PUBLICATIONS 研究業績 1990 -> 2000
- Nishiyama, T., Hiwatashi, Y., Sakakibara, K., Kato, M., and Hasebe, M. 2000.
Tagged mutagenesis and gene-trap in the moss, Physcomitrella patens by shuttle mutagenesis. DNA Res. 7: 1-9. [PubMed]
- Sano, R., Ito, M., Kurita, S., and Hasebe, M. 2000a.
Deparia formosana (Rosenst.) R.Sano, a New name for Diplazium Rosenst. Acta. Phytotaxa Geobot. 51: 17-20.
- Sano, R., Takamiya, M., Ito, M., Kurita, S., and Hasebe, M. 2000b.
Phylogeny of the lady fern group, tribe Physematieae (Dryopteridaceae), based on chloroplast rbcL gene sequences. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 15: 403-413. [PubMed]
- Sano, R., Takamiya, M., Kurita, S., Ito, M., and Hasebe, M. 2000c.
Diplazium subsinuatum and Di. tomitaroanum should be moved to Deparia according to molecular, morphological, and cytological characters. J. Plant Res. 113: 157-163. (pdf)
- Yokoyama, J., Suzuki, M., Iwatsuki, K., and Hasebe, M. 2000.
Molecular phylogeny of Coriaria, with special emphasis on the disjunct distribution. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 14: 11-19. [PubMed]
- Yoshimoto, Y., Higeta, D., Ito, Y., Yoshida, H., Hasebe, M., and Ozeki, Y. 2000. Isolation and characterization of a cDNA for Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) from Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation). Plant Biotech. 17: 325-329. (pdf)
- Aso, K., Kato, M., Banks, J.A., and Hasebe, M. 1999.
Characterization of homeodomain-leucine zipper genes in the fern, Ceratopteris richardii and the evolution of the homeodomain-leucine zipper gene family in vascular plants. Mol. Biol. Evol. 16: 544-552. [PubMed]
- Shindo, S., Ito, M., Ueda, K., Kato, M., and Hasebe, M. 1999.
Characterization of MADS genes in the gymnosperm Gnetum parvifolium and its implication on the evolution of reproductive organs in seed plants. Evol. Dev. 1: 180-190. [PubMed]
- Hasebe, M., Ando, T., and Iwatsuki, K. 1998a.
Intrageneric relationships of maple trees based on the chloroplast DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms. J. Plant Res. 111: 441-451.
- Hasebe, M., Wen, C.-K., Kato, M., and Banks, J.A. 1998b.
Characterization of MADS homeotic genes in the fern Ceratopteris richardii. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 95: 6222-6227. [PubMed]
- Fukada-Tanaka, S., Hoshino, A., Hisatomi, Y., Habu, Y., Hasebe, M., and Iida, S. 1997.
Identification of new chalcone synthase genes for flower pigmentation in the Japanese and common morning glories. Plant Cell Physiol. 38: 754-758. [PubMed]
- Eberle, J., Wen, C.-K., Nemacheck, J., Hasebe, M., and Banks, J.A. 1995. Ceratopteris: a model system for studying sex-determining mechanisms in plants. Int. J. Plant Sci. 156: 359-366.
- Hasebe, M., Wolf, P.G., Pryer, K.M., Ueda, K., Ito, M., Sano, R., Gastony, G.J., Yokoyama, J., Manhart, J.R., Murakami, N., Crane, E.H., Haufler, C.H., and Hauk, W.D. 1995.
Fern phylogeny based on rbcL nucleotide sequences. Amer. Fern J. 35: 134-181.
- Ito, M., Soejima, A., Hasebe, M., and Watanabe, K. 1995.
A chloroplast-DNA phylogeny of Kalimeris and Aster, with reference to the generic circumscription. J. Plant Res. 108: 93-96.
- Hasebe, M., Omori, T., Nakazawa, M., Sano, T., Kato, M., and Iwatsuki, K. 1994. rbcL gene-sequences provide evidence for the evolutionary linages of Leptosporangiate ferns. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 5730-5734. [PubMed]
- Hasebe, M., Ito, M., Kofuji, R., Ueda, K., and Iwatsuki, K. 1993.
Phylogenetic relationships of ferns deduced from rbcL gene sequence. J. Mol. Evol.37: 476-482. [PubMed]
- Sriboonma, D., Hasebe, M., Murakami, N., Murata, J., and Iwatsuki, K. 1993. Phylogeny of Typhonium (Araceae) inferred from restriction fragment analysis of chloroplast DNA. J. Plant Res. 106: 11-14. (pdf)
- Yukawa, T., Kurita, S., Nishida, M., and Hasebe, M. 1993.
Phylogenetic implications of chloroplast DNA restriction site variation in subtribe Dendornbiinae (Orchidaceae). Lindleyana8 : 211-221.
- Hasebe, M., Ito, M., Kofuji, R., Iwatsuki, K., and Ueda, K. 1992a.
Phylogenetic relationships in Gnetophyta deduced from rbcL gene sequences. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 105. 385-319. (pdf)
- Hasebe, M., and Iwatsuki,K. 1992b.
Gene Localizatino on the Chloroplast DNA of the Maiden Hair Fern; Adiantum capillus-veneris. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 105. 413-419. (pdf)
- Hasebe, M., Kofuji, R., Ito, M., Kato, M., Iwatsuki, K., and Ueda, K. 1992c.
Phylogeny of gymnosperms inferred from rbcL gene sequences. Bot. Mag. Tokyo195: 673-679. (pdf)
- Stein, D.B., Conant, D.S., Ahearn, M.E., Jordan, E.T., Kirch, S.A., Hasebe, M., Iwatsuki, K., Tan, M.K., and Thomson, J.A. 1992.
Structural rearrangements of the chloroplast genome provide an important phylogenetic link in ferns. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 89: 1856-1860. [PubMed]
- Hasebe, M., and Iwatsuki, K. 1990a.
Adiantum capillus-veneris chloroplast DNA clone banks: as useful heterologous probes in the systematics of the leptosporangiate ferns. Amer. Fern J. 80: 20-25.
- Hasebe, M., and Iwatsuki, K. 1990b.
Chloroplast DNA from Adiantum capillus-veneris L., a fern species (Adiantaceae); clone bank, physical map and unusual gene localization in comparison with angiosperm chloroplast DNA. Curr. Genet. 17: 359-364. (pdf)
- Homma, M., Kutsukake, K., Hasebe, M., Iino, T., and Macnab, R.M. 1990.
FlgB, FlgC, FlgF and FlgG. A family of structurally related proteins in the flagellar basal body of Salmonella typhimurium. J. Mol. Biol. 211: 465-477. [PubMed]