Featured Research
Illusory Motion Reproduced by Deep Neural Networks Trained for Prediction. Watanabe, Kitaoka, Sakamoto, Yasugi & Tanaka (2018)
Recent Papers
Dynamic plasticity in phototransduction regulates seasonal changes in color perception. Shimmura, Nakayama, Shinomiya, Fukamachi, Yasugi, Watanabe, Shimo, Senga, Nishimura, Tanaka, Kamei, Naruse & Yoshimura (2017)
Three-dimensional computer graphic animations for studying social approach behaviour in medaka fish: Effects of systematic manipulation of morphological and motion cues. Nakayasu, Yasugi, Shiraishi, Uchida & Watanabe (2017)
Biological motion stimuli are attractive to medaka fish. Nakayasu & Watanabe (2014)
Visual motion with pink noise induces predation behaviour. Matsunaga & Watanabe (2012)
Recent Preprent Papers
Motion Illusion-like Patterns Extracted from Photo and Art Images Using Predictive Deep Neural Networks. Kobayashi, Kitaoka, Kosaka, Tanaka & Watanabe (2021)
Artificial Perception Meets Psychophysics, Revealing a Fundamental Law of Illusory Motion. Kobayashi & Watanabe (2021)
Laterally biased diffusion of males of the water flea Daphnia magna. Toyota, Yasugi, Tatarazako, Iguchi & Watanabe (2021)