PUBLICATIONS 研究業績 2006 -> 2010
- Ohshima, I., Tanikawa-Dodo, Y., Saigusa, T., Nishiyama, T., Kitani, M., Hasebe, M., and Mohri, H. 2010.
Phylogeny, biogeography, and host-plant association in the subfamily Apaturinae (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) inferred from eight nuclear and seven mitochondrial genes. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 57, 1026-1036. [PubMed]
- Hayashi, K., Horie, K., Hiwatashi, Y., Kawaide, H., Yamaguchi, S., Hanada, A., Nakashima, T., Nakajima, M., Mander, L.N., Yamane, H., Hasebe, M., and Nozaki, H. 2010.
Endogenous diterpenes derived from ent-kaurene, a common gibberellin precursor, regulate protonema differentiation of the moss Physcomitrella patens. Plant Physiol.153: 1085-1097. [PubMed]
- Mikami, K., Saavedra, L., Hiwatashi, Y., Uji, T., Hasebe, M., and Sommarin, M. 2010.
A dibasic amino acid pair conserved in the activation loop directs plasma membrane localization and is necessary for activity of plant type I/II phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase. Plant Physiol. 153: 1004-1015. [PubMed]
- Yokoyama, R., Uwagaki, Y., Sasaki, H., Harada, T., Hiwatashi, Y., Hasebe, M., and Nishitani, K. 2010.
Biological implications of the occurrence of 32 members of XTH (xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase) family of proteins in the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens. Plant J. [PubMed]
- Kofuji, R., Yoshimura, T., Inoue, H., Sakakibara, K., Hiwatashi, Y., Kurata, T., Aoyama, T., Ueda, K., and Hasebe, M. 2009.
Gametangia development in the moss Physcomitrella patens. In The moss Physcomitrella, D. Cove, F. Perroud, and C. Knight, eds. (Black Well), pp. 167-181.
- Miyazaki, S., Murata, T., Sakurai-Ozato, N., Kubo, M., Demura, T., Fukuda, H., and Hasebe, M. 2009.
ANXUR1 and 2, sister genes to FERONIA/SIRENE, are male factors for coordinated fertilization. Curr. Biol. 19: 1327-1331. [PubMed]
- Oda, Y., Hirata, A., Sano, T., Fujita, T., Hiwatashi, Y., Sato, Y., Kadota, A., Hasebe, M., and Hasezawa, S. 2009.
Microtubules regulate dynamic organization of vacuoles in Physcomitrella patens. Plant Cell Physiol. 50: 855-868. [PubMed]
- Okano, Y., Aono, N., Hiwatashi, Y., Murata, T., Nishiyama, T., Ishikawa, T., Kubo, M., and Hasebe, M. 2009.
A polycomb repressive complex 2 gene regulates apogamy and gives evolutionary insights into early land plant evolution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106: 16321-16326. [PubMed]
- Abe, J., Hiwatashi, Y., Ito, M., Hasebe, M., and Sekimoto, H. 2008.
Expression of exogenous genes under the control of endogenous HSP70 and CAB promoters in the Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex. Plant Cell Physiol. 49: 625-632. [PubMed]
- Fujita, T., Sakaguchi, H., Hiwatashi, Y., Wagstaff, S.J., Ito, M., Deguchi, H., Sato, T., and Hasebe, M. 2008.
Convergent evolution of shoots in land plants: lack of auxin polar transport in moss shoots. Evol. Dev.10: 176-186. [PubMed]
- Hiwatashi, Y., Obara, M., Sato, Y., Fujita, T., Murata, T., and Hasebe, M. 2008. Kinesins are indispensable for interdigitation of phragmoplast microtubules in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Plant Cell 20: 3094-3106. [PubMed]
- Hoshi, Y., Shirakawa, J., Hasebe, M., Fukushima, K., and Kondo, K. 2008.
Tandem repeat rDNA sequence derived from parents were stably maintained in hexaploids of Drosera spathulata complex (Droseraceae). Cytologia 73: 313-325. (pdf)
- Inouye, T., Odahara, M., Fujita, T., Hasebe, M., and Sekine, Y. 2008.
Expression and complementation analyses of a chloroplast-localized homolog of bacterial RecA in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 72: 1340-1347. [PubMed]
- Morinaga, S.-I., Nagano, A.J., Miyazaki, S., Kubo, M., Demura, T., Fukuda, H., Sakai, S., and Hasebe, M. 2008.
Ecogenomics of cleistogamous and chasmogamous flowering: genome-wide gene expression patterns from cross-species microarray analysis in Cardamine kokaiensis (Brassicaceae). J. Ecol. 96: 1086-1097. (pdf)
- Rensing, S.A., Lang, D., Zimmer, A.D., Terry, A., Salamov, A., Shapiro, H., Nishiyama, T., Perroud, P.F., Lindquist, E.A., Kamisugi, Y., Tanahashi, T., Sakakibara, K., Fujita, T., Oishi, K., Shin, I.T., Kuroki, Y., Toyoda, A., Suzuki, Y., Hashimoto, S., Yamaguchi, K., Sugano, S., Kohara, Y., Fujiyama, A., Anterola, A., Aoki, S., Ashton, N., Barbazuk, W.B., Barker, E., Bennetzen, J.L., Blankenship, R., Cho, S.H., Dutcher, S.K., Estelle, M., Fawcett, J.A., Gundlach, H., Hanada, K., Heyl, A., Hicks, K.A., Hughes, J., Lohr, M., Mayer, K., Melkozernov, A., Murata, T., Nelson, D.R., Pils, B., Prigge, M., Reiss, B., Renner, T., Rombauts, S., Rushton, P.J., Sanderfoot, A., Schween, G., Shiu, S.H., Stueber, K., Theodoulou, F.L., Tu, H., Van de Peer, Y., Verrier, P.J., Waters, E., Wood, A., Yang, L., Cove, D., Cuming, A.C., Hasebe, M., Lucas, S., Mishler, B.D., Reski, R., Grigoriev, I.V., Quatrano, R.S., and Boore, J.L. 2008.
The Physcomitrella genome reveals evolutionary insights into the conquest of land by plants. Science 319: 64-69. [PubMed]
- Sakakibara, K., Nishiyama, T., Deguchi, H., and Hasebe, M. 2008.
Class 1 KNOX genes are not involved in shoot development in the moss Physcomitrella patens but do function in sporophyte development. Evol. Dev. 10: 555-566. [PubMed]
- Tanikawa-Dodo, Y., Saigusa, T., Chiba, H., Nishiyama, T., Hirowatari, T., Ishii, M., Yagi, T., Hasebe, M., and Mohri, H. 2008.
Molecular phylogeny of Japanese skippers (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae) baed on mitochondrial ND5 and CO1 gene sequences. Trans. Lepid. Soc. Japan 59: 29-41. (pdf)
- Hirano, K., Nakajima, M., Asano, K., Nishiyama, T., Sakakibara, H., Kojima, M., Katoh, E., Xiang, H., Tanahashi, T., Hasebe, M., Banks, J.A., Ashikari, M., Kitano, H., Ueguchi-Tanaka, M., and Matsuoka, M. 2007.
The GID1-mediated gibberellin perception mechanism Is conserved in the lycophyte Selaginella moellendorffii but not in the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens. Plant Cell 19: 3058-3079. [PubMed]
- Odahara, M., Inouye, T., Fujita, T., Hasebe, M., and Sekine, Y. 2007.
Involvement of mitochondrial-targeted RecA in the repair of mitochondrial DNA in the moss, Physcomitrella patens. Genes Genet. Syst. 82: 43-51. [PubMed]
- Tsuji, S., Ueda, K., Nishiyama, T., Hasebe, M., Yoshikawa, S., Konagaya, A., Nishiuchi, T., and Yamaguchi, K. 2007.
The chloroplast genome from a lycophyte (microphyllophyte), Selaginella uncinata, has a unique inversion, transpositions and many gene losses. J. Plant Res. 120: 281-290. [PubMed]
- Hoshi, Y., Shirakawa, J., and Hasebe, M. 2006.
Nucleotide sequence variation was unexpectedly low in an endangered species, Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. (Droseraceae). Chromosome Bot. 1: 27-32.
- Machida, M., Takechi, K., Sato, H., Chung, S.J., Kuroiwa, H., Takio, S., Seki, M., Shinozaki, K., Fujita, T., Hasebe, M., and Takano, H. 2006.
Genes for the peptidoglycan synthesis pathway are essential for chloroplast division in moss. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103: 6753-6758. [PubMed]
- Shigyo, M., Hasebe, M., and Ito, M. 2006.
Molecular evolution of the AP2 subfamily. Gene 366: 256-265. [PubMed]