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Call for participants for the EMBO | COB Workshop “Plant tropisms”

We are pleased to announce that the National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB) will be hosting the EMBO | COB Workshop on “Plant tropisms” in Okazaki, Japan from July 9th (Tue) to 12th (Fri). This event is supported by the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and the Company of Biologists (COB).
Still much remains to be understood about how stimulus perception leads to tropic growth in plants. In the past years, there have been many new relevant findings, which now need to be brought together to foster interactions between experimenters and disciplines. In our EMBO workshop “Plant Tropisms”, we will bring together biologists and modelers to report on their progress and discuss new findings on tropism regulation.
This workshop will be held in a hybrid format, combining in-person meetings (preferred) with online participation. We strongly encourage researchers and students to personally come to Okazaki and to participate in the conference for face-to-face discussions.

 We encourage participants to give poster presentations. There will be numerous opportunities for short talk presentations chosen from poster submissions. Online participants have an opportunity to share their poster files with all workshop participants.

For more details, please visit our workshop website:
Important date:
The registration for poster presentation deadlines April 30th, 2024 extended to May 20th, 2024
The registration deadline May 31st, 2024

Miyo T. Morita (National Institute for Basic Biology, JP)
Christian Fankhauser (Université de Lausanne, CH)
Claus Schwechheimer (Technical University of Munich, DE)
Kiyoshi Tatematsu (National Institute for Basic Biology, JP)
Confirmed Speakers:
Malcolm Bennett (University of Nottingham, UK)
Haodong Chen (Tsinghua University, CN)
John Christie (University of Glasgow, UK)
Christian Fankhauser (Université de Lausanne, CH)
Stacey Harmer (University of California, Davis, US)
Courtney Hollender (Michigan State University, US)
Yasmine Meroz (Tel Aviv University, IL)
Yutaka Miyazawa (Yamagata University, JP)
Gabriele Monshausen (Penn State University, US)
Miyo T. Morita (National Institute for Basic Biology, JP)
Tatsuya Sakai (Niigata University, JP)
Claus Schwechheimer (Technical University of Munich, DE)
Kirsten ten Tusscher (Utrecht University, NL)
Christa Testerink (Wageningen University and Research, NL)
Haruko Ueda (Konan University, JP)
Kiyoshi Yamazaki (The University of Tokyo, JP)

Date: July 9th (Tue) to 12th (Fri)
Venue: Okazaki Conference Center, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan
Registration free: ¥20,000 for Academic, ¥12,000 for students/postdocs, \5,000 for Virtual
Kiyoshi Tatematsu
EMBO | COB Workshop "Plant Tropisms" Office
National Institute for Basic Biology
Email: embows-ptropism@nibb.ac.jp
