Welwitschia mirabilis is the only species in the family Welwitschiaceae. It is distributed only in the Namib desert of Namibia and Angola.
After germination, Welwitschia mirabilis produces two cotyledons, followed by two opposite true leaves emerging from the shoot apical meristem between the cotyledons.
他の種子植物と異なり、第二葉は出ない。第一葉に平行な位置に、茎頂分裂組織を挟むように2枚の鱗片体が形成される(Pham and Sinha 2003)。第二葉は第一葉と平行に形成されることは無いので、鱗片葉は第二葉と相同ではない。鱗片葉が他の植物のどのような器官と相同なのか、どのような発生機構によって生じ、進化したのかはわかっていない(Pham and Sinha 2003)。
Unlike other seed plants, Welwitschia does not produce a second pair of leaves. Instead, two scale-like structures form parallel to the first leaves, flanking the shoot apical meristem (Pham and Sinha 2003). Since the second leaves of other plants do not develop parallel to the first pair, these scale leaves are not homologous to the second leaves. It remains unclear to which structures in other plants the scale leaves are homologous, as well as the developmental mechanisms that generate them and their evolutionary origin (Pham and Sinha 2003).
Pham, T., and Sinha, N. (2003). Role of Knox genes in shoot development of Welwitschia mirabilis. Int. J. Plant Sci. 164, 333–343.
二枚の葉は1日あたり0.37 mm程度伸長する(Henschel and Seely 2000)ので、年間135 mmくらい葉が伸びることになる。葉の先は徐々に枯れ縦に裂ける。葉の生きた部分が2.5 mにも達する個体もある。葉先が枯れていくので、何年くらい生きているかは不明である。
The two leaves extend at a rate of approximately 0.37 mm per day (Henschel and Seely 2000), resulting in an annual growth of about 135 mm. The leaf tips gradually wither and split longitudinally. In some individuals, the living portion of the leaves can reach up to 2.5 meters in length. Since the leaf tips continuously wither, the exact lifespan of the leaves remains unknown.
Henschel, J.R., and Seely, M.K. (2000). Long-term growth patterns of Welwitschia mirabilis, a long-lived plant of the Namib Desert (including a bibliography). Plant Ecology, pp. 7–26.
In the Namib Desert, plants of the families Amaranthaceae and Zygophyllaceae grow in compact clumps. This growth form may help them absorb moisture from the humid morning air. However, it remains unclear why these patches do not merge into larger clusters and instead remain as small, isolated clumps.
Welwitschia plants are also sparsely dispersed in the Namib desert, and form clumps.
このようなこんもりした形態は霧から水分を取るのに適している。しかしながら、奇想天外はC3植物で日中に気孔を開いて光合成を行うため (vonWillert et al. 1982; Eller et al. 1983)、毎日1リットルの水を蒸散によって失っている(Eller et al. 1983, Henschel and Seely 2000)。霧だけから1リットルの水をとることはできるだろうか。金属製の1平方メートルの奇想天外の模型を作って霧から得られる水を計測すると1日当たり6.5 mlしかなかった(Henschel et al. 1998)。このことから、残りの水は根によって地中から吸収されていることになる (Henschel and Seely 2000)。奇想天外は普通の植物のように、地中の水分に依存し、しかも、1日1リットル近くもの水を根から吸収としているのである。
This compact growth form is well-suited for capturing moisture from fog. However, Welwitschia is a C₃ plant that opens its stomata during the day for photosynthesis (von Willert et al. 1982; Eller et al. 1983) and loses approximately one liter of water daily through transpiration (Eller et al. 1983; Henschel and Seely 2000). Can it obtain this much water solely from fog?
When researchers constructed a one-square-meter metal model of Welwitschia to measure water collection from fog, it yielded only 6.5 ml per day (Henschel et al. 1998). This finding indicates that the remaining water must be absorbed from the ground through its roots (Henschel and Seely 2000). Thus, Welwitschia relies on underground water like typical plants and absorbs nearly one liter of water per day through its roots.
Eller, B. M., von Willert, D. J., Brinckmann, E. & Baasch, R. 1983. Ecophysiological studies on Welwitschia mirabilis in the Namib desert. South Afr. J. Bot. 2: 209–223.
Henschel, J.R., and Seely, M.K. (2000). Long-term growth patterns of Welwitschia mirabilis, a long-lived plant of the Namib Desert (including a bibliography). Plant Ecology, pp. 7–26.
Henschel, J. R., Mtuleni, V., Gruntkowski, N., Seely, M. K. & Shanyengana, S. E. 1998. Namfog: Namibian Application of Fog-Collecting Systems, Phase I: Evaluation of Fog-Water Harvesting. Occasional Paper No.8, Desert Research Foundation of Namibia, Gobabeb, 62 pp.
von Willert, D. J., Eller, B. M., Brinckmann, E. and Baasch, R. 1982. CO2 gas exchange and transpiration of Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. fil. in the central Namib desert. Oecologia 55: 21–29.
Welwitschia does not grow scattered randomly across the entire desert.
It appears to grow in linear formations.
ナミブ砂漠には年間、平均で16.2 +/- 16.9 mm の雨しか降らない。東京の1/100以下である。しかし、50年に一度ほど25倍以上の雨が降る年があり、降った雨が川となる。その川の縁や川底に奇想天外は生えている。
The Namib Desert receives an average annual rainfall of only 16.2 ± 16.9 mm, less than one-hundredth of Tokyo’s rainfall. However, approximately once every 50 years, rainfall can exceed 25 times the average, forming temporary rivers. Welwitschia grows along the edges and beds of these rivers.
Henschel, J.R., and Seely, M.K. (2000). Long-term growth patterns of Welwitschia mirabilis, a long-lived plant of the Namib Desert (including a bibliography). Plant Ecology, pp. 7–26.

雌株は毎年1万から2万の翼状に広がった小苞に被われた種子を形成する(Bornman 1978; Bustard 1990)が、種子が発芽するには、12.5 mmの雨と3から21日間湿らせておく必要があることが知られている(Bornman et al. 1972)。従って、50年に一度の大雨の年以外は、ほとんどの種子は発芽できないと考えられている (Henschel and Seely 2000)。
Bornman, C. H. 1972. Welwitschia: paradox of a parched paradise. C. Struik Publishers, Cape Town
Bustard, L. 1990. The ugliest plant of the world: the story of Welwitschia mirabilis. Kew Magazine 7: 85–90.
Henschel, J.R., and Seely, M.K. (2000). Long-term growth patterns of Welwitschia mirabilis, a long-lived plant of the Namib Desert (including a bibliography). Plant Ecology, pp. 7–26.
毎年できる1万から2万の種子のほとんどはクロコウジカビに感染され死んでしまう(Bornman et al. 1972, van Jaarsveld 1992, Whitaker et al. 2008)。クロコウジカビの胞子は受粉滴を通して種子に取り込まれたり、種子や胞子嚢穂を捕食するProbergrothius sexpunctatis によって媒介される(Whitaker et al. 2008)。
Most of the 10,000 to 20,000 seeds produced each year are infected by Aspergillus mold and die (Bornman et al. 1972; van Jaarsveld 1992; Whitaker et al. 2008). The spores of Aspergillus are taken up by the seeds through pollination droplets or are transmitted by Probergrothius sexpunctatis, which preys on the seeds or spore capsules (Whitaker et al. 2008).
Bornman, C. H. 1972. Welwitschia mirabilis: paradox of the Namib Desert. Endeavour 31 (113): 95–99.
van Jaarsveld, E. 1992. Welwitschia mirabilis in cultivation at Kirstenbosch. Veld & Flora 12: 119–121.
Whitaker, C., Pammenter, N.W., and Berjak, P. (2008). Infection of the cones and seeds of Welwitschia mirabilis by Aspergillus niger var. phoenicis in the Namib-Naukluft Park. South African J. Bot. 74, 41–50.
発芽後、根は1日5から10 mmの速さで伸長し、8ヶ月で1 mにもなる (Butler et al. 1973, Eller et al. 1983, von Willert 1994) 。1934年から1935年にかけて大雨が記録されており、1987年には雨のあと6ヶ月水分が維持された年があった(Henschel and Seely 2000)ので、数十年に一度くらいの大雨の降る年には、雨水の流路の周辺では数ヶ月水分が維持され、この間にうまく発芽し、さらに根が地中の湿った層に到達できた個体だけが生き残れるのだろう(Henschel and Seely 2000)。 写真の個体は葉の長さが30 cm程度で他の個体よりも小さかったので、最近の大雨によって発芽したものかもしれない。
After germination, the roots grow at a rate of 5 to 10 mm per day and can reach 1 meter in length within 8 months (Butler et al. 1973; Eller et al. 1983; von Willert 1994). There was a record of heavy rainfall between 1934 and 1935, and in 1987, moisture was maintained for six months after rainfall (Henschel and Seely 2000). Therefore, in years with heavy rainfall occurring once every several decades, moisture is likely to be maintained for several months along the channels where rainwater flows. During this time, only the plants that successfully germinate and reach the moist underground layers with their roots are able to survive (Henschel and Seely 2000). The individual in the photo, which has leaves approximately 30 cm long and is smaller than others, may have germinated following recent heavy rainfall.
Henschel, J.R., and Seely, M.K. (2000). Long-term growth patterns of Welwitschia mirabilis, a long-lived plant of the Namib Desert (including a bibliography). Plant Ecology, pp. 7–26.
Welwitschia mirabilis produces seeds every year, seemingly in vain. However, heavy rains occur only once every few decades, without warning. Since there is no way to predict when the rains will come, continuing to produce seeds every year is the effective way to ensure survival during those rare years of abundant rainfall. In this way, the life of Welwitschia mirrors that of basic scientific research. While success is uncertain, researchers continue their work year after year, and sometimes, by chance, a breakthrough occurs. It is through these seemingly insignificant efforts that we are prepared for unexpected discoveries. In this sense, I find Welwitschia deeply endearing.