
胡桃坂 仁志

◆ Ichikawa Y, Nishimura Y, Kurumizaka H, Shimizu M.
Nucleosome organization and chromatin dynamics in telomeres.
Pubmed ID25720088

木村 宏 (山縣 一夫)

◆ Hieda M, Matsuura N, Kimura H.
Histone modifications associated with cancer cell migration and invasion.
Pubmed ID25421667 筆頭著者・責任著者 (※査読無)

Kimura H, Yamagata K.
Visualization of epigenetic modifications in preimplantation embryos.
Pubmed ID25287343 筆頭著者・責任著者 (※査読無)

原口 徳子

Haraguchi T, Osakada H, Koujin T.
Live CLEM imaging to analyze nuclear structures at high resolution.
Pubmed ID25555577 筆頭著者・責任著者

佐渡 敬

◆ Nakajima T, Sado T.
Current view of the potential roles of proteins enriched on the inactive X chromosome.
Pubmed ID25747039 責任著者

今本 尚子

◆ Kose S, Funakoshi T, Imamoto N.
Reconstitution of nucleocytoplasmic transport using digitonin-permeabilized cells.
Pubmed ID25555589 責任著者
◆ Kose S, Imamoto N.
Nucleocytoplasmic transport under stress conditions and its role in HSP70 chaperone systems.
Pubmed ID24797038 責任著者
(備考:BBA-General Subjects 1840, 2953-2960 (2014))

◆ Kimura M, Imamoto N.
Biological significance of the importin-β family-dependent nucleocytoplasmic transport pathways.
Pubmed ID24766099 責任著者
(備考: Traffic 15, 727-748 (2014))

◆ Takagi M, Imamoto N.
Control of nuclear size by NPC proteins.
Pubmed ID24563366 責任著者

◆ Furuta M, Kose S, Kehlenbach RH, Imamoto N.
Analysis of nucleocytoplasmic transport in digitonin-permeabilized cells under different cellular conditions.
Pubmed ID24857737 責任著者

◆ Maeshima K, Funakoshi T, Imamoto N.
Cell fusion method to visualize interphase nuclear pore (NPC) formation.
Pubmed ID24857733 責任著者

◆ Kimura M, Thakar K, Karaca S, Imamoto N, Kehlenbach RH.
Novel approaches for the identification of nuclear transport receptor substrates.
Pubmed ID24857738

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