ツツジ目のツツジ科、キリラ科、リョウブ科、マタタビ科、ロリデュラ科、サラセニア科では、葯が発生途中にひっくりかえり(Hermann and Palser 2000, Lofstrand et al. 2016)、これはこれらの群の共有派生形質と考えられる。
Ericaceae, Cyrillaceae, Clethraceae, Actinidiaceae, Roridulaceae, and Sarraceniaceae in the Ericales form stamens with anthers inverting during development (Hermann and Palser 2000, Lofstrand et al. 2016). This is a synapomorphic character of these families.
葯はツツジ科ネジキ属のVaccinium stamineumのように発生初期にひっくり返るものもあるし、リョウブ科リョウブのように開花時に反転するものもある。このような違いはツツジ科などでは、同じ科の属間でも見られる(Hermann and Palser 2000)。
Anthers of some taxa are inverted during the early stamen development as Vaccinium stamineum, while others are at the time of flower opening as Clethra barbinervis (Hermann and Palser 2000, Lofstrand et al. 2016). Such differences vary between genera in a family, such as the Ericaceae (Hermann and Palser 2000).
Stamens of Orthilia secunda in the Ericaceae invert at the flower opening.
Lofstrand, S.D., Von Balthazar, M., and Schonenberger, J. 2016. Early floral development and androecium organization in the sarracenioid clade (Actinidiaceae, Roridulaceae and Sarraceniaceae) of Ericales. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 180: 295-318.
Hermann, P.M. and Palser, B.F. 2000. Stamen development in the Ericaceae. I. Anther wall, microsporogenesis, inversion, and appendages. 87: 934-957.