
RESEARCH: Mechanisms and evolution of plant movement (3) Rapid recovery movement of Stylidium schyzanthum

Graduate students are welcome to join.

Trigger plants belong to the genus Stylidium and are radiated to approximately 300 species in Australia. When a pollinator insect touches the flower, a gynoecium-stamen complex rapidly moves and hits to the pollinator, which is useful to put or capture pollen. While the moved gynoecium-stamen complex slowly recovers to the original place in most species, that of Stylidium schyzanthum quickly recovers in a few second. It is quite difficult to explain for such quick recovering movement.

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  1. Seismonastic movement of Mimoza pudica
  2. Molecular Mechanisms of Memory of Dionaea muscipula leaves
  3. Rapid recovery movement of Stylidium schyzanthum
  4. Sound sensing movement of Desmodium motorium
  5. Nyctinastic movemnet of Mimosa pudica