
National Institutes of Natural Sciences

National Institute for Basic Biology

NIBB Departments

NINS Astrobiology Center



Specially appointed Associate Professor

JOHZUKA, Katuski

Assistant Professor
JOHZUKA, Katuski

FUJITA, Hironori

Assistant Professor
FUJITA, Hironori



Selected Publications

Johzuka, K., Horiuchi T. (2009). The cis element and factors required for condensin recruitment to chromosomes. Mol. Cell. 34:26-35.

Johzuka, K., Horiuchi T. (2007). RNA polymerase I transcription obstructs condensin association with 35S coding regions and can cause contraction of long repeat in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genes Cells. 12:759-771.

Oakes, M.L., Johzuka, K., Vu, L., Eliason, K., Nomura M. (2006). Expression of rRNA genes and nucleolus formation at ectopic chromosomal sites in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mol Cell Biol. 26:6223-6238.

Johzuka, K., Terasawa, M., Ogawa, H., Ogawa, T., Horiuchi, T. (2006). Condensin loaded onto the replication fork barrier site in the rRNA gene repeats during S phase in a FOB1-dependent fashion to prevent contraction of a long repetitive array in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Cell Biol. 26:2226-2236.