を開始した。移植細胞は宿主の性に応じて、雄では機能的な精子へ、雌では機能的な卵へと分化した。以上の ことからニジマス卵原細胞は高い性的可塑性を有していることが明らかとなった。 >> 詳細

    R. Yazawa, *Y. Takeuchi, K. Higuchi, T. Yatabe, N. Kabeya, G. Yoshizaki: Chub mackerel gonads support colonization, survival, and proliferation of intraperitoneally transplanted xenogenic germ cells. Biol Reprod 82, 896-904 (2010)

    T. Cavileer, S. Hunter, T. Okutsu, G. Yoshizaki, J.J. Nagler: Identification of novel genes associated with molecular sex differentiation in the embryonic gonads of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Sexual Development 3, 214-224 (2009)

    *S. Sakao, T. Fujimoto, T. Kobayashi, G. Yoshizaki, E. Yamaha and K. Arai: Artifically induced tetraploid masu salmon have the ability to form primordial germ cells. Fisheries Science 75, 993-1000 (2009)

    R. Farlora, S. Kobayashi, L.R. França, S.R. Batlouni, S.M.S.N. Lacerda and *G. Yoshizaki: Expression of GFP in transgenic tilapia under the control of the medaka ß-actin promoter: establishment of a model system for germ cell transplantation. Anim Reprod 6, 450-459 (2009)

    Y. Takeuchi, K. Higuchi K, T. Yatabe, M. Miwa, *G. Yoshizaki: Development of spermatogonial cell transplantation in Nibe croaker, Nibea mitsukurii (Perciformes, Sciaenidae). Biol Reprod 81, 1055-1063 (2009)

    A. Yano, K. von Schalburg, G. Cooper, BF. Koop, *G. Yoshizaki: Identification of a molecular marker for type A spermatogonia by microarray analysis using gonadal cells from pvasa-GFP transgenic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Mol Reprod Develop 76, 246-254 (2009)

    S. Boonanuntanasarn, S. Panyim and *G. Yoshizaki: Usage pf putative zebrafish U6 promotors to express shRNA in nile tilapia and shrimp cell extracts. Transgenic Res 18, 323-325 (2009)


    吉崎悟朗、矢澤良輔、岩田岳、樋口健太郎、竹内裕: 魚類の生殖細胞移植による新たな種苗生産技術の開発 -クロマグロを生むサバの作出をめざして-. ブレインテクノニュース 145, 1-5 (2011)

    吉崎悟朗: 魚類の生殖細胞移植:夜明け前. 細胞工学 29, 700-701 (2010)

    吉崎悟朗、奥津智之、竹内裕、市川真幸: 魚類配偶子幹細胞のマニピュレーションとその可能性. 細胞工学 29, 695-699 (2010)

    吉崎悟朗: 魚類生殖細胞の特性とそれを利用した代理親魚技法. 化学と生物 48, 680-687 (2010)

    吉崎悟朗、奥津智之、竹内裕: 生殖細胞の異種間移植による代理親魚養殖技術の実用化. テクノイノベーション2009. 18, 42-46 (2009)

    *G. Yoshizaki, K. Fujinuma, Y. Iwasaki, T. Okutsu, S. Shikina, R. Yazawa, Y. Takeuchi: Spermatogonial transplantation in fish: A novel method for the preservation of genetic resources. Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics 6, 55-61(2010)




    *K. Kobayashi and M. Hoshi: Sex-inducing effect of a hydrophilic fraction on reproductive switching in the planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis (Seriata, Tricladida). Front Zool 8, 23 (2011)

    H. Nakagawa, H. Ishizu, R. Hasegawa, K. Kobayashi and *M. Matsumoto: Drpiwi-1 is essential for germline cell formation during sexualization of the planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis. Dev Biol 361, 167-176 (2011)

    H. Nakagawa, H. Ishizu, A. Chinone, K. Kobayashi and *M. Matsumoto: The Dr-nanos gene is essential for germ cell specification in the planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis. Int J Dev Biol 56, 165-171 (2011)

    *K. Kobayashi T. Maezawa, H. Nakagawa and M. Hoshi: Existence of two sexual races in the planarian species switching between asexual and sexual reproduction. Zoolog Sci 29, 265-272 (2011)

    H. Miyashita, H. Nakagawa, K. Kobayashi, M. Hoshi and *M. Matsumoto: Effects of 17ß-estradiol and bisphenol A on the formation of reproductive organs in planarian. Biol Bull 220, 47-56 (2011)

    *K. Kobayashi, S. Arioka, M. Hoshi and M. Matsumoto: Production of asexual and sexual offspring by inbreeding of the triploid sexual planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis. Integr Zool 4, 265-271 (2009)

    *K. Kobayashi, H. Ishizu, S. Arioka, J. P. Cabrera, M. Hoshi and M. Matsumoto: Production of diploid and triploid offspring by inbreeding of the triploid planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis. Chromosoma 117, 289-296 (2008)

    *K. Kobayashi, T. Hashiguchi, T. Ichikawa, Y. Ishino, M. Hoshi and M. Matsumoto: Neoblast-enriched fraction rescues eye formation in eye-defective planarian ‘menashi’ Dugesia ryukyuensis. Dev Growth Differ 50, 689-696 (2008)


    小林一也・松本緑: プラナリアの生殖様式転換機構と配偶子幹細胞 細胞工学 29, 670-674, (2010)

    小林一也: 本邦初報告となる海水棲マクロストマム2種について 金沢大学環日本海域環境研究センター臨海実験施設研究概要・年次報告 第7号, 20-23, (2010)

    小林一也: 海水氷法により見つけ出した海に棲む扁形動物マクロストマム うみうし通信 64, 4-5, (2009)

    小林一也・松本緑: プラナリアの生殖方法を無性生殖から有性生殖に転換させる化学物質生物と化学 47, 672-673, (2009)

    小林一也・松本緑: 鈴木載男編「身近な動物を用いた実験書2」—プラナリア 三共出版 1-20, (2009)




    H. Ohgami, M. Hiyoshi, M. G. Mostafa, H. Kubo, S. Abe and K. Takamune: Xtr, a plural tudor domain-containing protein, is involved in the translational regulation of maternal mRNA during oocyte maturation in Xenopus laevis. Dev Growth Differ 54, 660-671 (2012)

    *K. Eto, T. Iwama, T. Tajima and S. Abe: The RNA-binding protein xCIRP2 is involved in apoptotic tail regression during metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Gen Comp Endocrinol 179, 14-21 (2012)

    *K. Eto, M. Shiotsuki, T. Sakai and S. Abe: Nociceptin is upregulated by FSH signaling in Sertoli cells in murine testes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 421, 678-683 (2012)

    *K. Eto, S. Goto, W. Nakashima, Y. Ura and S. Abe: Loss of programmed cell death 4 induces apoptosis by promoting the translation of procaspase-3 mRNA. Cell Death Differ 19, 573-581 (2011)

    J. Zhang, K. Eto, A. Honmyou, K. Nakao, H. Kiyonari and *S. Abe: Neuregulins are essential for spermatogonial proliferation and meiotic initiation in neonatal mouse testis. Development 138, 3159-3168 (2011)

    *K. Eto, Y. Sonoda and S. Abe: The kinase DYRKIA regulates pre-mRNA splicing in spermatogonia and proliferation of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells by phosphorylating a spliceosomal component, SAP155, in postnatal murine testes. Mol Cell Biochem 355, 217-222 (2011)




    Y. Fujihara, Y. Satouh, N. Inoue, *A. Isotani, M. Ikawa and *M. Okabe: SPACA1-deficient male mice are infertile with abnormally shaped sperm heads reminiscent of globozoospermia. Development 139, 3583-3589 (2012)

    A. Isotani, H. Hatayama, K. Kaseda, M. Ikawa and *M. Okabe: Formation of a thymus from rat ES cells in xenogeneic nude mouse<-->rat ES chimeras. Genes Cells 16, 397-405 (2011)

    *K. Horie, C. Kokubu, J. Yoshida, K. Akagi, A. Isotani, A. Oshitani, K. Yusa, R. Ikeda, Y. Huang, A. Bradley and *J. Takeda: A homozygous mutant embryonic stem cell bank applicable for phenotype-driven genetic screening. Nat Methods 8, 1071-1077 (2011)




    D. Saito, Y. Takase, H. Murai and *Y. Takahashi: The dorsal aorta initiates a molecular cascade that instructs sympatho-adrenal specification. Science 336, 1578-1581 (2012)

    Y. Yokota, D. Saito, R. Tadokoro and *Y. Takahashi: Genomically integrated transgenes are stably and conditionally expressed in neural crest cell-specific lineages. Dev Biol 353, 382-395 (2011)

    T. Yoshino, D. Saito, R. Tadokoro and *Y. Takahashi: In vivo gene manipulations of epithelial cell sheets: a novel model to study epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Dev Growth Differ 53, 378-388 (2011)

    E. Ohata, R. Tadokoro, Y. Sato, D. Saito and *Y. Takahashi: Notch signal is sufficient to direct an endothelial conversion from non-endothelial somitic cells conveyed to the aortic region by CXCR4. Dev Biol 335, 33-42 (2009)

    T. Watanabe, Y. Sato, D. Saito, R. Tadokoro and *Y. Takahashi: EphrinB2 coordinates the formation of a morphological boundary and cell epithelialization during somite segmentation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106, 7467-7472 (2009)


    齋藤大介、田所竜介、高橋淑子: 発生と幹細胞: 神経冠細胞の移動機構、最新医学社「幹細胞研究の最近の進歩(後編)-組織幹細胞- 1315-1327 (2009)




    *K. Hasegawa, Y. Okamura and Y. Saga: Notch signaling in Sertoli cells regulates cyclical gene expression of Hes1 but is dispensable for mouse spermatogenesis. Mol Cell Biol 32, 206-215 (2012)

    *A. Sada, K. Hasegawa, P. H. Pin and Y. Saga: NANOS2 acts downstream of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor signaling to suppress differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells. Stem Cells 30, 280-291 (2012)

    *C. B. Geyer, R. Saba, Y. Kato, A. J. Anderson, V. K. Chappell, Y. Saga and E. M. Eddy: Rhox13 is translated in premeiotic germ cells in male and female mice and is regulated by NANOS2 in the male. Biol Reprod 86, 127 (2012)

    *A. Suzuki, R. Saba, K. Miyoshi, Y. Morita and Y. Saga: Interaction between NANOS2 and the CCR4-NOT deadenylation complex is essential for male germ cell development in mouse. PLoS One 7, e33558 (2012)

    *K. Hasegawa and Y. Saga: Retinoic acid signaling in Sertoli cells regulates a cyclical organization of the blood-testis barrier through changes in stage-dependent gene expression. Development (in press)


    嶋 雄一


    Y. Shima, K. Miyabayashi, S. Haraguchi, T. Arakawa, H. Otake, T. Baba, S. Matsuzaki, Y. Shishido, H. Akiyama, T. Tachibana, K. Tsutsui and *K. Morohashi: Contribution of Leydig and Sertoli cells to testosterone production in mouse fetal testes. Mol Endo (in press)

    Y. Katoh-Fukui, K. Miyabayashi, T. Komatsu, A. Owaki, T. Baba, Y. Shima, T. Kidokoro, Y. Kanai, A. Schedl, D. Wilhelm, P. Koopman, Y. Okuno and *K. Morohashi: Cbx2, a polycomb group gene, is required for Sry gene expression in mice. Endocrinology 153, 913-924 (2012)

    Y. Shima, K. Miyabayashi, T. Baba, H. Otake, S. Oka, M. Zubair and *K. Morohashi: Identification of an enhancer in the Ad4BP/SF-1 gene specific for fetal Leydig cells. Endocrinology 153, 417-425 (2012)

    E. A. Hoivik, T. E. Bjanesoy, O. Mai, S. Okamoto, Y. Minokoshi, Y. Shima, K. Morohashi, U. Boehm and *M. Bakke: DNA methylation of intronic enhancers directs tissue-specific expression of steroidogenic factor 1/adrenal 4 binding protein (SF-1/Ad4BP). Endocrinology 152, 2100-2112 (2011)


    J. R. Gardiner, Y. Shima, K. Morohashi and *A. Swain: SF-1 expression during adrenal development and tumourigenesis. Mol Cell Endocrinol 351, 12-18 (2011)




    T. Kawasaki, K. Saito, C. Sakai, M. Shinya and *N. Sakai: Production of zebrafish offspring from cultured spermatogonial stem cells. Genes Cells 17, 316-325 (2012)




    K. Harikae, *N. Tsunekawa, R. Hiramatsu, M. Kurohmaru, S. Toda and Y. Kanai. Evidence for almost complete sex-reversal in bovine freemartin gonads: formation of seminiferous tubule-like structures and transdifferentiation into typical testicular cell types. J Reprod Dev (in press)

    R. Nagai, M. Shinomura, K. Kishi, Y. Aiyama, K. Harikae, T. Sato, M. Kanai-Azuma, M. Kurohmaru, N. Tsunekawa and Y. Kanai: Dynamics of GFRalpha1-positive spermatogonia at the early stages of colonization in the recipient testes of W/Wnu male mice. Dev Dyn 241, 1374-1384 (2012)

    T. Sato, Y. Aiyama, M. Ishii-Inagaki, K. Hara, N. Tsunekawa, K. Harikae, M. Uemura-Kamata, M. Shinomura, X. B. Zhu, S. Maeda, S. Kuwahara-Otani, A. Kudo, H. Kawakami, M. Kanai-Azuma, M. Fujiwara, Y. Miyamae, S. Yoshida, M. Seki, M. Kurohmaru and Y. Kanai: Cyclical and patch-like GDNF distribution along the basal surface of Sertoli cells in mouse and hamster testes. PLoS One 6, e28367 (2011)




    Y. Shimada, K. M. Burn, R. Niwa and *L. Cooley: Reversible response of protein localization and microtubule organization to nutrient stress during Drosophila early oogenesis. Dev Biol 355, 250-262 (2011)


    砂長 毅


    *K. Kawamura, S. Kitamura, S. Sekida, M. Tsuda and T. Sunanaga: Molecular anatomy of tunicate senescence: reversible function of mitochondrial and nuclear genes associated with budding cycles. Development (in press)

    Y. Tatzuke, T. Sunanaga, S. Fujiwara and *K. Kawamura: RACK1 regulates mesenchymal cell recruitment during sexual and asexual reproduction of budding tunicates. Dev Biol 368, 393-403 (2012)

    *K. Kawamura and T. Sunanaga: Role of Vasa, Piwi, and Myc-expressing coelomic cells in gonad regeneration of the colonial tunicate, Botryllus primigenus. Mech Dev 128, 457-470 (2011)

    *K. Kawamura, S. Tiozzo, L. Manni, T. Sunanaga, P. Burighel and A. W. De Tomaso: Germline cell formation and gonad regeneration in solitary and colonial ascidians. Dev Dyn 240, 299-308 (2011)

    *T. Sunanaga, H. Inubushi and K. Kawamura: Piwi-expressing hemoblasts serve as germline stem cells during postembryonic germ cell specification in colonial ascidian, Botryllus primigenus. Dev Growth Differ 52, 603-614 (2010)

    *K. Kawamura and T. Sunanaga: Hemoblasts in colonial tunicates: are they stem cells or tissue-restricted progenitor cells? Dev Growth Differ 52, 69-76 (2009)


    *K. Kawamura and T. Sunanaga: Hemoblasts in colonial tunicates: are they stem cells or tissue-restricted progenitor cells? Dev Growth Differ 52, 69-76 (2010)




    M. Fukuyama, K. Sakuma, R. Park, H. Kasuga, R. Nagaya, Y. Atsumi, Y. Shimomura, S. Takahashi, H. Kajiho, A. Rougvie, K. Kontani and *T. Katada: C. elegans AMPKs promote survival and arrest germline development during nutrient stress. Biology Open (in press)

    M. Tada, K. Gengyo-Ando, T. Kobayashi, M. Fukuyama, S. Mitani, *K. Kontani and T. Katada: Neuronally expressed Ras-family GTPase Di-Ras modulates synaptic activity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genes Cells 17, 778-789 (2012)

    I. Nakae, T. Fujino, T. Kobayashi, A. Sasaki, Y. Kikko, M. Fukuyama, K. Gengyo-Ando, S. Mitani, K. Kontani and *T. Katada: The arf-like GTPase Arl8 mediates delivery of endocytosed macromolecules to lysosomes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Mol Biol Cell 21, 2434-2442 (2010)


    春日秀文、福山征光、紺谷圏二、*堅田利明: アミノ酸シグナル伝達に介在するGタンパク質Rag. 細胞 42, 20-23 (2010)




    K. Harikae, K. Miura and *Y. Kanai: Early gonadogenesis in mammals: Significance of long and narrow gonadal structure. Dev Dyn (in press)

    K. Harikae, *N. Tsunekawa, R. Hiramatsu, M. Kurohmaru, S. Toda and Y. Kanai: Evidence for almost complete sex-reversal in bovine freemartin gonads: formation of seminiferous tubule-like structures and transdifferentiation into typical testicular cell types. J Reprod Dev (in press)

    R. Nagai, M. Shinomura, K. Kishi, Y. Aiyama, K. Harikae, T. Sato, M. Kanai-Azuma, M. Kurohmaru, N. Tsunekawa and *Y. Kanai: Dynamics of GFRalpha1-positive spermatogonia at the early stages of colonization in the recipient testes of W/Wnu male mice. Dev Dyn 241, 1374-1384 (2012)

    R. S. Saund, M. Kanai-Azuma, Y. Kanai, I. Kim, M. T. Lucero and *Y. Saijoh: Gut endoderm is involved in the transfer of left-right asymmetry from the node to the lateral plate mesoderm in the mouse embryo. Development 139, 2426-2435 (2012)

    Y. Katoh-Fukui, K. Miyabayashi, T. Komatsu, A. Owaki, T. Baba, Y. Shima, T. Kidokoro, Y. Kanai, A. Schedl, D. Wilhelm, P. Koopman, Y. Okuno and *K. Morohashi: Cbx2, a polycomb group gene, is required for Sry gene expression in mice. Endocrinology 153, 913-924 (2012)

    T. Sato, Y. Aiyama, M. Ishii-Inagaki, K. Hara, N. Tsunekawa, K. Harikae, M. Uemura-Kamata, M. Shinomura, X. B. Zhu, S. Maeda, S. Kuwahara-Otani, A. Kudo, H. Kawakami, M. Kanai-Azuma, M. Fujiwara, Y. Miyamae, S. Yoshida, M. Seki, M. Kurohmaru and *Y. Kanai: Cyclical and patch-like GDNF distribution along the basal surface of Sertoli cells in mouse and hamster testes. PLoS One 6, e28367 (2011)

    S. Pfister, V. J. Jones, M. Power, G. L. Truisi, P. L. Khoo, K. A. Steiner, M. Kanai-Azuma, Y. Kanai, P. P. Tam and *D. A. Loebel: Sox17-dependent gene expression and early heart and gut development in Sox17-deficient mouse embryos. Int J Dev Biol 55, 45-58 (2011)

    M. S. Alam, B. B. Andrina, T. W. Tay, N. Tsunekawa, Y. Kanai and *M. Kurohmaru: Single administration of di(n-butyl) phthalate delays spermatogenesis in prepubertal rats. Tissue Cell 42, 129-135 (2010)

    R. Hiramatsu, K. Harikae, N. Tsunekawa, M. Kurohmaru, I. Matsuo and *Y. Kanai: FGF signaling directs a center-to-pole expansion of tubulogenesis in mouse testis differentiation. Development 137, 303-312 (2010)
    ※哺乳類では、雄のみにGSCが存在し、セルトリ細胞のみがニッチ細胞として機能する。マウスでは、ニッチの場となるセルトリ細胞/精細管の構築が、前後軸に非常に細長い未分化性腺で同調的に誘導され、原基全体に同時に精巣特異的なニッチシステムを獲得する。本研究は、この性腺全体の精巣化の進行の同調性において、SOX9(セルトリ分化因子)発現の正のフィードバック因子として機能するFGF9が、性腺の中央部から分泌され、原基全体に急速に拡散することにより、セルトリ細胞分化の進行速度が原基全体で同期化することを明らかにした。 >> 詳細

    M. Uemura, K. Hara, H. Shitara, R. Ishii, N. Tsunekawa, Y. Miura, M. Kurohmaru, C. Taya, H. Yonekawa, M. Kanai-Azuma and * Y. Kanai: Expression and function of mouse Sox17 gene in the specification of gallbladder/bile-duct progenitors during early foregut morphogenesis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 391, 357-363 (2010)

    M.S. Alam, S. Ohsako, T. Matsuwaki, X.B. Zhu, N. Tsunekawa, Y. Kanai, H. Sone, C. Tohyama and *M. Kurohmaru: Induction of spermatogenic cell apoptosis in prepubertal rat testes irrespective of testicular steroidogenesis: a possible estrogenic effect of di(n-butyl) phthalate. Reproduction 139, 427-437 (2010)

    K. Hara, M. Kanai-Azuma, M. Uemura, H. Shitara, C. Taya, H. Yonekawa, H. Kawakami, N. Tsunekawa, M. Kurohmaru and *Y. Kanai: Evidence for crucial role of hindgut expansion in directing proper migration of primordial germ cells in mouse early embryogenesis. Developmental Biology 330, 427-39 (2009)

    ST Bradford, R. Hiramatsu, M.P. Maddugoda, P. Bernard, M.C. Chaboissier, A. Sinclair, A. Schedl, V. Harley, Y. Kanai, P. Koopman and *D. Wilhelm: The cerebellin 4 precursor gene is a direct target of SRY and SOX9 in mice. Biol Reprod 80, 1178-1188 (2009)




    P. S. Kunwar, H. Sano, A. D. Renault, V. Barbosa, N. Fuse and *R. Lehmann: Tre1 GPCR initiates germ cell transepithelial migration by regulating Drosophila melanogaster E-cadherin. J Cell Biol 183, 157-168 (2008)


    佐野浩子: ショウジョウバエ始原生殖細胞から得られた新知見 蛋白質 核酸 酵素 55, 41-47 (2010)




    *M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, K. Inoue, S. Takashima, M. Takehashi, N. Ogonuki, H. Morimoto, T. Nagasawa, A.Ogura and T. Shinohara: Reconstitution of mouse spermatogonial stem cell niches in culture. Cell Stem Cell (in press)

    K. Ishii, M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, S. Toyokuni and *T. Shinohara: FGF2 mediates mouse spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal via upregulation of Etv5 and Bcl6b through MAP2K1 activation. Development 139, 1734-1743 (2012)

    M. Takehashi, M. Tada, M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, H. Morimoto, Y. Kazuki, M. Oshimura, T. Tada and *T. Shinohara: Hybridization of testis-derived stem cells with somatic cells and embryonic stem cells in mice. Biol Reprod 86, 178 (2012)

    H. Morimoto, J. Lee, T. Tanaka, K. Ishii, S. Toyokuni, M. Kanatsu-Shinohara and *T. Shinohara: In vitro transformation of mouse testis cells by oncogene transfection. Biol Reprod 86, 148, 1-11 (2012)

    S. Takashima, *M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, T. Tanaka, M. Takehashi, H. Morimoto and T. Shinohara: Rac mediates mouse spermatogonial stem cell homing to germline niches by regulating transmigration through the blood-testis barrier. Cell Stem Cell 9, 463-475 (2011)

    M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, S. Takashima, K. Ishii and *T. Shinohara: Dynamic changes in EPCAM expression during spermatogonial stem cell differentiation in the mouse testis. PLoS One 6, e23663 (2011)

    *M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, M. Kato-Itoh, M. Ikawa, M. Takehashi, M. Sanbo, Y. Morioka, T. Tanaka, H. Morimoto, M. Hirabayashi and T. Shinohara: Homologous recombination in rat germline stem cells. Biol Reprod 85, 208-217 (2011)

    *T. Shinohara, K. Ishii and M. Kanatsu-Shinohara: Unstable side population phenotype of mouse spermatogonial stem cells in vitro. J Reprod Dev 57, 288-295 (2011)

    M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, K. Inoue, N. Ogonuki, H. Morimoto, A. Ogura and *T. Shinohara: Serum- and feeder-free culture of mouse germline stem cells. Biol Reprod 84, 97-105 (2010)

    T. Iwasa, S. Baba, H. Doi, S. Kaichi, N. Yokoo, T. Mima, M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, T. Shinohara, T. Nakahata and *T. Heike: Neonatal mouse testis-derived multipotent germline stem cells improve the cardiac function of acute ischemic heart mouse model. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 400, 27-33 (2010)

    *M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, S. Takashima and *T. Shinohara: Transmission distortion by loss of p21 or p27 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors following competitive spermatogonial transplantation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107, 6210-6215 (2010)
    ※精子幹細胞の自己複製と分化の制御に細胞周期調節因子であるCyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CDKI)のp21とp27が関わっていることを明らかにした。これらの遺伝子の発現の変化が精子幹細胞からのgermline transmission効率に大きく影響することを示した。 >> 詳細

    M. Takehashi, M. Kanatsu-Shinohara and *T. Shinohara: Generation of genetically modified animals using spermatogonial stem cells. Dev Growth Differ 52,303-310 (2010)

    M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, N. Ogonuki, H. Miki, K. Inoue, H. Morimoto, S. Takashima, A. Ogura and *T. Shinohara: Genetic influences in mouse spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal. J Reprod Dev 56,145-153 (2010)

    M. Yoshimoto, *T. Heike, H. Chang, M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, S. Baba, J.T.Varnau, T.Shinohara, M.C.Yoder and T.Nakahata: Bone marrow engraftment but limited expansion of hematopoietic cells from multipotent germline stem cells derived from neonatal mouse testis. Exp Hematol 37, 1400-1410 (2009)

    J. Lee, M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, H. Morimoto, Y. Kazuki, S. Takashima, M. Oshimura, S. Toyokuni and *T. Shinohara: Genetic reconstitution of mouse spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal in vitro by Ras/cyclin D2 activation. Cell Stem Cell 5, 76-86 (2009)

    A. Honda, M. Hirose, K. Inoue, H. Hiura, H. Miki, N. Ogonuki, M. Sugimoto, K. Abe, M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, T. Kono, T. Shinohara and *A. Ogura: Large-scale production of growing oocytes in vitro from neonatal mouse ovaries. Int J Dev Biol 53, 605-613 (2009)

    S. Takashima, M. Takehashi, J. Lee, S. Chuma, M. Okano, K. Hata, I. Suetake, N. Nakatsuji, H. Miyoshi, S. Tajima, Y. Tanaka, S. Toyokuni, H. Sasaki, M. Kanatsu-Shinohara and *T. Shinohara: Abnormal DNA methyltransferase expression in mouse germline stem cells results in spermatogenic defects. Biol Reprod 81, 155-164 (2009)

    H. Morimoto, M. Kanatsu-Shinohara, S. Takashima, S. Chuma, N. Nakatsuji and *T. Shinohara: Phenotypic plasticity of mouse spermatogonial stem cells. PLoS One 4, e7909 (2009)


    M. Kanatsu-Shinohara and T. Shinohara: Germline modification using mouse spermatogonial stem cells. Methods Enzymol 477, 17-36 (2010)


    永松 剛


    *G. Nagamatsu, S. Saito, T. Kosaka, K. Takubo, T. Kinoshita, M. Oya, K. Horimoto and T. Suda: Optimal ratio of transcription factors for somatic cell reprogramming. J Biol Chem (in press)

    *G. Nagamatsu, T. Kosaka, S. Saito, K. Takubo, H. Akiyama, T. Sudo, K. Horimoto, M. Oya and T. Suda: Tracing the conversion process from primordial germ cells to pluripotent stem cells in mice. Biol Reprod 86, 182 (2012)

    T. Kinoshita, *G. Nagamatsu, T. Kosaka, K. Takubo, A. Hotta, J. Ellis and *T. Suda: Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) deficiency decreases reprogramming efficiency and leads to genomic instability in iPS cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 407, 321-326 (2011)

    *G. Nagamatsu, T. Kosaka, M. Kawasumi, T. Kinoshita, K. Takubo, H. Akiyama, T. Sudo, T. Kobayashi, M. Oya and T. Suda: A germ cell-specific gene, Prmt5, works in somatic cell reprogramming. J Biol Chem 286, 10641-10648 (2012)




    S. Nakamura, I. Watakabe, T. Nishimura, J. Y. Picard, A. Toyoda, Y. Taniguchi, N. di Clemente and *M. Tanaka: Hyperproliferation of mitotically active germ cells due to defective anti-Mullerian hormone signaling mediates sex reversal in medaka. Development 139, 2283-2287 (2012)

    S. Nakamura, I. Watakabe, T. Nishimura, A. Toyoda, Y. Taniguchi and *M. Tanaka: Analysis of medaka sox9 orthologue reveals a conserved role in germ cell maintenance. PLoS One 7, e29982 (2012)

    S. Nakamura, K. Kobayashi, T. Nishimura and *M. Tanaka: Ovarian germline stem cells in the teleost fish, medaka (Oryzias latipes). Int J Biol Sci 7, 403-409 (2011)

    S. Nakamura, K. Kobayashi, T. Nishimura, S. Higashijima and *M. Tanaka: Identification of germline stem cells in the ovary of the teleost medaka. Science 328, 1561-1563 (2010)
    ※メダカ卵巣に、哺乳類雄化遺伝子 sox9 の相同遺伝子が発現するチューブ様の構造(ovarian cord)を発見。その中の germinal cradle と名付けた領域に生殖幹細胞が存在することを、クローン解析で証明。卵巣で卵が新生することをあきらかに、また性転換しうる構造が保持されていることを示す。 >> 詳細

    *A. Herpin, I. Braasch, M. Kraeussling, C. Schmidt, E.C. Thoma, S. Nakamura, M. Tanaka and *M. Schartl: Transcriptional rewiring of the sex determining dmrt1 gene duplicate by transposable elements. PLoS Genet 6, e1000844 (2010)

    S. Nakamura, H. Kurokawa, S. Asakawa, N. Shimizu and *M. Tanaka: Two distinct types of theca cells in the medaka gonad; germ cell-dependent maintenance of cyp19a1-expressing theca cells. Dev Dyn 238, 2652-2657 (2009)

    Y. Aoki, S. Nakamura, Y. Ishikawa and *M. Tanaka: Expression and syntenic analyses of four nanos genes in medaka. Zoolog Sci 26, 112-118 (2009)

    *A. Herpin, S. Nakamura, T. U. Wagner, M. Tanaka and M. Schartl: A highly conserved cis-regulatory motif directs differential gonadal synexpression of Dmrt1 transcripts during gonad development. Nucleic Acids Res 37, 1510-1520 (2009)


    中村修平,小林佳代,西村俊哉,*田中実: メダカ卵巣の配偶子幹細胞 細胞工学 29, 664-669 (2010)


    吉村 崇


    Y. Nakane, K. Ikegami, H. Ono, N. Yamamoto, S. Yoshida, K. Hirunagi, S. Ebihara, Y. Kubo and *T. Yoshimura: A mammalian neural tissue opsin (Opsin 5) is a deep brain photoreceptor in birds. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107, 15264-15268 (2010)
    ※鳥類は洗練された季節性繁殖を示し、繁殖期と非繁殖期で生殖腺を劇的に変化させる。鳥類は脳内に存在する脳深部光受容器で光を受容し生殖腺を発達させるが、脳深部光受容器の実体は謎に包まれていた。本研究では新規な視物質「オプシン5」が脳深部光受容器であることを同定した。 >> 詳細

    S. Yasuo, T. Yoshimura, S. Ebihara and *H.W. Korf: Photoperiodic control of TSH-b expression in the mammalian pars tuberalis has different impact on the induction and suppression of the hypothalamo-hypophysial gonadal axis. J Neuroendocrinol 22, 43-50 (2010)

    M. Kinoshita, D. Rodler, K. Sugiura, K. Matsushima, N. Kansaku, K. Tahara, A. Tsukada, H. Ono, T. Yoshimura, N. Yoshizaki, R. Tanaka, T. Kohsaka and T. Sasanami: Zona pellucida protein ZP2 is expressed in the oocyte of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Reproduction 139, 359-371 (2010)

    *T. J. Nakamura, M.T. Sellix, T. Kudo, N. Nakao, T. Yoshimura, S. Ebihara, C.S. Colwell,and G.D. Block: Influence of the estrous cycle on clock gene expression in reproductive tissues: Effects of fluctuating ovarian steroid hormone levels. Steroids 75, 203-212 (2010)

    K. Ikegami, Y. Katou and K. Higashi and *T. Yoshimura: Localization of circadian clock protein BMAL1 in the photoperiodic signal transduction machinery. J Comp Neurol 517, 397-404 (2009)

    S. Tomida, T. Mamiya, H. Sakamaki, M. Miura, T. Aosaki, M. Masuda, M. Niwa, T. Kameyama, J. Kobayashi, Y. Iwaki, S. Imai, A. Ishikawa, K. Abe, T. Yoshimura, T. Nabeshima and *S. Ebihara: Identification of Usp46, encoding a ubiquitin specific peptidase, as a quantitative trait gene regulating mouse immobile behavior in the tail suspension test and the forced swimming test. Nature Genetics 41, 688-695 (2009)

    S. Yasuo, T. Yoshimura, S. Ebihara and *H.W. Korf: Melatonin transmits photoperiodic signals through the MT1 melatonin receptor. J Neurosci 29, 2885-2889 (2009)

    T. Sato, M. Kinoshita, N. Kansaku, K. Tahara, A. Tsukada, H. Ono, T. Yoshimura, H. Dohra and T. Sasanami: Molecular characterization of egg envelope glycoprotein ZPD in the ovary of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Reproduction 137, 333-343 (2009)


    K, Ikegami and T. Yoshimura: Circadian clock and the measurement of daylength in seasonal reproduction. Mol Cell Endocrinol 349, 76-81 (2012)

    吉村崇: 光周性.時間生物学,海老原史樹文、吉村崇編,化学同人 p.165-176 (2012)

    中根右介、吉村崇: 季節繁殖の制御機構と脳深部光受容器の解明. 生化学 83, 114-117 (2011)

    吉村崇: 体内時計研究の家畜生産への応用. 体内時計の科学と産業応用 シーエムシー出版 147-153 (2011)

    太田航、吉村崇: 脊椎動物の光周性. バイオメカニズム学会誌 35, 251-257 (2011)

    T. Yoshimura: Neuroendocrine mechanism of seasonal reproduction in birds and mammals. Anim Sci J 81, 403-410 (2010)

    星野佑太, 小野ひろ子, 吉村崇: 哺乳類の光周性におけるメラトニンの作用機構 比較内分泌学 36, 96-101 (2010)

    S. Ebihara, S. Tomida, T. Mamiya, H. Sakamaki, M. Miura, T. Aosaki, M. Masuda, M. Niwa, T. Kameyama, J. Kobayashi, Y. Iwaki, S. Imai, A. Ishikawa, K. Abe, T. Yoshimura and T. Nabeshima: Usp46, encoding a ubiquitin specific peptidase, is a quantitative trait gene underlying “behavioral despair” in mice. Sleep and Biol Rhythms 8, 114-119 (2010)

    池上啓介、吉村崇. 脊椎動物の季節繁殖の制御機構. 日本生殖内分泌学会雑誌 15, 55-57 (2010)

    Y. Nakane and T. Yoshimura: Deep brain photoreceptors and a seasonal signal transduction cascade in birds. Cell Tissue Res 342, 341-344 (2010)

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    H. Ono, N. Nakao and *T. Yoshimura: Identification of the photoperiodic signaling pathway regulating seasonal reproduction using the functional genomics approach. Gen Comp Endocrinol 163, 2-6 (2009)

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    S. Yasuo, *T. Yoshimura: Comparative analysis of the molecular basis of photoperiodic signal transduction in vertebrates. Integr Comp Biol 49, 507-518 (2009)


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