第23回 配偶子制御セミナー

Patterns of stem cell self-renewal in adult tissues

講師  Allon Klein, Ph.D.
所属  Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School
日時  平成24年5月25日(金)18:00-
場所  京都大学 芝蘭会館別館・研修室 2

The maintenance and repair of adult tissues is supported by stem cells. These cells have a fundamental asymmetry in their fate: on average, exactly half of all stem cell progeny differentiate, whereas the remaining half maintain their stem cell identity. Although it is often thought that stem cells divide asymmetrically, it is difficult to test this assumption in vivo. In this talk I will show how lineage tracing in adult mice can be used to infer the pattern of stem cell fate in three of the stereotypical renewing mammalian tissues: the epidermis, the male germ line and the intestine. We challenge the widely held view of asymmetric division, showing instead that stem cells divide both symmetrically and asymmetrically, and that they are frequently and stochastically lost. We define patterns of clonal statistics that systematically distinguish between the self-renewal strategies in adult tissues, and propose experiments for testing stochastic stem cell fate in other tissues including the hematopoietic system.

問い合わせ ;
自然科学研究機構 基礎生物学研究所 生殖細胞研究部門 
吉田松生 (shosei@nibb.ac.jp)

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