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Press Release


Development of an Agrobacterium-Mediated Stable Transformation Method for the Sensitive Plant Mimosa pudica

The sensitive plant Mimosa pudica has long attracted the interest of researchers due to its spectacular leaf movements in response to touch or other external stimuli. Although various aspects of this seismonastic movement have been elucidated by histological, physiological, biochemical, and behavioral approaches, the lack of reverse genetic tools has hampered the investigation of molecular mechanisms involved in these processes.


The research group of Dr. Hiroaki Mano and Prof. Mitsuyasu Hasebe of the Division of Evolutionay Biology in the National Institute for Basic Biology, developed an Agrobacetrium-mediated efficient genetic transformation method for M. pudica.


This research was published in PLOS ONE on February 12th 2014.






Development of an Agrobacterium-mediated stable transformation method for the sensitive plant Mimosa pudica

Hiroaki Mano, Tomomi Fujii, Naomi Sumikawa, Yuji Hiwatashi, Mitsuyasu Hasebe




National Institute for Basic Biology

Division of Evolutionay Biology

Prof. Mitsuyasu Hasebe

E-mail: mhasebe@nibb.ac.jp