片岡研介 研究略歴・業績


2002年 姫路工業大学理学部生命科学科 卒業
2007年 兵庫県立大学大学院生命理学研究科 理学博士
    Supervisors: 渡辺憲二、餅井真、織井秀文
    Projects: アフリカツメガエル卵に局在するRNAの探索、生殖細胞の運命決定機構
2007年 IMBA (Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences)ポスドク
    Supervisor: 望月一史
    Project: テトラヒメナのヘテロクロマチンによって誘導されるDNA削減機構
2016年 基礎生物学研究所クロマチン制御研究部門 助教


ResearchGate こちら
Google Scholar こちら


Suhren, JH., Noto, T., Kataoka, K., Gao, S., Liu, Y., Mochizuki, K.
Negative regulators of an RNAi-heterochromatin positive feedback loop safeguard somatic genome integrity in Tetrahymena.
Cell Rep. (in press)

Shodhan, A., Kataoka K., Mochizuki, K., Novatchkova, M., Loidl, J.
Zhp3, a Zip3-like protein plays a role in crossover formation in the SC-less meiosis of the protist Tetrahymena.
Mol Biol Cell. (Epub ahead of print) [PubMed]

Kataoka, K., Mochizuki, K.
Heterochromatin aggregation during DNA elimination in Tetrahymena is facilitated by a prion-like protein.
J Cell Sci. 130(2): 480-489. (2017). [PubMed]

Kataoka, K.*, Noto, T., Mochizuki, K*.
Phosphorylation of an HP1-like protein is a prerequisite for heterochromatin body formation in Tetrahymena DNA elimination.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 113(32): 9027-9032. (2016). (*: co-corresponding author) [PubMed]

Kataoka, K., Mochizuki, K.
Phosphorylation of an HP1-like protein regulates heterochromatin body assembly for DNA elimination.

Dev Cell 35(6): 775–788. (2015). [PubMed]

Noto, T.*, Kataoka, K.*, Suhren, JH., Hayashi, A., Woolcock, KJ., Gorovsky, MA., Mochizuki, K.
Small-RNA-mediated genome-wide trans-recognition network in Tetrahymena DNA elimination.

Mol Cell 59(2): 229-242. (2015). (*: co-first author) [PubMed]

Yamaguchi, T., Kataoka, K., Watanabe, K., Orii, H.
Restriction of the Xenopus DEADSouth mRNA to the primordial germ cells is ensured by multiple mechanisms.
Mech Dev. 131:15-23. (2014). [PubMed]

Terayama, K., Kataoka, K., Morichika, K., Orii, H., Watanabe, K., Mochii, M.
Developmental regulation of locomotive activity in Xenopus primordial germ cells.
Dev Growth Differ. 55(2):217-228. (2013). [PubMed]

Kataoka, K., Schoeberl, UE., Mochizuki, K.
Modules for C-terminal epitope tagging of Tetrahymena genes.
J Microbiol Methods 82(3): 342-346. (2010). [PubMed]

Noto, T., Kurth, HM., Kataoka, K., Aronica, L., Desouza, LV., Sui, KW., Pearlman, RE., Gorovsky, MA., Mochizuki, K.
The Tetrahymena Argonaute-binding protein Giw1p directs a mature Argonaute-siRNA complex to the nucleus.
Cell. 140(5): 692-703. (2010). [PubMed]

Morichika, K., Kataoka, K., Terayama, K., Tazaki, A., Kinoshita, T., Watanabe, K., Mochii, M.
Perturbation of Notch/Suppressor of Hairless pathway disturbs migration of primordial germ cells in Xenopus embryo.
Dev Growth Differ 52(2): 235-244. (2010). [PubMed]

Nishihara, E., Yokota, E., Tazaki, A., Orii, H., Katsuhara, M., Kataoka, K., Igarashi, H., Moriyama, T., Shimmen, T., Sonobe, S.
Presence of aquaporin and V-ATPase on the contractile vacuole of Amoeba proteus.
Biol Cell. 100(3): 179-188. (2008). [PubMed]

Kataoka, K., Yamaguchi, T., Orii, H., Tazaki, A., Watanabe, K., Mochii, M.
Visualization of the Xenopus primordial germ cells using a green fluorescent protein controlled by cis elements of the 3’ untranslated region of the DEADSouth gene.

Mech Dev. 123(10): 746-760. (2006). (cover story) [PubMed]

Kataoka, K.*, Tazaki, A., Kitayama, A., Ueno, N., Watanabe, K., Mochii, M.*
Identification of asymmetrically localized transcripts along the animal-vegetal axis of Xenopus Egg.
Dev Growth Differ. 47(8): 511-521. (2005). (*: co-corresponding author, cover story) [PubMed]

総説・Book Chapter

Kataoka, K., Mochizuki, K.
Programmed DNA elimination in Tetrahymena: a small RNA-mediated genome surveillance mechanism.
Adv Exp Med Biol. 722:156-173. (2011). [PubMed]


片岡研介、望月一史(2016)「テトラヒメナにおいてHP1様タンパク質の脱リン酸化はヘテロクロマチンボディの形成を促進する」ライフサイエンス新着論文レビュー [Link]

能登朋子、片岡研介、望月一史(2015)「テトラヒメナにおけるDNAの削減は小分子RNAによるトランス認識ネットワークにより制御されている」ライフサイエンス新着論文レビュー [Link]