Tsuchiya Y, Mii Y, Okada K, Furuse M, Okubo T, Takada S.
Ripply3 is required for the maintenance of epithelial sheets in the morphogenesis of pharyngeal pouches.
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Mii Y, Yamamoto T, Takada R, Mizumoto S, Matsuyama M, Yamada S, Takada S, Taira M.
Roles of two types of heparan sulfate clusters in Wnt distribution and signaling in Xenopus.
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Chen Q, Takada R, Noda C, Kobayashi S, Takada S.
Different populations of Wnt-containing vesicles are individually released from polarized epithelial cells.
Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 21;6:35562. doi: 10.1038/srep35562.
Yabe T, Hoshijima K, Yamamoto T, Takada S.
Quadruple zebrafish mutant reveals different roles of Mesp genes in somite segmentation between mouse and zebrafish.
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Kazunori Okada*, Keiji Inohaya, Takeshi Mise, Akira Kudo, Shinji Takada* and Hiroshi Wada* (* Authors for corresponding)
Reiterative expression of pax1 directs pharyngeal pouch segmentation in medaka.
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Yabe T, Takada S.
Molecular mechanism for cyclic generation of somites: Lessons from mice and zebrafish.
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Wanglar C, Takahashi J, Yabe T, Takada S.
Tbx protein level critical for clock-mediated somite positioning is regulated through interaction between Tbx and Ripply.
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Yabe T, Takada S.
Mesogenin causes embryonic mesoderm progenitors to differentiate during development of zebrafish tail somites.
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Chen Q, Takada R, Takada S.
Loss of Porcupine impairs convergent extension during gastrulation in zebrafish.
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Okubo T, Kawamura A, Takahashi J, Yagi H, Morishima M, Matsuoka R, Takada S.
Ripply3, a Tbx1 repressor, is required for development of the pharyngeal apparatus and its derivatives in mice.
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Takahashi J, Ohbayashi A, Oginuma M, Saito D, Mochizuki A, Saga Y, Takada S.
Analysis of Ripply1/2-deficient mouse embryos reveals a mechanism underlying the rostro-caudal patterning within a somite.
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Kawamura A, Koshida S, Takada S.
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Paf1 complex homologes are required for Notch-regulated transcription during somite segmentation.
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Takada R, Satomi Y, Kurata T, Ueno N, Norioka S, Kondoh H, Takao T, Takada S.
Monounsaturated fatty acid modification of Wnt protein: its role in Wnt secretion.
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Yamaguchi Y, Yonemura S, Takada S.
Grainyhead-related transcription factor is required for duct maturation in the salivary gland and the kidney of the mouse.
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Kawamura A, Koshida S, Hijikata H, Ohbayashi A, Kondoh H, Takada S.
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Analysis of combinatorial effects of Wnts and Frizzleds on beta-catenin/armadillo stabilization and Dishevelled phosphorylation.
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Gene trap screening as an effective approach for identification of Wnt-responsive genes in the mouse embryo.
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Fgf18 is required for normal cell proliferation and differentiation during osteogenesis and chondrogenesis.
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Wnt signaling from the dorsal neural tube is required for the formation of the medial dermomyotome.
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Cytoskeletal reorganization by soluble Wnt-3a protein signaling.
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Evidence that absence of Wnt-3a signaling promotes neuralization instead of paraxial mesoderm development in the mouse.
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Wnt signalling required for expansion of neural crest and CNS progenitors.
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