コケシノブ科の包膜の多様性 Involucre diversity in the Hymenophyllaceae

Ebihara et al. (2006) A taxonomic revision of Hymenophyllaceae. Blumea 51: 221-280.

二弁状とカップ状になる形態は発生上のどのような違いによって生じているのだろうか。Iwatsuki (1977)は包膜の形成過程を観察し、発生過程によって異なった場所で細胞分裂が活発化するために二弁状になったりコップ状になることを示唆している。だとすると、時期場所特異的に細胞分裂を引き起こす機構がわかれば、二弁状包膜とコップ状包膜の作り方の違いがわかるのかもしれない。そもそも、組織のどこで細胞分裂を活発化させるかという問題は植物発生学、形態学全般に関わる問題であるがまだよくわかっていない。被子植物では葉の向軸型と背軸側の境界に分裂活性が生じることがわかり(Waites and Hudson 1995)、WOX遺伝子などが関与することがわかってきた(Nakata et al. 2012)。しかし、単葉の境界部分のどこがどのくらい伸長するかの制御機構はよくわかっていない。一方、複葉形成は葉原基の中で分裂活性の高いところと低いところを作ることによってできるが、その機構についてはオーキシン(Bilsborough et al. 2011)や転写因子(Vlad et al. 2014)の関与が明らかになってきている。この機構が単葉にもあてはまるかどうかは不明である。


How is the difference between bivalvate and cup-shaped involucres formed? Iwatsuki (1977) observed their development and showed that spatiotemporal difference of cell division activity caused the different morphology. When we know the molecular mechanisms to regulate such cell division patterns, we will get a part of the answer on the evolution of involucre divergence in the Hymenophyllaceae. Regulatory mechanisms of spatiotemporal cell division activity is fundamental question in developmental biology and morphology but we do not have clear answers. In angiosperms, the border between adaxial and abaxial domains have division activity (Waites and Hudson 1995) and WOX is involved (Nakata et al. 2012). However, mechanisms to regulate spatiotemporal activity regulation in the border is not well known. By the way, a compound leaf is formed differential division activity in a leaf primordium and the involvement of auxin (Bilsborough et al. 2011) and transcription factors (Vlad et al. 2014) have been reported.

Here we need to remember that a leaf of most filmy ferns is a single layer of cells. It is curious how they determine the adaxial and abaxial sides as well as the spatiotemporal division activity. This is similar in mosses. In the moss Physcomitrella patens, we found a transcription factor to regulate spatiotemporal cell division activity in a leaf and the study may be a breakthrough for understanding the leaf shape evolution and may be able to explain the diversity of involucres in the Hymenophyllaceae.

Bilsborough, G.D., Runions, A., Barkoulas, M., Jenkins, H.W., Hasson, A., Galinha, C., Laufs, P., Hay, A., Prusinkiewicz, P., Tsiantis, M. (2011) Model for the regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf margin development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108: 3424-3429.

Iwatsuki, K. (1977) Studies in the systematics of filmy ferns III. An observation on the involucres. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 90: 259-267.

Nakata, M., Matsumoto, N., Tsugeki, R., Rikirsch, E., Laux, T., Okada, K. (2012) Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24: 519–535.

Vlad, D., Kierzkowski, D., Rast, M.I., Vuolo, F., Dello Ioio, R., Galinha, C., Gan, X., Hajheidari, M., Hay, A., Smith, R.S., et al. (2014). Leaf shape evolution through duplication, regulatory diversification, and loss of a homeobox gene. Science 343: 780-783.

Waites, R. and Hudson, A. (1995) phantastica: a gene required for dorsoventrality of leaves in Antirrhinum majus. Development 121: 2143-2154.

カテゴリー: 3.06.Hymenophyllales, 分裂場所制御, 未分類 パーマリンク