The 66th NIBB Conference / ABiS International Symposium

Cutting Edge Techniques of Bioimaging



Registrations have now closed.

For Invited Speakers

Abstract submission deadline: December 3rd, 2018
An abstract is requested from all invited speakers.
Please email the abstract to
Note: The abstract must be converted to PDF format.
Abstract submission guidelines & template download (Word) (PDF)
<Changes to registration information>
Please click the "Changes to registration information” if you wish to change or add new information to your previously registered information.

For General Participants

 Registration deadline: December 17th, 2018
Note: Further registrations will not be accepted if the number of participants exceeds the capacity of the venue.
<Mixer participation>
A mixer will be held on February 17, 2018. If you wish to participate, please check the box on the registration form.
The mixer fee is 5,000 yen for general participants and 3,000 yen for students.
How to pay
●   Please pay the mixer fee at the registration desk.
●   Payment is only accepted in Japanese Yen. Please try to bring the exact amount.
●   A receipt will be issued when payment is made.
●   Credit cards will not be accepted.
Please let us know by January 31th, 2019 if you cancel the previous reservation.
<Call for Posters>
A poster presentation will be held on February 17th, 2019.
All participants are encouraged to present a poster measuring 90cm (width) by 120cm (height).
A select number of posters will be selected by the organizing committee and their creators will be asked to present a short talk. (15 min including discussion)
Deadline for poster abstract submissions: December 3rd17th, 2018
* The previouse deadline has been extended. 

If you wish to present a poster, please email an abstract of your poster to
Note: The abstract must be converted to PDF format.
Abstract submission guidelines & template download (Word) (PDF)
<Travel grants for ABiS users>
ABiS offers travel grants to assist ABiS users in attending conferences.
However, users, whose projects are supported by the following KAKENHI grants, are not eligible for travel grant support:

  • Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) 
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
  • Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A),
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Planned Research)

For more brief, please refer to the Registration Form.
<Changes to registration information>
Please click the "Changes to registration information” if you wish to change or add new information to your previously registered information.