ストラスブルゲリア科は単系属であるイクセルバ属とストラスブルゲリア属からなる。Ixerba brexioidesはニュージーランド固有 (Schneider 2006)、Strasburgeria callianathaはニューカレドニア固有 (Dickison 2006) である。
The Strasburgeriaceae includes two monospecific genera, Ixerba and Strasburgeria. Ixerba brexioides and Strasburgeria calliantha are endemic in New Zealand and New Caledonia, respectively.
Dickison, W.C. 2006. Strasburgeriaceae. In Kubitzki, K. ed. The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants IX. Pp. 446-448.
Schneider, J.V. 2006. Ixerbaceae. In Kubitzki, K. ed. The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants IX. Pp. 205-207.
Four carpels are postgenitally fused.
Strasburgeria calliantha forms a large fruit approximately 6 cm long with sweet smell similar to apple.
Fallen fruits are rotted and dehisced at the septicidal planes. It is easy to break the fruit at the septicidal planes, but is very difficult to cut at the loculicidal parts even with a knife because of massive fibers originated from vasculatures. Seeds are possible to be picked from the inner ridge of the quadrant fruit.
表皮と内部組織が腐っても維管束由来の繊維が1年以上残る。腐った果実は繊維のため、とても堅い。この自生地では発芽している種子は無かった。ストラスブルゲリアがどうしてこんなに大きくて甘い匂いを出す堅い実を付けるのかは謎である。Carpenter et al. (2003)はゾウに似て新大陸で絶滅したgomphotheresのような大型ほ乳類が果実を食べ、種子散布に寄与していたのではないかと考察している。
Epidermal and ground tissue of fruits are decayed but fibers remain more than one year. The decayed fruits are still very hard. Any seeds were not germinated in this locality. It is unknown why Strasburgeria form such large, sweet-smelled, and hard fruits. Carpenter et al. (2003) speculated that there were large mammals like gomphotheres (Janzen and Martin 1982) that ate the fruits and contributed to seed dispersal.
Carpenter, R.J., Read, J., and Jaffré, T. 2003. Reproductive traits of tropical rain-forest trees in New Caledonia. J. Tropical Ecol. 19: 351-365.
Janzen, D.H., and Martin, P.S. (1982). Neotropical anachronisms: the fruits the gomphotheres ate. Science 215, 19-27.