National Institute for Basic Biology
Extracurricular activities of students and faculty of NIBB, NIPS, and IMS.
The institutes' soccer club, Radicals founded in 1985 by Dr. Agata and others. Now we play soccer and futsal once a week each. For soccer, we have games of Okazaki Citizens' league or practice at an elementary school nearby every Sunday. There are about 20 members; staff in the institutes, students, and people in the community. For futsal, the practice is held at the tennis court in IMS from 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. It opens only for the members of the institutes. You can take your children as well. We also play a friendly game of full-court with the team from the National Institute for Fusion Science. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Hoshino in the Laboratory of Biological Diversity (ext.7534). We welcome your participation in the club.
Every Thursday from 19:30 to 21:45 badminton practices are held at Mishima Children’s House/三島学区子供の家. Participation is not limited to students; anyone from the three institutes is free to join. It is not necessary to attend every practice, participating only during the days and times you have free is fine. Usually between 10 and 20 players attend. We have a system that allows both beginners and experienced players to enjoy practice, and those interested can also borrow racquets, so please come and tryout badminton anytime! Please Contact: Tanii Ryosuke [Division of Quantitative Biology] (Ext: 5235).