3.4@ Observation of archegonia and embryos by confocal laser scanning microscopy
laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) provides us with a powerful tool to observe
thick, intact specimens because of the use of spatial filtering to eliminate from
the image degrading out-of-focus information and its ability to collect serial
optical sections from thick specimens.
In the moss Physcomitrella
patens, antheridia and archegonia are formed on the gametophore shoot
apices and they differentiate sperm and egg cells, respectively. Fertilization occurs
in the egg cell within the archegonium and resulting embryo develops there.
Observation of egg cells or embryos is very difficult because the relatively
thick archegonium tissue obscures it; therefore we observed them with
CLSM.@ This method is applicable to
observations of buds or gametophores.
Usually imaging specimens with fluorescent probes are observed
using CLSM.@ In
our method, glutaraldehyde is used for the fixation and induced fluorescence is
detected. This autofluorescence is highly stable and little care is needed to
avoid photobleaching. We used a UV laser for signal detection, but a visible
laser (such as a green helium/neon laser) is also available.
4% (v/v) glutaraldehyde in 12.5 mM cacodylate*2 (pH
EtOH (20, 40, 60, 80, 100%)
Clearing and mounting
2:1 mixture of benzyl benzoate and benzyl alcohol
(1) Dissect
appropriate gametophore shoot apices with some leaves under stereomicroscope
and transfer them into the fixative immediately.
(2) Apply
the vacuum for 30 minutes and then release slowly.
(3) Fix materials
overnight at 4ºC
Dehydrate materials with graded ethanol.
(5) Clear
and mount them in the same solution.*4
Observation.*5 (We used a Leica TCS SP2
confocal system equipped with a UV laser. Fluorescence between 400 and 700 nm
was detected under excitation with 351- and 364-nm excitation beams.)
*1 We added DAPI in the
fixative (1µg/ml).@ This somewhat
strengthened signals, but observation is possible without DAPI.
*2 Toxic
*3 It was impossible to
obtain images without clearing.
*4 Nail polish is not
necessary for sealing.@ Appropriate
amount of mounting solution and leaves, which work as a spacer, are important.
*5 Nuclei and cell walls
have strong signals.@ Egg cells
fluoresced brightly from the whole cells.
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