今日は単子葉植物のタコノキ目のビャクブ科の花を見ます。Today Shall we see the Stemonaceae of Pandanales in monocots.
ビャクブ科はタコノキ目。パナマソウ科、タコノキ科とともに4数性である点が単子葉植物の中では異色。The Stemonaceae as well as Pandanaceae and Cyclanthaceae are unusual in monocots because of the 4-merous flowers.
ビャクブは奇妙な花を持つ。矢印の部分は何だろう。Stemona japonica has unusual flowers and what organs do arrows indicate?
白い矢印が雄しべの葯隔、黄色の矢印が不稔の半葯が反転して上側に反り返っている。The white and yellow arrows are connective of stamen and thecae, respectively.