




1. 雑誌論文


平岡・近重><徳永><小布施・長尾 胡桃坂><末盛・山縣(H23-)><大山><木村()


H21-24: 安原><河野><原田><守屋><小穴><斉藤><滝沢><田代><片山><木村()




2. 図書


平岡・近重><徳永><小布施・長尾 胡桃坂><末盛・山縣(H23-)><木村()


H21-24: 河野><原田><斉藤><滝沢><片山><木村()

H21-22: 三国><山縣><若本><松浦><中川><長山><廣田

H23-24: 原口><村上><大川


3. 特許出願




H21-24: 斉藤><片山

H21-22: 長山><廣田

H23-24: 原口><藤井




1. 雑誌論文 



1.   Iwamoto M, Asakawa H, Ohtsuki C, Osakada H, Koujin T, Hiraoka Y, Haraguchi T.(2013) Monoclonal Antibodies Recognize Gly-Leu-Phe-Gly Repeat of Nucleoporin Nup98 of Tetrahymena, Yeasts and Humans. Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy. 32, 81-90.(査読有)

2.   Ichikawa Y, Kagawa W, Saito K, Chikashige Y., Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y., Kurumizaka H. (2013) Purification and characterization of the fission yeast telomere clustering factors, Bqt1 and Bqt2. Protein Expr Purif. 88, 207-213.(査読有)

3.   Yoshida M, Katsuyama S, Tateho K, Nakamura H, Miyoshi J, Ohba T, Matsuhara H, Miki F, Okazaki K, Haraguchi T, Niwa O, Hiraoka Y., Yamamoto A. (2013) Microtubule-organizing center formation at telomeres induces meiotic telomere clustering. J. Cell Biol. 200, 385-395.(査読有)

4.   Hamasaki M, Furuta N, Matsuda A, Nezu A, Yamamoto A, Fujita N, Oomori H, Noda T, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y, Yoshimori T, Amano A (2013) Autophagosomes form at ER–mitochondria contact sites. Nature 495, 389-393.(査読有)

5.   Kobayashi S, Hattori Y, Osakada H, Toma K, Maitani Y, Hiraoka Y., Haraguchi T. (2012) Early entry and deformation of macropinosomes correlates with high efficiency of decaarginine-PEG-lipid-mediated gene delivery. J Gene Med. 14, 262–271.(査読有)

6.   Iimori M, Ozaki K, Chikashige Y., Habu T, Hiraoka Y., Maki T, Hayashi I, Obuse C, Matsumoto T. (2012) A mutation of the fission yeast EB1 overcomes negative regulation by phosphorylation and stabilizes microtubules. Exp Cell Res. 318, 262-275.(査読有)

7.   Yamashita A, Shichino Y, Tanaka H, Hiriart E, Touat-Todeschini L, Vavasseur A, Ding DQ, Hiraoka Y., Verdel A, and Yamamoto M. (2012) Hexanucleotide motifs mediate recruitment of the RNA elimination machinery to silent meiotic genes Open Biology, 2,120014(査読有)

8.   Ding DQ , Okamasa K, Yamane M, Tsutsumi C, Haraguchi T, Yamamoto M, and Hiraoka Y..(2012) Meiosis-specific non-coding RNA mediates robust pairing of homologous chromosomes in meiosis. Science, 336, 732-736.(査読有)

9.   Tange Y, Atsushi Kurabayashi, Bunshiro Goto, Kwang-Lae Hoe, Dong-Uk Kim, Han-Oh Park, Jacqueline Hayles, Yuji Chikashige, Chihiro Tsutumi, Yasushi Hiraoka, Fumiaki Yamao, Paul Nurse, and Osami Niwa. (2012) The CCR4-NOT Complex Is Implicated in the Viability of Aneuploid Yeasts. PLoS Genetics, 8, e1002776.(査読有)

10. Fujita I, Nishihara Y, Tanaka M, Tsujii H, Chikashige Y., Watanabe Y, Saito M, Ishikawa F, Hiraoka Y., Kanoh J.(2012). Telomere-Nuclear Envelope Dissociation Promoted by Rap1 Phosphorylation Ensures Faithful Chromosome Segregation. Curr. Biol., 22, 1932-1937.(査読有)

11. Hashimoto T, Segawa H, Okuno M, Kano H, Hamaguchi HO, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y., Hasui S, Yamaguchi T, Hirose F, Osumi T.(2012) Active involvement of micro-lipid droplets and lipid droplet-associated proteins in hormone-stimulated lipolysis in adipocytes. J Cell Sci. 125, 6127-36.(査読有)

12. Ding D-Q, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y.. (2012) Chromosomally-retained RNA mediates homologous pairing. Nucleus, 3, 516-519.(査読有)

13. Hirano Y, Hizume K, Kimura H, Takeyasu K, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y. (2012) Lamin B receptor recognizes specific modification of histone H4 in heterochromatin formation. J. Biol. Chem., 287, 42654-42663.(査読有)

14. 松田厚志、平野泰弘、平岡泰2012)核内構造観察のための超分解能蛍光イメージング技術. 細胞工学 31, 863-869.(査読無)

15. 丁大橋、平岡泰 (2012) 非コードRNAが相同染色体の相互認識を担う. 実験医学 30, 2617-2619.(査読無)

16. Asakawa H, Hiraoka Y., Haraguchi T. (2011) Physical breakdown of the nuclear envelope is not necessary for breaking its barrier function. Nucleus. 2, 523-526.(査読有)

17. Tsuchiya M, Ogawa H, Suzuki T, Sugiyama N, Haraguchi T Hiraoka Y.. (2011) Exportin 4 interacts with Sox9 through the HMG box and inhibits the DNA binding of Sox9. PLoS ONE. 6, e25694.(査読有)

18. Hiraoka Y., Maekawa H, Asakawa H, Chikashige Y., Kojidani T, Osakada H, Matsuda A, Haraguchi T. (2011) Inner nuclear membrane protein Ima1 is dispensable for intranuclear positioning of centromeres. Genes Cells, 16, 1000-1011.(査読有)

19. Sheltzer JM, Blank HM, Pfau SJ, Tange Y, George BM, Humpton TJ, BritoIL, Hiraoka Y., Niwa O, Amon A. (2011) Aneuploidy drives genomic instability in yeast. Science 333, 1026-30.(査読有)

20. Asakawa H, Hiraoka Y., Haraguchi T. (2011) Nuclear translocation of RanGAP1 coincides with virtual nuclear envelope breakdown in fission yeast meiosis. Communicative and Integrative Biology 4, 312-314.(査読有)

21. Osborne EA, Hiraoka Y., Rine J. (2011) Symmetry, asymmetry, and kinetics of silencing establishment in Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed by single-cell optical assays. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 108, 1209-16.(査読有)

22. Chen Y, Rai R, Zhou ZR, Kanoh J, Ribeyre C, Yang Y, Zheng H, Damay P, Wang F, Tsujii H, Hiraoka Y., Shore D, Hu HY, Chang S, Lei M. (2011) A conserved motif within RAP1 has diversified roles in telomere protection and regulation in different organisms. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 18, 213-21.(査読有)

23. Masuda H, Fong CS, Ohtsuki C, Haraguchi H, Hiraoka Y.. (2011) Spatio-temporal regulations of Wee1 at the G2-M transition. Mol. Biol. Cell, 22, 555-569. Selected as "Journal Cover", Selected as "A Highlights from MBoC Selection"(査読有)

24. 平野泰弘、平岡泰2011)ヒストンH1. 生体の科学62, 438-439. (査読無)

25. 平岡 泰2011)分裂酵母核膜タンパク質. 生体の科学62, 372-373. (査読無)

26. Asakawa H., Kojidani T,. Mori, C., Osakada H., Sato M., Ding D.-Q. Hiraoka Y.., Haraguchi, T (2010) Virtual breakdown of the nuclear envelope in fission yeast meiosis. Curr. Biol. 20, 1919-1925. Selected as“Featured Article” and Introduced in “Dispatch”, Curr. Biol., 20: pR923.(査読有)

27. Chikashige Y., Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y. (2010) Nuclear envelope attachment is not necessary for telomere function in fission yeast. Nucleus, 1, 481-486.(査読有)

28. Ito, S., Tan L.-J., Andoh, D., Narita, T., Seki, M. Hirano, Y., Narita, K., Kuraoka, I., Hiraoka Y.. and Tanaka, K. (2010) MMXD, a TFIIH-independent XPD-MMS19 protein complex involved in chromosome segregation. Mol. Cell, 39, 632-640.(査読有)

29. Kawai-Noma S, Pack C-G, Kojidani T, Asakawa H, Hiraoka Y., Kinjo M, Haraguchi T, Taguchi H, Hirata A. (2010) In vivo evidence for the fibrillar structures of Sup35 prions in yeast cells. J. Cell Biol. 190, 223-231.(査読有)

30. Iwamoto M, Asakawa H, Hiraoka Y. and Haraguchi T. (2010) Nucleoporin Nup98: a gatekeeper in the eukaryotic kingdoms. Genes Cells. 15, 661-669.(査読有)

31. Nakano T, Shuai J, Koujin T, Suda T, Hiraoka Y., Haraguchi T. (2010) Biological Excitable Media Based on Non-excitable Cells and Calcium Signaling. Nano Communication Networks. 1, 43-49.(査読有)

32. Ding DQ, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y.. (2010) From meiosis to postmeiotic events: alignment and recognition of homologous chromosomes in meiosis. The FEBS J. 277, 565-70.(査読有)

33. Kobayashi S., Kojidani T., Osakada H., Yamamoto A., Yoshimori T., Hiraoka Y.., and Haraguchi T. (2010) Artificial induction of autophagy around polystyrene beads in nonphagocytic cells. Autophagy 6, 36-45.(査読有)

34. 近重裕次、平岡泰 (2010) 日向に咲くブーケ:SUNタンパク質と減数分裂期染色体のダイナミクス. 細胞工学29, 890-894.(査読無)

35. 平岡泰、原口徳子 (2010) テロメアとテロメア合成酵素によって染色体が保護される仕組みの発見. 蛋白質・核酸・酵素55, 104-107.(査読無)

36. Chikashige Y., Yamane M, Okamasa K, Tsutsumi C, Kojidani T, Sato M, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y.. (2009) Membrane proteins Bqt3 and Bqt4 anchor telomeres to the nuclear envelope to ensure chromosomal bouquet formation. J. Cell Biol. 187, 413-427.(査読有)

37. Hiraoka Y., Dernburg AF. (2009) The SUN rises on meiotic chromosome dynamics. Dev. Cell 17, 598-605.(査読有)

38. Nakano T, Koujin T, Suda T, Hiraoka Y., Haraguchi T. (2009) A locally-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ propagates cell-to-cell in the presence of plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase inhibitors in non-excitable cells. FEBS Lett. 583, 3593-3599.(査読有)

39. Murai T, Nakase Y, Fukuda K, Chikashige Y., Tsutsumi C, Hiraoka Y., Matsumoto T. (2009) Distinctive Responses to Nitrogen Starvation in the Dominant Active Mutants of the Fission Yeast Rheb GTPase. Genetics 183, 517-527.(査読有)

40. Ogawa H, Komatsu K, Hiraoka Y., and Morohashi K. (2009) Transcriptional Suppression by Transient Recruitment of ARIP4 to Sumoylated Nuclear Receptor Ad4BP/SF-1. Mol. Biol. Cell 20, 4235-4245.(査読有)

41. Iwamoto M, Mori C, Kojidani T, Bunai F, Hori T, Fukagawa T, Hiraoka Y., and Haraguchi T (2009) Two Distinct Repeat Sequences of Nup98 Nucleoporins Characterize Dual Nuclei in the Binucleated Ciliate Tetrahymena. Current Biology 19, 843-847.(査読有)

42. Asakawa H, Hiraoka Y.. (2009) Live-cell fluorescence imaging of meiotic chromosome dynamics in S. pombe. Methods Mol. Biol. 558, 53-64.(査読有)

43. Hiraoka Y., Kawamata K, Haraguchi T and Chikashige Y. (2009) Codon usage bias is correlated with gene expression levels in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Genes Cells. 14, 499-509.(査読有)

44. Hayashi A, Ding, DQ, Tsutsumi C, Chikashige Y., Masuda H, Haraguchi T and Hiraoka Y. (2009) Localization of gene products using a chromosomally tagged GFP-fusion library in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Genes Cells. 14, 217-225.(査読有)

45. 平岡 泰、原口 徳子 (2009) テロメアとテロメア合成酵素によって染色体が保護されるしくみの発見. 蛋白質・核酸・酵素 55, 104-107(査読無)

46. Nakamura, T., Asakawa, H., Nakase, Y., Kashiwazaki, J., Hiraoka Y.., Shimoda, C. (2008) Live observation of forespore membrane formation in fission yeast. Mol Biol Cell 19, 3544-53.(査読有)

47. Yamamoto, A., Kitamura, K., Hihara, D., Hirose, Y., Katsuyama, S., Hiraoka Y.. (2008) Spindle checkpoint activation at meiosis I advances anaphase II onset via meiosis-specific APC/C regulation. J Cell Biol. 182, 277-88.(査読有)

48. Haraguchi, T., Kojidani, T., Koujin, T., Shimi, T., Osakada, H., Mori, C., Yamamoto, A., and Hiraoka Y. (2008) Live cell imaging and electron microscopy reveal dynamic processesof BAF-directed nuclear envelope assembly. J Cell Sci. 121, 2540-2554.(査読有)



1.       Hotta, K., Nashimoto, A., Yasumura, E., Suzuki, M., Azuma, M., Iizumi, Y., Shima, D., Nabeshima, R., Hiramoto, M., Okada, A., Sakata-Sogawa, K., Tokunaga, M., Ito, T., Ando, H., Sakamoto, S., Kabe, Y., Aizawa, S., Imai, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Watanabe, H., Handa, H. (2013) Vesnarinone Suppresses TNFα mRNA Expression by Inhibiting Valosin-containing Protein. Mol Pharmacol, 83, 930-938. (査読有)

2.       Hashimoto-Tane, A., Yokosuka, T., Sakata-Sogawa, K., Sakuma, M., Ishihara, C., Tokunaga, M., Saito, T. (2011) Dynein-driven transport of T cell receptor microclusters regulates immune synapse formation and T cell activation. Immunity 34, 919-934 (査読有)

3.       Shiina, N., Tokunaga, M. (2010) RNA Granule Protein 140 (RNG140): A Paralog of RNG105 Localized to Distinct RNA Granules in Neuronal Dendrites in the Adult Vertebrate Brain. J Biol Chem, 285, 24260-24269 (査読有)

4.       Shiina, N., Yamaguchi, K., Tokunaga, M. (2010) RNG105 Deficiency Impairs the Dendritic Localization of mRNAs for Na+/K+ ATPase Subunit Isoforms and Leads to the Degeneration of Neuronal Networks. J Neuroscience 30, 12816-12830 (査読有)

5.       Yokosuka, T., Kobayashi, W., Takamatsu, M., Sakata-Sogawa, K., Zeng, H., Yagita, H., Tokunaga, M., Saito, T. (2010) Spatiotemporal basis of CTLA-4-mediated negative regulation of T-cell activation. Immunity 33, 326-339 (査読有)

6.       Fukagawa, A., Hiroshima, M., Sakane, I., Tokunaga, M. (2009) Direct Observation of Multiple and Stochastic Transition States by a Feedback-controlled Single-molecule Force Measurement. Anal Sci 25, 5-7 (査読有) Selected as Hot Article Award.

7.       Fukagawa, A., Hiroshima, M., Sakane, I., Tokunaga, M. (2009) Stochastic emergence of multiple intermediates detected by single-molecule quasi-static mechanical unfolding of protein. BIOPHYSICS 5, 25-35 (査読有)

8.       Miletic, A.V., Graham, D.B., Sakata-Sogawa, K., Hiroshima, M., Hamann, M.J., Cemerski, S., Kloeppel, T., Billadeau, D.D., Kanagawa, O., Tokunaga, M., Swat, W. (2009) Vav links the T cell antigen receptor to the actin cytoskeleton and T cell activation independently of intrinsic Guanine nucleotide exchange activity. PLoS One 4, e6599 (査読有)

9.       Yokosuka, T., Kobayashi, W., Sakata-Sogawa, K., Takamatsu, M., Hashimoto-Tane, A., Dustin, M.L., Tokunaga, M., Saito, T. (2008) Spatiotemporal regulation of T cell co-stimulation by TCR-CD28 microclusters through PKCθ translocation. Immunity 29, 589-601 (査読有)

10.    十川久美子, 徳永万喜洋2011)免疫細胞表面の1分子イメージング計測,現代化学Vol.488, 42-43, 査読無 (依頼執筆)

11.    十川久美子、徳永万喜洋2009 免疫細胞シグナルの1分子イメージングと分子動態, 生化学, 81, 218-222, 査読無 (依頼執筆)

12.    徳永万喜洋2009 1分子イメージング:できないと言われたことにチャレンジ, 蛋白質核酸酵素, 54, 772-778, 査読無 (依頼執筆)

13.    徳永万喜洋、十川久美子(2009 薄層斜光照明法による細胞内での蛍光1分子観察, 生物物理, 49, 318-321, 査読無 (依頼執筆)

14.    椎名伸之、徳永万喜洋2008)神経シナプス可塑性の分子イメージング, Clinical Neuroscience, 26 , 1062-1063, 査読無 (依頼執筆)

15.    徳永万喜洋、十川久美子(2008)薄層斜光照明法で見えてくる新たな生命現象, 実験医学増刊号ライブイメージングで解き明かす多彩な生命現象, 宮脇敦史編, 羊土社, 26 (17), 163-168, 査読無 (依頼執筆)



1.       Nozawa RS, Nagao K, Igami KT, Shibata S, Shirai N, Nozaki N, Sado T, Kimura H, Obuse C. (2013) Human inactive X chromosome is compacted through a PRC2-independent SMCHD1-HBiX1pathway. Nature Structure and Molecular Biology 20, 566–573 (査読有)

2.       Osakabe A, Tachiwana H, Takaku M, Hori T, Obuse C, Kimura H, Fukagawa T,and Kurumizaka H. (2013) Vertebrate Spt2 is a novel nucleolar histone chaperone that assists in ribosomal DNA transcription. Journal of cell science 88, 207-213. (査読有)

3.       Maehara K, Odawara J, Harada A, Yoshimi T, Nagao K, Obuse C, Akashi K, Tachibana T, Sakata T, and Ohkawa Y. (2013) A co-localization model of paired ChIP-seq data using a large ENCODE data set enables comparison of multiple samples. Nucleic acids research, 41, 54-62 (査読有)

4.       Arai R, Tsuda M, Watanabe T, Ose T, Obuse C, Maenaka K, Minami A, and Ohba Y. (2012) Simultaneous inhibition of Src and Aurora kinases by SU6656 induces therapeutic synergy in human synovial sarcoma growth, invasion and angiogenesis in vivo. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 48, 2417-2430 (査読有)

5.       Sato K, Ishiai M, Toda K, Furukoshi S, Osakabe A, Tachiwana H, Takizawa Y, Kagawa W, Kitao H, Dohmae N, Obuse C, Kimura H, Takata M, and Kurumizaka H. (2012) Histone chaperone activity of Fanconi anemia proteins, FANCD2 and FANCI, is required for DNA crosslink repair. EMBO journal 31, 3524-3536 (査読有)

6.       Moriyama K, Yoshizawa-Sugata N, Obuse C, Tsurimoto T, and Masai H. (2012) Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1)-dependent recruitment of origin recognition complex (Orc) on oriP of Epstein-Barr virus with purified proteins: stimulation by Cdc6 through its direct interaction with EBNA1. Journal of biological chemistry 287, 23977-23994 (査読有)

7.       Nakaoka Y, Miki T, Fujioka R, Uehara R, Tomioka A, Obuse C, Kubo M, Hiwatashi Y, and Goshima G.. (2012) An inducible RNA interference system in Physcomitrella patens reveals a dominant role of augmin in phragmoplast microtubule generation. Plant cell 24, 1478-1493 (査読有)

8.       Iimori M, Ozaki K, Chikashige Y., Habu T, Hiraoka Y, Maki T, Hayashi I, Obuse C, and Matsumoto T. (2012) A mutation of the fission yeast EB1 overcomes negative regulation by phosphorylation and stabilizes microtubules. Experimental cell research 318, 262-275 (査読有)

9.       Fukuura M, Nagao K, Obuse C, Takahashi TS, Nakagawa T,and Masukata H. (2011) CDK promotes interactions of Sld3 and Drc1 with Cut5 for initiation of DNA replication in fission yeast. Molecular biology of the cell 22, 2620-2633 (査読有)

10.    Takahashi A, Tsutsumi R, Kikuchi I, Obuse C, Saito Y, Seidi A, Karisch R, Fernandez M, Cho T, Ohnishi N, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Meyerson M, Neel BG, and Hatakeyama M. (2011) SHP2 tyrosine phosphatase converts parafibromin/Cdc73 from a tumor suppressor to an oncogenic driver. Molecular cell 43, 45-56. (査読有)

11.    Tanaka T, Umemori T, Endo S, Muramatsu S, Kanemaki M, Kamimura Y, Obuse C,and Araki H. (2011) Sld7, an Sld3-associated protein required for efficient chromosomal DNA replication in budding yeast. EMBO journal 30, 2019-2030 (査読有)

12.    Abe S, Nagasaka K, Hirayama Y, Kozuka-Hata H, Oyama M, Aoyagi Y, Obuse C, and Hirota T. (2011) The initial phase of chromosome condensation requires Cdk1-mediated phosphorylation of the CAP-D3 subunit of condensin II. Genes & development 25, 863-874 (査読有)

13.    Watanabe A, Tatematsu M, Saeki K, Shibata S, Shime H, Yoshimura A, Obuse C, Seya T, and Matsumoto M. (2011) Raftlin is involved in the nucleocapture complex to induce poly(I:C)-mediated TLR3 activation. The Journal of biological chemistry 286, 10702-10711 (査読有)

14.    Nozawa RS, Nagao K, Masuda HT, Iwasaki O, Hirota T, Nozaki N, Kimura H, and Obuse C. (2010) Human POGZ modulates dissociation of HP1alpha from mitotic chromosome arms through Aurora B activation. Nature cell biology 12, 719-727 (査読有)

15.    Takeishi Y, Ohashi E, Ogawa K, Masai H, Obuse C, and Tsurimoto T. (2010) Casein kinase 2-dependent phosphorylation of human Rad9 mediates the interaction between human Rad9-Hus1-Rad1 complex and TopBP1. Genes to cells 15, 761-771 (査読有)

16.    Osakabe A, Tachiwana H, Matsunaga T, Shiga T, Nozawa RS, Obuse C, and Kurumizaka H. (2010) Nucleosome formation activity of human somatic nuclear autoantigenic sperm protein (sNASP). Journal of biological chemistry 285, 11913-11921 (査読有)

17.    Mimura S, Yamaguchi T, Ishii S, Noro E, Katsura T, Obuse C, and Kamura T. (2010) Cul8/Rtt101 forms a variety of protein complexes that regulate DNA damage response and transcriptional silencing. Journal of biological chemistry 285, 9858-9867 (査読有)

18.    Kiyomitsu T, Iwasaki O, Obuse C, and Yanagida M. (2010) Inner centromere formation requires hMis14, a trident kinetochore protein that specifically recruits HP1 to human chromosomes. Journal of cell biology 188, 791-807 (査読有)

19.    野澤竜介, 長尾恒治, 小布施力史2010)ヒトHP1結合タンパク質のプロテオーム解析からみえてきたHP1の新機能  HP1POGZと協調してAurora B キナーゼの活性化に寄与する 実験医学 28, 2983-2987(査読無)

20.    野澤 竜介, 長尾恒治, 小布施力史2010)ヒトHP1結合タンパク質POGZは分裂前期のAurora Bキナーゼの染色体腕部での活性化に寄与する (特集 細胞分裂・染色体分配の新常識--鍵を握る動原体の制御)細胞工学 29, 868-870(査読無)

21.    Hanyu Y, Imai KK, Kawasaki Y, Nakamura T, Nakaseko Y, Nagao K, Kokubu A, Ebe M, Fujisawa A, Hayashi T, Obuse C, and Yanagida M. (2009) Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell division cycle under limited glucose requires Ssp1 kinase, the putative CaMKK, and Sds23, a PP2A-related phosphatase inhibitor. Genes to cells 14, 539-554 (査読有)

22.    Perpelescu M, Nozaki N, Obuse C, Yang H, and Yoda K. (2009) Active establishment of centromeric CENP-A chromatin by RSF complex. Journal of cell biology 185, 397-407 (査読有)

23.    Uehara R, Nozawa RS, Tomioka A, Petry S, Vale RD, Obuse C, and Goshima G. (2009) The augmin complex plays a critical role in spindle microtubule generation for mitotic progression and cytokinesis in human cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106, 6998-7003 (査読有)

24.    Tatsumi Y, Ezura K, Yoshida K, Yugawa T, Narisawa-Saito M, Kiyono T, Ohta S, Obuse C, and Fujita M. (2008) Involvement of human ORC and TRF2 in pre-replication complex assembly at telomeres. Genes to cells 13, 1045-1059 (査読有)

25.    Kimata Y, Matsuyama A, Nagao K, Furuya K, Obuse C, Yoshida M, and Yanagida M. (2008) Diminishing HDACs by drugs or mutations promotes normal or abnormal sister chromatid separation by affecting APC/C and adherin. Journal of cell science 121, 1107-1118 (査読有)



1.        Saikusa K., Fuchigami S., Takahashi K., Asano Y., Nagadoi A., Tachiwana H., Kurumizaka H., Ikeguchi M., Nishimura Y., Akashi, S. (2013) Gas-Phase Structure of the Histone Multimers Characterized by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Anal. Chem., 85, 4165-71.

2.        Ichikawa Y., Kagawa W., Saito K., Chikashige Y., Haraguchi T., Hiraoka Y., Kurumizaka H. (2013) Purification and characterization of the fission yeast telomere clustering factors, Bqt1 and Bqt2. Prot. Exp. Purif., 88, 207-213.

3.        Yokoyama H., Yamashita T., Horikoshi N., Kurumizaka H., Kagawa W. (2013) Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the secreted protein Athe_0614 from Caldicellulosiruptor bescii. Acta Cryst., F69, 438-440. 

4.        Osakabe A., Tachiwana H., Takaku M., Hori T., Obuse C., Kimura H., Fukagawa T., Kurumizaka H. (2013) Vertebrate Spt2 is a novel nucleolar histone chaperone that assists in ribosomal DNA transcription. J. Cell Sci., 126, 1323-1332.

5.        Kurumizaka H., Horikoshi N., Tachiwana H., Kagawa W. (2013) Current progress on structural studies of nucleosomes containing histone H3 variants. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol., 23, 109-115.

6.        Tachiwana H., Miya Y., Shono N., Ohzeki J., Osakabe A., Otake K., Larionov V., Earnshaw W.C., Kimura H., Masumoto H., Kurumizaka H. (2013) Nap1 regulates proper CENP-B binding to nucleosomes. Nucleic Acids Res., 41, 2869-2880.

7.        Sato K., Ishiai M., Toda K., Furukoshi S., Osakabe A., Tachiwana H., Takizawa Y., Kagawa W., Kitao H., Dohmae N., Obuse C., Kimura H., Takata M., Kurumizaka H. (2012) Histone chaperone activity of Fanconi anemia proteins, FANCD2 and FANCI, is required for DNA crosslink repair. EMBO J., 31, 3524-3536.

8.        Harada A., Okada S., Odawara J., Kumamaru H., Saiwai H., Konno D., Yoshimi T., Yoshimura S., Tachibana T., Tsubota T., Kurumizaka H., Akashi K., Imbalzano A.N., Ohkawa Y. (2012) Chd2 interacts with H3.3 to determine myogenic cell fate. EMBO J., 31, 2994-3007.

9.        Sato K., Toda K., Ishiai M., Takata M., Kurumizaka H. (2012) DNA robustly stimulates FANCD2 monoubiquitylation in the complex with FANCI. Nucleic Acids Res., 40, 4553-4561.

10.      Arimura Y., Tachiwana H., Oda T., Sato M., Kurumizaka H. (2012) Structural analysis of the hexasome, lacking one histone H2A/H2B dimer from the conventional nucleosome. Biochemistry, 51, 3302-3309.

11.      Morozumi Y., Ino R., Takaku M., Hosokawa M., Chuma S., Kurumizaka H. (2012) Human PSF concentrates DNA and stimulates duplex capture in DMC1-mediated homologous pairing. Nucleic Acids Res., 40, 3031-3041.

12.      Shigechi T., Tomida J., Sato K., Kobayashi M., Eykelenboom J. K., Pessina F., Zhang Y., Uchida E., Ishiai M., Lowndes N. F., Yamamoto K., Kurumizaka H., Maehara Y., Takata M. (2012) The ATR-ATRIP kinase complex is responsible for triggering activation of the FA pathway. Cancer Res., 72, 1149-1156.

13.      Kujjo L.L., Ronningen R., Ross P., Pereira R.J.G., Rodriguez R., Beyhan Z., Goissis M.D., Baumann T., Kagawa W., Camsari C., Smith G.W., Kurumizaka H., Yokoyama S., Cibelli J.B., Perez G.I. (2012) RAD51 plays a crucial role in halting cell death program induced by ionizing radiation in bovine oocytes. Biol. Reprod., 86, 76.

14.      Tachiwana H., Kagawa W., Kurumizaka H. (2012) Comparison between the CENP-A and histone H3 structures in nucleosomes. Nucleus, 3, 1-6.

15.      Kagawa W., Sagawa T., Niki H., Kurumizaka H. (2011) Structural basis for the DNA binding activity of the bacterial β-propeller protein YncE. Acta Cryst, D67, 1045–1053.

16.      Iwasaki W., Tachiwana H., Kawaguchi K., Shibata T., Kagawa W., Kurumizaka H. (2011) Comprehensive structural analysis of mutant nucleosomes containing lysine to glutamine (KQ) substitutions in the H3 and H4 histone-fold domains. Biochemistry, 50, 7822-7832.

17.      Matsushita N., Endo Y., Sato K., Kurumizaka H., Takata M., Yanagi S. (2011) Direct inhibition of TNF-α promoter activity by the Fanconi anemia pathway. PLoS One, 6, e23324.

18.      Tachiwana H., Kagawa W., Shiga T., Osakabe A., Miya Y., Saito K., Hayashi-Takanaka Y., Oda T., Sato M., Park S.-Y., Kimura H., Kurumizaka H. (2011) Crystal structure of the human centromeric nucleosome containing CENP-A. Nature, 476, 232-235.

19.      Takaku M., Tsujita T., Horikoshi N., Takizawa Y., Qing Y., Hirota K., Ikura M., Ikura T., Takeda S., Kurumizaka H. (2011) Purification of the human SMN-GEMIN2 complex and assessment of its stimulation of RAD51-mediated DNA recombination reactions. Biochemistry, 50, 6797-6805.

20.      Tachiwana H., Osakabe A., Shiga T., Miya Y., Kimura H., Kagawa W., Kurumizaka H. (2011) Structures of human nucleosomes containing major histone H3 variants. Acta Cryst., D67, 578-583.

21.      Hayashi-Takanaka Y., Yamagata K., Wakayama T., Stasevich T.J., Kainuma T., Tsurimoto T., Tachibana M., Shinkai Y., Kurumizaka H., Nozaki N., Kimura H. (2011) Tracking epigenetic histone modifications in single cells using Fab-based live endogenous modification labeling. Nucleic Acids Res., 39, 6475-6488.

22.      Arai N., Kagawa W., Saito K., Shingu Y., Mikawa T., Kurumizaka H., Shibata T. (2011) Vital roles of the second DNA binding site of Rad52 in yeast homologous recombination. J. Biol. Chem., 286, 17607-17617.

23.      Yamamoto N.K., Kobayashi S., Tsuda M., Kurumizaka H., Takata M., Kono K., Jiricny J., Takeda S., Hirota K. (2011) The involvement of SLX4 in interstrand cross-link repair is regulated by the Fanconi anemia pathway. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 108, 6492-6496.

24.      Takaku M., Ueno H., Kurumizaka H. (2011) Biochemical analysis of the human ENA/VASP-family proteins, MENA, VASP and EVL, in homologous recombination. J. Biochem., 149, 721-729.

25.      Takaku M., Kainuma T., Ishida-Takaku T., Ishigami S., Suzuki H., Tashiro S., van Soest R.W.M., Nakao Y., Kurumizaka H. (2011) Halenaquinone, a chemical compound that specifically inhibits the secondary DNA binding of RAD51. Genes Cells, 6, 427-436.

26.      Horikoshi N., Tachiwana H., Saito K., Osakabe A., Sato M., Yamada M., Akashi S., Nishimura Y., Kagawa W., Kurumizaka H. (2011) Structural and biochemical analyses of the human PAD4 variant encoded by a functional haplotype gene. Acta Cryst., D67, 112-118.

27.      Yoshikiyo K., Kratz K., Hirota K., Nishihara I., Takata M., Kurumizaka H., Horimoto S., Takeda S., Jiricny J. (2010) KIAA1018/FAN1 nuclease protects cells against genomic instability induced by interstrand cross-linking agents. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 107, 21553-21557.

28.      Takaku M., Takahashi D., Machida S., Ueno H., Hosoya N., Ikawa S., Miyagawa K., Shibata T., Kurumizaka H. (2010) Single-stranded DNA catenation mediated by human EVL and a type I topoisomerase. Nucleic Acids Res., 38, 7579-7586.

29.      Tachiwana H., Kagawa W., Osakabe A., Kawaguchi K., Shiga T., Hayashi-Takanaka, Y, Kimura, H., and Kurumizaka, H. (2010) Structural basis of instability of the nucleosome containing a testis-specific histone variant, human H3T. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 107, 10454-10459.

30.      Takizawa Y., Qing Y., Takaku M., Ishida T., Morozumi Y., Tsujita T., Kogame T., Hirota K., Takahashi M., Shibata T., Kurumizaka H., Takeda S. (2010) GEMIN2 promotes accumulation of RAD51 at double-strand breaks in homologous recombination. Nucleic Acids Res., 38, 5059-5074.

31.      Shimoyama S., Nagadoi A., Tachiwana H., Yamada M., Sato M., Kurumizaka H., Nishimura Y., Akashi S. (2010) Deimination stabilizes histone H2A/H2B dimers as revealed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. J. Mass Spectrom., 45, 900-908.

32.      Saito K., Kagawa W., Suzuki T., Suzuki H., Yokoyama S., Saitoh H., Tashiro S., Dohmae N., Kurumizaka H. (2010) The putative nuclear localization signal of the human RAD52 protein is a potential sumoylation site. J. Biochem., 147, 833-842.

33.      Osakabe A., Tachiwana H., Matsunaga T., Shiga T., Nozawa R., Obuse C., Kurumizaka H. (2010) Nucleosome formation activity of human sNASP. J. Biol. Chem., 285, 11913-11921.

34.      Horikoshi N., Morozumi Y., Takaku M., Takizawa Y., Kurumizaka H. (2010) Holliday junction binding activity of human SPF45. Genes Cells, 5, 373-383.

35.      Kujjo L.L., Laine T., Pereira R.J.G., Kagawa W., Kurumizaka H., Yokoyama S., Perez G.I. (2010) Enhancing survival of mouse oocytes following chemotherapy or aging by targeting Bax and Rad51. PLoS one, 5: e9204.

36.      Takaku M., Machida S., Nakayama S., Takahashi D., Kurumizaka H. (2009) Biochemical analysis of the human EVL domains in homologous recombination. FEBS J., 276, 5841-5848.

37.      Morozumi Y., Takizawa Y., Takaku M., Kurumizaka H. (2009) Human PSF binds to RAD51 and modulates its homologous-pairing and strand-exchange activities. Nucleic Acids Res., 37, 4296-4307.

38.      Katsura M., Tsuruga T., Date O., Yoshihara T., Ishida M., Tomoda Y., Okajima M., Takaku M., Kurumizaka H., Kinomura A., Mishima H., Miyagawa K. (2009) The ATR-Chk1 pathway plays a role in the generation of centrosome aberrations induced by Rad51C dysfunction. Nucleic Acids Res., 37, 3959-3968.

39.      Takaku M., Machida S., Hosoya N., Nakayama S., Takizawa Y., Sakane I., Shibata T., Miyagawa K., Kurumizaka H. (2009) Recombination activator function of the novel RAD51- and RAD51B-binding protein, Human EVL. J. Biol. Chem., 284, 14326-14336.

40.      Ishida T., Takizawa Y., Kainuma T., Inoue J., Mikawa T., Shibata T., Suzuki H., Tashiro S., Kurumizaka H. (2009) DIDS, a chemical compound that inhibits RAD51-mediated homologous pairing and strand exchange. Nucleic Acids Res., 37, 3367-3376.

41.      Shimizu H., Popova M., Fleury F., Kobayashi M., Hayashi N., Sakane I., Kurumizaka H., Venkitaraman A.R., Takahashi M., Yamamoto KI. (2009) c-ABL tyrosine kinase stabilizes RAD51 chromatin association. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 382, 286-291.

42.      Hikiba J., Takizawa Y., Ikawa S., Shibata T., Kurumizaka H. (2009) Biochemical analysis of the human DMC1-I37N polymorphism. FEBS J., 276, 457-465.

43.      Renodon-Cornière A. Takizawa Y., Conilleau1 S., Tran V., Iwai S., Kurumizaka H., Takahashi M. (2008) Structural analysis of the human Rad51 protein-DNA complex filament by tryptophan fluorescence scanning analysis: transmission of allosteric effects between ATP binding and DNA binding. J. Mol. Biol., 383, 575-578.

44.      Sarai N., Kagawa W., Fujikawa N., Saito K., Hikiba J., Tanaka K., Miyagawa K., Kurumizaka H., Yokoayama S. (2008) Biochemical analysis of the N-terminal domain of human RAD54B. Nucleic Acids Res., 36, 5441-5450.

45.      Kagawa W., Kagawa A., Saito K., Ikawa S., Shibata T., Kurumizaka H., Yokoyama S. (2008) Identification of a second DNA binding site in the human Rad52 protein. J. Biol. Chem., 283, 24264-24273.

46.      Sakane I., Kamataki C., Takizawa Y., Nakashima M., Toki S., Ichikawa H., Ikawa S., Shibata T., Kurumizaka H. (2008) Filament formation and robust strand exchange activities of the rice DMC1A and DMC1B proteins. Nucleic Acids Res., 36, 4266-4276.

47.      Hikiba J., Hirota K., Kagawa W., Ikawa S., Kinebuchi T., Sakane I., Takizawa Y., Yokoyama S., Mandon-Pépin B., Nicolas A., Shibata T., Ohta K., Kurumizaka H. (2008) Structural and functional analyses of the DMC1-M200V polymorphism found in the human population. Nucleic Acids Res., 36, 4181-4190.

48.      Nomme J., Takizawa Y., Martinez S., Renodon-Corniére A., Fleury F., Weigel P., Yamamoto K., Kurumizaka H., Takahashi M. (2008) Inhibition of filament formation of human Rad51 protein by a small peptide derived from the BRC-motif of the BRCA2 protein. Genes Cells, 13, 471-481.

49.      Tachiwana H., Osakabe A., Kimura H., Kurumizaka H. (2008) Nucleosome formation with the testis-specific histone H3 variant, H3t, by human nucleosome assembly proteins in vitro. Nucleic Acids Res., 36, 2208-2218.



1.       Takase O, Yoshikawa M, Idei M, Hirahashi J, Fujita T, Takato T, Isagawa T, Nagae G, Suemori H, Aburatani H, Hishikawa K. (2013) The role of NF-κB signaling in the maintenance of pluripotency of human induced pluripotent stem cells. PLoS One. 8, e56399. (査読有)

2.       Yamagata K, Ueda J. (2013) Long-term live-cell imaging of mammalian preimplantation development and derivation process of pluripotent stem cells from the embryos. Dev Growth Differ, in press. (査読有)

3.       Yamagata K, FitzHarris G. (2013) 4D imaging reveals a shift in chromosome segregation dynamics during mouse pre-implantation development. Cell Cycle, 12, 157-65. (査読有)

4.       Shimozawa T, Yamagata K, Kondo T, Hayashi S, Shitamukai A, Konno D, Matsuzaki F, Takayama J, Onami S, Nakayama H, Kosugi Y, Watanabe TM, Fujita K, Mimori-Kiyosue Y. (2013) Improving spinning disk confocal microscopy by preventing pinhole cross-talk for intravital imaging. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 110, 3399-404. (査読有)

5.       Miyazaki T, Futaki S, Suemori H, Taniguchi Y, Yamada M, Kawasaki M, Hayashi M, Kumagai H, Nakatsuji N, Sekiguchi K, Kawase E. (2012) Laminin E8 fragments support efficient adhesion and expansion of dissociated human pluripotent stem cells. Nat Commun. 3, 1236. (査読有) 

6.       Tsuneyoshi N, Tan EK, Sadasivam A, Poobalan Y, Sumi T, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2012) Dunn NR.The SMAD2/3 corepressor SNON maintains pluripotency through selective repression of mesendodermal genes in human ES cells. Genes Dev. 26, 2471-6. (査読有)

7.       Otsuji TG, Kurose Y, Suemori H, Tada M, Nakatsuji N. (2012) Dynamic link between histone H3 acetylation and an increase in the functional characteristics of human ESC/iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes. PLoS One. 7, e45010. (査読有)

8.       Kamimura R, Ishii T, Sasaki N, Kajiwara M, Machimoto T, Saito M, Kohno K, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Ikai I, Yasuchika K, Uemoto S. (2012) Comparative study of transplantation of hepatocytes at various differentiation stages into mice with lethal liver damage. Cell Transplant. 21, 2351-62. (査読有)

9.       Doi D, Morizane A, Kikuchi T, Onoe H, Hayashi T, Kawasaki T, Motono M, Sasai Y, Saiki H, Gomi M, Yoshikawa T, Hayashi H, Shinoyama M, Refaat MM, Suemori H, Miyamoto S, Takahashi J. (2012) Prolonged maturation culture favors a reduction in the tumorigenicity and the dopaminergic function of human ESC-derived neural cells in a primate model of Parkinson's disease. Stem Cells. 30, 935-45. (査読有)

10.    Itoi F, Tokoro M, Terashita Y, Yamagata K, Fukunaga N, Asada Y, Wakayama T. (2012) Offspring from mouse embryos developed using a simple incubator-free culture system with a deoxidizing agent. PLoSOne, 7, e47512. (査読有)

11.    Yamagata K, Iwamoto D, Terashita Y, Li C, Wakayama S, Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Kimura H, Saeki K, Wakayama T. (2012) Fluorescence cell imaging and manipulation using conventional halogen lamp microscopy. PLoS One, 7, e31638. (査読有)

12.    Mizutani E, Yamagata K, Ono T, Akagi S, Geshi M, Wakayama T. (2012) Abnormal chromosome segregation at early cleavage is a major cause of the full-term developmental failure of mouse clones. Dev Biol, 364, 56-65. (査読有)

13.    Terashita Y, Wakayama S, Yamagata K, Li C, Sato E, Wakayama T. (2012) Latrunculin A can improve the birth rate of cloned mice and simplify the nuclear transfer protocol by gently inhibiting actin polymerization. Biol Reprod, 86, 1-6. (査読有)

14.    Terashita Y, Li C, Yamagata K, Sato E, Wakayama T. (2011) Effect of fluorescent mercury light irradiation on in vitro and in vivo development of mouse oocytes after parthenogenetic activation or sperm microinjection. J Reprod Dev, 57, 564-71. (査読有)

15.    Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Yamagata K, Wakayama T, Stasevich TJ, Kainuma T, Tsurimoto T, Tachibana M, Shinkai Y, Kurumizaka H, Nozaki N, Kimura H. (2011) Tracking epigenetic histone modifications in single cells using Fab-based live endogenous modification labeling. Nucleic Acids Res, 39, 6475-88. (査読有)

16.    Yamagata K, Okada Y. (2011) Understanding paternal genome demethylation through live-cell imaging and siRNA. Cell Mol Life Sci, 68, 1669-79. (査読有)

17.    Nagae G, Isagawa T, Shiraki N, Fujita T, Yamamoto S, Tsutsumi S, Nonaka A, Yoshiba S, Matsusaka K, Midorikawa Y, Ishikawa S, Soejima H, Fukayama M, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Kume S, Aburatani H. (2011) Tissue-specific demethylation in CpG-poor promoters during cellular differentiation. Hum Mol Genet. 20, 2710-21. (査読有)

18.    Tatsumi R, Suzuki Y, Sumi T, Sone M, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N. (2011) Simple and highly efficient method for production of endothelial cells from human embryonic stem cells. Cell Transplant. 20, 1423-30. (査読有)

19.    The International Stem Cell Initiative, Amps K, Andrews PW, Anyfantis G, Armstrong L, Avery S, Baharvand H, Baker J, Baker D, Munoz MB, Beil S, Benvenisty N, Ben-Yosef D, Biancotti JC, Bosman A, Brena RM, Brison D, Caisander G, Camarasa MV, Chen J, Chiao E, Choi YM, Choo AB, Collins D, Colman A, Crook JM, Daley GQ, Dalton A, De Sousa PA, Denning C, Downie J, Dvorak P, Montgomery KD, Feki A, Ford A, Fox V, Fraga AM, Frumkin T, Ge L, Gokhale PJ, Golan-Lev T, Gourabi H, Gropp M, Guangxiu L, Hampl A, Harron K, Healy L, Herath W, Holm F, Hovatta O, Hyllner J, Inamdar MS, Irwanto AK, Ishii T, Jaconi M, Jin Y, Kimber S, Kiselev S, Knowles BB, Kopper O, Kukharenko V, Kuliev A, Lagarkova MA, Laird PW, Lako M, Laslett AL, Lavon N, Lee DR, Lee JE, Li C, Lim LS, Ludwig TE, Ma Y, Maltby E, Mateizel I, Mayshar Y, Mileikovsky M, Minger SL, Miyazaki T, Moon SY, Moore H, Mummery C, Nagy A, Nakatsuji N, Narwani K, Oh SK, Oh SK, Olson C, Otonkoski T, Pan F, Park IH, Pells S, Pera MF, Pereira LV, Qi O, Raj GS, Reubinoff B, Robins A, Robson P, Rossant J, Salekdeh GH, Schulz TC, Sermon K, Mohamed JS, Shen H, Sherrer E, Sidhu K, Sivarajah S, Skottman H, Spits C, Stacey GN, Strehl R, Strelchenko N, Suemori H, Sun B, Suuronen R, Takahashi K, Tuuri T, Venu P, Verlinsky Y, Oostwaard DW, Weisenberger DJ, Wu Y, Yamanaka S, Young L, Zhou Q. (2011) Screening ethnically diverse human embryonic stem cells identifies a chromosome 20 minimal amplicon conferring growth advantage. Nat Biotechnol. 9, 1132-1144. (査読有)

20.    Aizawa E, Hirabayashi Y, Iwanaga Y, Suzuki K, Sakurai K, Shimoji M, Aiba K, Wada T, Tooi N, Kawase E, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Mitani K. (2012) Efficient and Accurate Homologous Recombination in hESCs and hiPSCs Using Helper-dependent Adenoviral Vectors. Mol Ther.20, 424-431. (査読有)

21.    Sasaki N, Ishii T, Kamimura R, Kajiwara M, Machimoto T, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H, Ikai I, Yasuchika K, Uemoto S. (2011) Alpha-fetoprotein-producing pancreatic cancer cells possess cancer stem cell characteristics. Cancer Lett. 308, 152-61. (査読有)

22.    Niwa A, Heike T, Umeda K, Oshima K, Kato I, Sakai H, Suemori H, Nakahata T, Saito MK. (2011) A novel serum-free monolayer culture for orderly hematopoietic differentiation of human pluripotent cells via mesodermal progenitors. PLoS One. 6, e22261. (査読有) 

23.    Ishii T, Yasuchika K, Fukumitsu K, Kawamoto T, Kawamura-Saitoh M, Amagai Y, Ikai I, Uemoto S, Kawase E, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N. (2010) In vitro hepatic maturation of human embryonic stem cells by using a mesenchymal cell line derived from murine fetal livers. Cell Tissue Res. 339, 505-12. (査読有)

24.    Sakurai K, Shimoji M, Tahimic CG, Aiba K, Kawase E, Hasegawa K, Amagai Y, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N. (2010) Efficient integration of transgenes into a defined locus in human embryonic stem cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 38, e96. (査読有)

25.    Ishii T, Yasuchika K, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Ikai I, Uemoto S. (2010) Alpha-fetoprotein producing cells act as cancer progenitor cells in human cholangiocarcinoma. Cancer Lett. 294, 25-34. (査読有)

26.    International Stem Cell Initiative Consortium, Akopian V, Andrews PW, Beil S, Benvenisty N, Brehm J, Christie M, Ford A, Fox V, Gokhale PJ, Healy L, Holm F,Hovatta O, Knowles BB, Ludwig TE, McKay RD, Miyazaki T, Nakatsuji N, Oh SK, Pera MF, Rossant J, Stacey GN, Suemori H. (2010) Comparison of defined culture systems for feeder cell free propagation of human embryonic stem cells. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 46, 247-58. (査読有)

27.    Adachi K, Suemori H, Yasuda SY, Nakatsuji N, Kawase E. (2010) Role of SOX2 in maintaining pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells. Genes Cells. 15, 455-70. (査読有)

28.    Ohgushi M, Matsumura M, Eiraku M, Murakami K, Aramaki T, Nishiyama A, Muguruma K, Nakano T, Suga H, Ueno M, Ishizaki T, Suemori H, Narumiya S, Niwa H, Sasai Y. (2010) Molecular pathway and cell state responsible for dissociation-induced apoptosis in human pluripotent stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. 7, 225-39. (査読有)

29.    Yamauchi K, Sumi T, Minami I, Otsuji TG, Kawase E, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2010) Cardiomyocytes develop from anterior primitive streak cells induced by β-catenin activation and the blockage of BMP signaling in hESCs. Genes to Cells. 15, 1216-27. (査読有)

30.    Yamauchi K, Hasegawa K, Chuma S, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H. (2009) In vitro germ cell differentiation from cynomolgus monkey embryonic stem cells. PLoS ONE. 4, e5338. (査読有)

31.    Taura D, Noguchi M, Sone M, Hosoda K, Mori E, Okada Y, Takahashi K, Homma K, Oyamada N, Inuzuka M, Sonoyama T, Ebihara K, Tamura N, Itoh H, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Okano H, Yamanaka S, Nakao K. (2009) Adipogenic differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells: comparison with that of human embryonic stem cells. FEBS Lett. 583, 1029-33. (査読有)

32.    Mitsui K, Suzuki K, Aizawa E, Kawase E, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Mitani K. (2009)  Gene targeting in human pluripotent stem cells with adeno-associated virus vectors. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 388, 711-7. (査読有)

33.    Fukumitsu K, Ishii T, Yasuchika K, Amagai Y, Saitoh M, Kawamoto T, Kawase E, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Ikai I, Uemoto S. (2009) Establishment of a cell line derived from mouse fetal liver that have the character to promote the hepatic maturation of mouse embryonic stem cells by co-culture method. Tissue Eng Part A. 15, 3847-3856. (査読有)



1.       Udagawa, K. and Ohyama, T.
Positions of pluripotency genes and hepatocyte-specific genes in the nucleus before and after mouse ES cell differentiation. Genet. Mol. Res. (in press). (査読有)

2.       Kimura, H., Shimooka, Y., Nishikawa, J., Miura, O., Sugiyama, S., Yamada, S. and Ohyama, T. The genome folding mechanism in yeast. J. Biochemistry (in press). (査読有)

3.       Nishikawa, J., Shimooka, Y. and Ohyama, T. Intrinsic homology-sensing and assembling property of chromatin fiber. In Bernstein, H. and Bernstein, C. (eds.), Meiosis. InTech (in press). (査読有)

4.       Nishikawa, J. and Ohyama, T. (2013) Selective association between nucleosomes with identical DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Res., 41, 1544-1554. (査読有)

5.       Shimooka, Y., Nishikawa, J. and Ohyama, T. (2013) Most methylation-susceptible DNA sequences in human embryonic stem cells undergo a change in conformation or flexibility upon methylation. Biochemistry, 52, 1344-1354. (査読有)

6.       Kimura, H., Kageyama, D., Furuya, M., Sugiyama, S., Murata, N. and Ohyama, T. (2013) Regions with unusually high flexibility occur frequently in human genomic DNA. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 77, 612-617. (査読有)

7.       Fukunaga, S., Kanda, G., Tanase, J., Harashima, H., Ohyama, T. and Kamiya, H. (2012) A designed curved DNA sequence remarkably enhances transgene expression from plasmid DNA in mouse liver. Gene Therapy, 19, 828-835. (査読有)

8.       Udagawa, K., Kimura, H., Tanabe, H. and Ohyama, T. (2012) Nuclear localization of reporter genes activated by curved DNA. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 113, 431-437. (査読有)

9.       Tanase, J., Mitani, T., Udagawa, K., Nishikawa, J. and Ohyama, T. (2011) Competence of an artificial bent DNA as a transcriptional activator in mouse ES cells. Mol. Biol. Rep., 38, 37-47. (査読有)

10.    Tanase, J., Morohashi, N., Fujita, M., Nishikawa, J., Shimizu, M. and Ohyama, T. (2010) Highly efficient chromatin transcription induced by superhelically curved DNA segments: the underlying mechanism revealed by a yeast system. Biochemistry, 49, 2351–2358. (査読有)

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1.        Hara Y, Iwabuchi M, Ohsmumi K, *Kimura A. (2013) Intranuclear DNA Density Affects Chromosome Condensation in Metazoans. Mol Biol. Cell, in press(査読有)

2.        Hara Y, *Kimura A. An allometric relationship between mitotic spindle width, spindle length, and ploidy in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Mol Biol. Cell, in press  (査読有)

3.        木村健二, *木村暁 (2013). 細胞分裂の力学的理解. 細胞工学 32, 280-284. (査読無)

4.        Kimura K., and *Kimura A. (2012) Rab6 is required for the exocytosis of cortical granules and the recruitment of separase to the granules during the oocyte-to-embryo transition in Caenorhabditis elegans. J. Cell Sci. 125, 5897-5905  (査読有)

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6.        Okubo Y., Sugawara T., Abe-Koduka N., Kanno J., *Kimura A., *Saga Y. (2012) Lfng regulates the synchronized oscillation of the mouse segmentation clock via trans-repression of Notch signaling. Nat. Comm. 3, 1141  (査読有)

7.        Hayashi H., Kimura K., and *Kimura A. (2012) Localized accumulation of tubulin during semi-open mitosis in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. Mol. Biol. Cell 23, 1688-1699  (査読有)

8.        Niwayama R. and *Kimura A. (2012) A cellular funicular: a hydrodynamic coupling between the anterior- and posterior-directed cytoplasmic flows. Worm 1, 71-75  (査読有)

9.        Koyama H., Umeda T., Nakamura K, Higuchi T. and *Kimura A. (2012) A high-resolution shape fitting and simulation demonstrated equatorial cell surface softening during cytokinesis and its promotive role in cytokinesis. PLoS ONE 7, e31607  (査読有)

10.      Niwayama R., Shinohara K. and *Kimura A. (2011) The hydrodynamic property of the cytoplasm is sufficient to mediate cytoplasmic streaming in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 11900-11905 (査読有)

11.      Aoki K., Hayashi H., Furuya K., Sato M., Takagi T., Osumi M., Kimura A. and *Niki H. (2011) Breakage of the nuclear envelope by an extending mitotic nucleus occurs during anaphase in Schizosaccharomyces japonicus. Genes Cells 16, 911-926  (査読有)

12.      *Kosodo Y., Suetsugu T., Suda M., Mimori-Kiyosue Y., Toida K., Baba S.A., Kimura A. and *Matsuzaki F. (2011) Regulation of interkinetic nuclear migration by cell cycle-coupled active and passive mechanisms in the developing brain. EMBO J. 30, 1690-1704  (査読有)

13.      Kimura K. and *Kimura A. (2011) A novel mechanism of microtubule length-dependent force to pull centrosomes toward the cell center. BioArchitecture 1, 74-79  (査読有)

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15.      Hara Y. and *Kimura A. (2011) Cell-size-dependent control of organelle sizes during development. In “Cell Cycle in Development” (Kubiak JZ Ed.) Springer Series: Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation 53, 93-108  (査読有)

16.      Oginuma M., Takahashi Y., Kitajima S., Kiso M., Kanno J., Kimura A. and *Saga Y. (2010) The oscillation of Notch activation but not its boundary is required for somite border formation and rostral-caudal patterning within a somite. Development 137, 1515-1522  (査読有)

17.      Kimura A. and *Onami S. (2010) Modeling microtubule-mediated forces and centrosome positioning in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Methods Cell Biol. 97, 437-453  (査読有)

18.      *Goshima G. and *Kimura A. (2009) New look inside the spindle: microtubule-dependent microtubule generation within the spindle. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 22, 44-49  (査読有)

19.      Hara Y. and *Kimura A. (2009) Cell-size-dependent spindle elongation in the Caenorhabditis elegans early embryo. Curr. Biol. 19, 1549-1554  (査読有)



1.     Fujiki R, Sato A, Hata K, Tashiro F, Yasuhara N, Miyazaki J, Yoneda Y, Fujitani M, Yamashita T. (2013) Improvement in protocol to generate homogeneous glutamatergic neurons from mouse embryonic stem cells reduced apoptosis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 432, 604-609(査読有)

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4.     Ohara R, Hata K, Yasuhara N, Mehmood R, Yoneda Yo, Nakagawa M, Yamashita T. (2011) Axotomy induces axonogenesis in hippocampal neurons by a mechanism dependent on importin β. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 405, 697-702(査読有)

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6.     Yasuhara N, Oka M, Yoneda Y. (2009) The role of the nuclear transport system in cell differentiation. (invited review) Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 5, 590-599



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1.        Yamanishi M, Ito Y, Kintaka R, Imamura C, Katahira S, Ikeuchi A, *Moriya H, *Matsuyama T. (2013) A Genome-Wide Activity Assessment of Terminator Regions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Provides a “Terminatome Toolbox., ACS Synth. Biol. in press.(査読有)

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4.        Ishiuchi K, Nakazawa T, Ookuma T, Sugimoto S, Sato M, Tsunematsu Y, Ishikawa N, Noguchi H, Hotta K, Moriya H, *Watanabe K. (2012) Establishing a New Methodology for Genome Mining and Biosynthesis of Polyketides and Peptides through Yeast Molecular Genetics. Chembiochem. 13, 846-54.(査読有)

5.        *Moriya H, Chino A, Kapuy O, Csikász-Nagy A, Novák B. (2011) Overexpression limits of fission yeast cell-cycle regulators in vivo and in silico. Mol Syst Biol. 7, 556.(査読有)

6.        Kaizu K, Ghosh S, Matsuoka Y, Moriya H, Shimizu-Yoshida Y, *Kitano H. (2010) A comprehensive molecular interaction map of the budding yeast cell cycle. Mol Syst Biol. 6, 415.(査読有)

7.        Kaizu K, *Moriya H, Kitano H. (2010) Fragilities caused by dosage imbalance in regulation of the budding yeast cell cycle. PLoS Genet. 6, e1000919.(査読有)

8.        Chino A, Watanabe K, *Moriya H. (2010) Plasmid Construction Using Recombination Activity in the Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. PLoS One. 5, e9652.(査読有)



1.       Kimura Y, Goto Y, Oana H, Washizu M. (2012) Optical Sequence Probing with the Homologous Recombination Protein RecA. Journal of Biotechnology 164, 254-259.(査読有)

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2.       Saitoh, N, Sakamoto, C., Hagiwara, M., Agredano-Moreno, L. T., Jiménez-García, L. T., and Nakao, M. (2012) The distribution of phosphorylated SR proteins and alternative splicing are regulated by RANBP2. Mol. Biol. Cell 23, 1115-1128(査読有)

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5.       Liu, L., Ishihara, K., Ichimura, T, Fujita, N., Hino, S., Tomita, S., Watanabe, S., Saitoh, N., Ito, T., and Nakao, M. (2009) MCAF1/AM is involved in Sp1-mediated maintenance of cancer-associated telomerase activity. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 5165-5174(査読有)



1.       Urayama S, Semi K, Sanosaka T, Hori Y, Namihira M, Kohyama J, Takizawa T, Nakashima K. (2013) Chromatin accessibility at a STAT3 target site is altered prior to astrocyte differentiation. Cell Struct Funct,38,55-56(査読有)

2.       Sailaja BS, Takizawa T, Meshorer E. (2012) Chromatin Immunoprecipitation in Mouse Hippocampal Cells and Tissues", Methods Mol Biol, 809, 353-64(査読有)

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2.       Fujita K, Nakamura Y, Oka T, Ito H, Tamura T, Tagawa K, Sasabe T, Katsuta A, Motoki K, Shiwaku H, Sone M, Yoshida C, Katsuno M, Sishi Y, Murata M, Taylor JP, Wanker EE, Kono K, Tashiro S, Sobue G, La Spada AR, Okazawa H. (2103) A functional deficiency of TERA/VCP/p97 contributes to impaired DNA damage repair in multiple polyglutamine diseases. Nature commun(査読有)(in press)

3.       Shi L, Fujioka K, Sun J, Kinomura A, Inaba T, Ikura T, Ohtaki M, Yoshida M, Kodama Y, Livingston GK, Kamiya K, Tashiro S. (2012) A Modified System for Analyzing Ionizing Radiation-Induced Chromosome Abnormalities. Radiat Res. 177, 533-538.(査読有)

4.       Hosoya N, Okajima M, Kinomura A, Fujii Y, Hiyama T, Sun J, Tashiro S, Miyagawa K. (2011) Synaptonemal complex protein SYCP3 impairs mitotic recombination by interfering with BRCA2. EMBO Rep. 13, 44-51.(査読有)

5.       Takaku M, Kainuma T, Ishida-Takaku T, Ishigami S, Suzuki H, Tashiro S, van Soest RW, Nakao Y, Kurumizaka H. (2011) Halenaquinone, a chemical compound that specifically inhibits the secondary DNA binding of RAD51. Genes Cells. 16, 427-436.(査読有)

6.       Katoh Y, Ikura T, Hoshikawa Y, Tashiro S, Ito T, Ohta M, Kera Y, Noda T, Igarashi K. (2011) Methionine adenosyltransferase II serves as a transcriptional corepressor of Maf oncoprotein. Mol Cell. 41, 554-566.(査読有)

7.       Nakamura K, Kato A, Kobayashi J, Yanagihara H, Sakamoto S, Oliveira DV, Shimada M, Tauchi H, Suzuki H, Tashiro S, Zou L, Komatsu K. (2011) Regulation of homologous recombination by RNF20-dependent H2B ubiquitination. Mol Cell. 41, 515-528.(査読有)

8.       Sun J, Oma Y, Harata M, Kono K, Shima H, Kinomura A, Ikura T, Suzuki H, Mizutani S, Kanaar R, Tashiro S. (2010) ATM modulates the loading of recombination proteins onto a chromosomal translocation breakpoint hotspot. PLoS One. 5, e13554.(査読有)

9.       Muto A, Ochiai K, Kimura Y, Itoh-Nakadai A, Calame KL, Ikebe D, Tashiro S, Igarashi K. (2010) Bach2 represses plasma cell gene regulatory network in B cells to promote antibody class switch. EMBO J. 29, 4048-4061.

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1.        Tsuchiya A, Asai D, Kang J-H, Mori T, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2012) Correlation between phosphorylation ratios by MALDI-TOF MS analysis and radioactivities by radioactive assay. Anal. Biochem. 421, 773-775(査読有)

2.        Toita R, Kang J-H, Tomiyama T, Kim C-W, Shiosaki S, Niidome T, Mori T, Katayama Y. (2012) Gene carrier showing all-or-none response to cancer cell signaling, J. Am. Chem. Soc.  134, 15410-15417(査読有)

3.        Toita R, Mori T, Naritomi Y, Kang J-H, Shiosaki S, Niidome T, Katayama Y (2012)  Fluorometric detection of protein kinase Calpha activity based on phosphorylation-induced dissociation of a polyion complex. Anal. Biochem. 424, 130-136(査読有)

4.        Tsuchiya A, Naritomi Y, Kushio S, Kang J-H, Murata M, Hashizume M, Mori T, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2012) 1Improvement in the colloidal stability of protein kinase-responsive polyplexes by PEG modification, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part A, 100, 136-1141(査読有)

5.        Tanaka H, Mori T, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2012) Creating a unique environment for selecting reactive enzymes with DNA: “Sticky” binding of oligocation-grafted polymers to DNA, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 20, 1346-1353(査読有)

6.        Koga H, Toita R, Mori T, Tomiyama T, Kang J-H, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2012) Fluorescent nanoparticles consisting of lipopeptides and fluorescein-modified polyanions for monitoring of protein kinase activity. Bioconjugate Chem., 22, 1526-1534(査読有)

7.        Kang J-H, Asai D, Tsuchiya A, Mori T, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2011) Peptide substrates for Rho-associated kinase 2 (Rho-kinase 2/ROCK2). PLoS ONE 6, e22699 (査読有)

8.        Tomiyama T, Toita R, Kang J-H, Koga H, Shiosaki S, Mori T, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2011) Effect of the introduction of condroitin sulfate into polymer-peptide conjugate responding to intracellular signals. Nanoscale Res. Lett. 6, 532(査読有)

9.        Asami Y, Oishi J, Kitazaki H, Kamimoto J, Kang J-H, Niidome T, Mori T, Katayama Y. (2011) A simple set-and-mix assay for screening of protein kinase inhibitors in cell lysates. Anal. Biochem. 418, 44-49(査読有)

10.      Shiosaki S, Kuramoto M, Toita R, Mori T, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2011), A hydrophilic polymer grafted with a histone tail peptide represents an artificial gene regulator activated by a histone acetyltransferase. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 19, 4101-41405(査読有)

11.      Tsuchiya A, Kang J-H, Asai D, Mori T, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2011) Transgene regulation system responding to Rho associated coiled-coil kinase (ROCK) activation. J. Controlled Release 155, 40-46(査読有)

12.      Shimomura T, Han X, Hata A, Niidome T, Mori T, Katayama Y. (2011) Optimization of peptide density on microarray surface for quantitative phosphoproteome Anal. Sci. 27, 13-17(査読有)

13.      Tomiyama T, Toita R, Kang J-H, Asai D, Shiosaki S, Mori T, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2010) Tumor therapy by gene regulation system responding to cellular signal, J. Controlled Release, 148, 101-105(査読有)

14.      Oishi J, Jung J, Tsuchiya A, Toita R, Kang J-H, Mori T, Niidome T, Tanizawa K, Kuroda S, Katayama Y. (2010) A gene delivery system specific for hepatoma cells and an intracellular kinase signal based on human liver-specific bionanocapsules and signal-responsive artificial polymer, Int. J. Pharm. 396, 174-178(査読有)

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16.      Kang J-H, Oishi J, Kim J-H, Ijuin M, Toita R, Jun B, Asai D, Mori T, Niidome T, Tanizawa K, Kuroda S, Katayama Y. (2010) Hepatoma-targeted gene delivery using a tumor cell-specific gene regulation system combined with a human liver cell-specific bionanocapsule, Nanomedicine 6, 583-589(査読有)

17.      Sato Y, Kawamura K, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2010) Characterization of gene expression regulation using D-RECS polymer by enzymatic reaction for an effective design of enzyme-responsive gene regulator. J. Controlled Release 143, 344-349(査読有)

18.      Kang J-H, Asami Y, Murata M, Kitazaki H, Sadanaga N, Tokunaga E, Shiotani S, Okada S, Maehara Y, Niidome T, Hashizume M, Mori M, Katayama Y. (2010) Gold nanoparticle-based colorimetric assay for cancer diagnosis. Biosens. Bioelectron. 25, 1869-1874(査読有)

19.      Asai D, Kuramoto M, Shoji Y, Kodama K, Kagng J-H, Kawamura K, Miyoshi H, Mori T, Niidome T, Nakashima H, Katayama Y. (2010) Specific transgene expression in HIV-infected cells using protease-cleavable transcription regulator. J.Controlled Release 141, 52-61(査読有)

20.      Kang J-H, Asai D, Toita R, Kitazaki H, Katayama Y. (2009) Plasma protein kinase C (PKC)a as a biomarler for the diagnosis of cancers. Carcinogenesis 30, 1927-1931(査読有)

21.      Tomiyama T, Kang J-H, Toita R, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2009) Protein kinase Cα-responsive polymeric carrier: Its application for gene delivery into human cancers. Cancer Sci. 100, 1532-1536(査読有)

22.      Toita R, Kang J-H, Kim J-H, Tomiyama T, Mori T, Niidome T, Jun B, Katayama Y. (2009) Protein kinase Cα-specific peptide substrate graft-type copolymer for cancer cell-specific gene regulation systems, J. Controlled Release 139, 133-139(査読有)

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25.      Kawamura K, Kuramoto M, Mori T, Toita R, Oishi J, Sato Y, Kang J-H, Asai D, Niidome T, Katayama Y. (2009) Molecularmechanism of Caspase-3-induced gene expression of polyplexes formed polycations grafted with cationic substrate peptides. J. Biomater. Sci. Polym. Ed. 20, 967-980(査読有)

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<木村() (H21-24)

1.       Yokoyama Y, *Hieda M, Nishioka Y, Matsumoto A, Higashi S, Kimura H, Yamamoto H, Mori M, Matsuura S, and Matsuura N. (2013). Cancer associated up-regulation of H3K9 trimethylation promotes cell motility in vitro and drives tumor formation in vivo. Cancer Sci (E-pub ahead of print; doi: 10.1111/cas.12166)

2.       Shang WH, Hori T, Martins NM, Toyoda A, Misu S, Monma N, Hiratani I, Maeshima K, Ikeo K, Fujiyama A, Kimura H, Earnshaw WC, and *Fukagawa T. (2013). Chromosome engineering allows the efficient isolation of vertebrate neocentromeres. Dev Cell 24, 635-648.

3.       Nozawa RS, Nagao K, Igami K, Shibata S, Shirai N, Nozaki N, Sado T, Kimura H, and *Obuse C. (2013). Human inactive X chromosome is compacted through a PRC2-independent SMCHD1–HBiX1 pathway. Nat Struct Mol Biol (E-pub ahead of print; doi: 10.1038/nsmb.2532).

4.       Osakabe A, Tachiwana H, Takaku M, Hori T, Obuse C, Kimura H, *Fukagawa T, and *Kurumizaka H.(2013). Vertebrate Spt2 is a novel nucleolar histone chaperone that assists in ribosomal DNA transcription. J Cell Sci (E-pub ahead of print; doi: 10.1242/jcs.112623)

5.       Tachiwana H, MiyaY, Shono N, Ohzeki J-i, Osakabe A, Otake K, Larionov V, Earnshaw WC, Kimura H, *Masumoto H, and *Kurumizaka H. (2013). Nap1 regulates proper CENP-B binding to nucleosomes. Nucleic Acids Res 41, 2869-2880.

6.       Mishima Y, Watanabe M, Kawakami T, Jayasinghe CD, Otani J, Kikugawa Y, Shirakawa M, Kimura H, Nishimura O, Aimoto S, Tajima S, and *Suetake I. (2013). Hinge and chromoshadow of HP1α participate in recognition of K9 methylated histone H3 in nucleosomes. J Mol Biol 425, 54-70.

7.       Hirano Y, Hizume K, Kimura H, Takeyasu K, Haraguchi T, and *Hiraoka Y. (2012). Lamin B receptor recognizes specific modifications of histone H4 in heterochromatin formation. J Biol Chem 287, 42654-42663.

8.       Karmodiya K, Krebs AR, Oulad-Abdelghani M, Kimura H, and *Tora L. (2012). H3K9 and H3K14 acetylation co-occur at many gene regulatory elements, while H3K14ac marks a subset of inactive inducible promoters in mouse embryonic stem cells. BMC Genomics 13, 424.

9.       Sato K, Ishiai M, Toda K, Furukoshi S, Osakabe A, Tachiwana H, Takizawa Y, Kagawa W, Kitao H, Dohmae N, Obuse C, Kimura H, *Takata M, and *Kurumizaka H. (2012). Histone chaperone activity of Fanconi anemia proteins, FANCD2 and FANCI, is required for DNA crosslink repair. EMBO J 31, 3524-3536.

10.    Chandra T, Kirschner K, Thuret JY, Pope BD, Ryba T, Newman S, Ahmed K, Samarajiwa SA, Salama R, Carroll T, Stark R, Janky R, Narita M, Xue L, Chicas A, Nũnez S, Janknecht R, Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Wilson MD, Marshall A, Odom DT, Babu MM, Bazett-Jones DP, Tavaré S, Edwards PA, Lowe SW, Kimura H, Gilbert DM, and *Narita M. (2012). Independence of repressive histone marks and chromatin compaction during senescent heterochromatic layer formation. Mol Cell 47, 203-214.

11.    Ohzeki J-i, Bergmann JH, Kouprina N, Noskov VN, Nakano M, Kimura H, Earnshaw WC, Larionov V, and *Masumoto H. (2012). Breaking the HAC Barrier: Histone H3K9 acetyl/methyl balance regulates CENP-A assembly. EMBO J 31, 2391-2402.

12.    Yamagata K, Iwamoto D, Terashita Y, Li C, Wakayama S, Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Kimura H, Saeki K, and *Wakayama T. (2012). Fluorescence cell imaging and manipulation using conventional halogen lamp microscopy. PLoS ONE 7, e31638.

13.    Bergmann JH, Jakubsche JN, Martins NM, Kagansky A, Nakano M, Kimura H, Kelly DA, Turner BM, Masumoto H, Larionov V, and *Earnshaw WC. (2012). Epigenetic Engineering: Histone H3K9 acetylation is compatible with kinetochore structure and function. J Cell Sci 125, 411-421.

14.    Brookes E, de Santiago I, Hebenstreit D, Morris KJ, Carroll T, Xie SQ, Stock JK, Heidemann M, Eick D, Nozaki N, Kimura H, Ragoussis J, Teichmann SA, and *Pombo A. (2012). Polycomb associates genome-wide with a specific RNA polymerase II variant, and regulates metabolic genes in ESCs. Cell Stem Cell 10, 157-170.

15.    Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Yamagata K, Wakayama T, Stasevich TJ, Kainuma T, Tsurimoto T, Tachibana M, Shinkai Y, Kurumizaka H, Nozaki N, and *Kimura H. (2011). Tracking epigenetic histone modifications in single cells using Fab-based live endogenous modification labeling. Nucleic Acids Res 39, 6475-6488.

16.    Tachiwana H, Kagawa W, Shiga T, Osakabe A, Miya Y, Saito K, Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Oda T, Sato M, Park SY, Kimura H, and *Kurumizaka H. (2011). Crystal structure of the human centromeric nucleosome containing CENP-A. Nature 476, 232-235.

17.    Tachiwana H, Osakabe A, Shiga T, Miya Y, Kimura H, Kagawa W, and *Kurumizaka H. (2011). Structures of human nucleosomes containing major histone H3 variants. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 67, 578-583.

18.    Bergmann JH, Rodríguez MG, Martins NM, Kimura H, Kelly DA, Masumoto H, Larionov V, Jansen LE, and *Earnshaw WC. (2011). Epigenetic engineering shows H3K4me2 is required for HJURP targeting and CENP-A assembly on a synthetic human kinetochore. EMBO J 30, 328-340.

19.    *Kelly AE, Ghenoiu C, Xue JZ, Zierhut C, Kimura H, and *Funabiki H. (2010). Survivin reads phosphorylated histone H3 threonine 3 to activate the mitotic kinase Aurora B. Science 330, 235-239.

20.    Rechtsteiner A, Ercan S, Takasaki T, Phippen TM, Egelhofer TA, Wang W, Kimura H, Lieb JD, and *Strome S. (2010). The histone H3K36 methyltransferase MES-4 acts epigenetically to transmit the memory of germline gene expression to progeny. PLoS Genet 6, e1001091.

21.    Reynoird N, Schwartz BE, Delvecchio M, Sadoul K, Meyers D, Mukherjee C, Caron C, Kimura H, Rousseaux S, Cole PA, Panne D, French CA, and *Khochbin S. (2010). Oncogenesis by sequestration of CBP/p300 in transcriptionally inactive hyperacetylated chromatin domains. EMBO J 29, 2943-2952.

22.    Nozawa RS, Nagao K, Masuda HT, Iwasaki O, Hirota T, Nozaki N, Kimura H, and *Obuse C. (2010). Human POGZ modulates dissociation of HP1alpha from mitotic chromosome arms through Aurora B activation. Nat Cell Biol 12, 719-727.

23.    Tachiwana H, Kagawa W, Osakabe A, Kawaguchi K, Shiga T, Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Kimura H, and *Kurumizaka H. (2010). Structural basis of instability of the nucleosome containing a testis-specific histone variant, human H3T. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107, 10454-10459.

24.    Hashimoto H, Takami Y, Sonoda E, Iwasaki T, Iwano H, Tachibana M, Takeda S, Nakayama T, Kimura H, and *Shinkai Y. (2010). Histone H1 null vertebrate cells exhibit altered nucleosome architecture. Nucleic Acids Res 38, 3533-3545.

25.    Matsui T, Leung D, Miyashita H, Maksakova IA, Miyachi H, Kimura H, Tachibana M, *Lorincz MC, and *Shinkai Y. (2010). Proviral silencing in embryonic stem cells requires the histone methyltransferase ESET. Nature 464, 927-931.

26.    Numa H, Kim JM, Matsui A, Kurihara Y, Morosawa T, Ishida J, Mochizuki Y, Kimura H, Shinozaki K, Toyoda T, Seki M, Yoshikawa M, and *Habu Y. (2010). Transduction of RNA-directed DNA methylation signals to repressive histone marks in Arabidopsis thaliana. EMBO J. 29, 352-362.

27.    Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Yamagata K, Nozaki N, and *Kimura H. (2009). Visualizing histone modifications in living cells: spatiotemporal dynamics of H3 phosphorylation during interphase. J Cell Biol 187, 781-790.

28.    Goto Y and *Kimura H. (2009). Inactive X chromosome-specific histone H3 modifications and CpG hypomethylation flank a chromatin boundary between an X-inactivated and an escape gene. Nucleic Acids Res 37, 7416-7428.

29.    *Kimura H, Hayashi-Takanaka Y, and Yamagata K. (2010). Visualization of DNA methylation and histone modifications in living cells. Curr Opin Cell Biol 22, 412-418.

30.    木村 宏, 佐藤優子, 林 陽子. (2012). 内在性蛋白質翻訳後修飾の生細胞計測. 生物物理 52, 234-235.

31.    木村 宏, 林 陽子. (2010). エピゲノム制御にかかわるヒストン修飾のイメージング. 医学のあゆみ 235, 995-1000.

32.    木村 宏, 林 陽子. (2010). 特異的モノクローナル抗体を用いたメチル化ヒストンダイナミクスの可視化. エピジェネティクスと疾患(牛島俊和、塩田邦郎、田嶋正二、吉田 稔/編)(実験医学増刊) 羊土社 pp115-121.

33.    木村 宏, 林 陽子. (2009). ヒストンダイナミクスの可視化と膜透過化細胞による再構成. 細胞核-遺伝情報制御と疾患:染色体・核輸送のダイナミクスと細胞分化から個体発生,破綻による疾患まで(平岡 泰, 原田昌彦, 木村 宏, 田代 聡/編)(実験医学増刊) 羊土社 pp153-158.




1.       Godde, J.S. and Ura K. (2009) Linker Histones and Development. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 53, 215-224,(査読有)

2.       Yuri S., Fujimura S., Nimura K., Takeda., Toyooka, Y., Fujimura Y., Aburatami H., Ura K., Koseki H., Niwa H. and *Nishinakamura R. (2009) Sall4 is essential for stabilization, but not pluripotency, of embryonic stem cells by repressing aberrant trophectoderm gene expression. Stem Cells, 27, 796-805.(査読有)

3.       Nimura K. Ura K.(責任著者), Shiratori H. (2009) Schwartz R. Ikawa M. Okabe M. and Kaneda Y. A histone H3 lysine 36 trimethyltransferase linkes Nkx2-5 to Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Nature 460, 287-291.(査読有)

4.       Nimura K. Ura K. and Kaneda Y. (2010) Histone methyltransferases: regulation of transcription and contribution to human disease. J. Mol. Med 88, 1213-1220(査読有)

5.       Kashiwagi K., Nimura K., Ura K. (責任著者) and Kaneda Y. (2011) DNA methyltransferase 3b preferentially associates with condensed chromatin. Nucleic Acids Res. 39, 874-888.(査読有)

6.       Andrea H., Yinghua G., Anbazhagan R., Ura K., Gunnar S., Anyong X., Jagesh S. and Ralph S. (2012) Impact of histone H4 lysine 20 methylation on 53BP1 responses to chromosomal double strand breaks, PLoS ONE, 7, e49211.(査読有)



1.     Kawashima S, Nakabayashi Y, Matsubara K, Sano N, Enomoto T, Tanaka K, Seki M,  Horikoshi M. (2011) Global analysis of core histones reveals nucleosomal surfaces required for chromosome bi-orientation. EMBO J. 30, 3353-3367.(査読有)

2.     Endo, H., Kawashima, S., Sato, L., Lai, M.S., Enomoto, T., *Seki, M., and Horikoshi, M. (2010) Chromatin dynamics mediated by histone modifiers and histone chaperones in post-replicative recombination. Genes Cells 15, 945-958.(査読有)

3.     Inoue, E., Tano, K., Yoshii, H., Nakamura, J., Tada, S., Watanabe, M., *Seki, M., and Enomoto, T. (2010) SOD1 is essential for the viability of DT40 cells and nuclear SOD1 functions as a guardian of genomic DNA. J. Nucleic Acid 2010,795946.(査読有)

4.     Kundu, L.R., Kumata, Y., Kakusho, N., Watanabe, S., Furukohri, A., Waga, S., Seki, M., Masai, H., Enomoto, T., Tada S. (2010) Deregulated Cdc6 inhibits DNA replication and suppresses Cdc7-mediated phosphorylation of Mcm2-7 complex. Nucleic Acids Res. 38, 5409-5418.(査読有)

5.     Sakamoto, M., Noguchi, S., Kawashima, S., Okada, Y., Enomoto, T., Seki, M., and Horikoshi, M. (2009) Global analysis of mutual interaction surfaces of nucleosomes with comprehensive point mutants. Genes Cells 14, 1271-1330.(査読有)

6.     Yoshimura, A, *Seki, M., Kanamori, M., Tateishi, S., Tsurimoto, T., Tada, S., and Enomoto, T. (2009) Physical and functional interaction between WRNIP1 and RAD18. Genes Genet. System 84, 171-178.(査読有)

7.     Ohuchi, T., *Seki, M., Kugou, K., Tada, S., Ohta, K., and Enomoto, T. (2009) Accumulation of sumoylated Rad52 in checkpoint mutants perturbed in DNA replication. DNA Repair 8, 690-696.(査読有)

8.     Takada, S., Inoue, E., Tano, K., Yoshii, H., Abe, T., Yoshimura, A., Akita, M., Tada, S., Watanabe, M., *Seki, M., and Enomoto, T. (2009) Generation and characterization of cells that can be conditionally depleted of mitochondrial SOD2. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 379, 233-238.(査読有)

9.     Tsuyama, T., Watanabe, S., Aoki, A., Cho, Y., Seki, M., Enomoto, T., and Tada, S. (2009) Repression of nascent strand elongation by deregulated Cdt1 during DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts. Mol. Biol. Cell 20, 937-947.(査読有)



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3.       Ohtake N, Niikura K, Suzuki T, Mikuni S, Matsuo Y, Nagakawa K, Kinjo M, Sawa H, Ijiro K. (2010) Low pH-triggered Drug-model Molecule Release from Virus-Like Particles. ChemBioChem, 11, 959-62




1.     *Yamagata, K. (2010) DNA methylation profiling using live-cell imaging. Methods 52, 259-66.(査読有)

2.     *Kimura H, Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Yamagata K. (2010) Visualization of DNA methylation and histone modifications in living cells. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 22, 412-8.(査読有)

3.     Ono, T, Li, C., Mizutani, E., Terashita, Y., Yamagata, K., *Wakayama T. (2010) Inhibition of Class IIb Histone Deacetylase Significantly Improves Cloning Efficiency in Mice. Biology of Reproduction 83, 929-37.(査読有)

4.     *Yamagata, K., Ueda, J. Mizutani, E., Satiou, M. and Wakayama T. (2010) Survival and death of epiblast cells during embryonic stem cell derivation revealed by long-term live-cell imaging with an Oct4 reporter system. Developmental Biology 346, 90-101(査読有)

5.     Okada, Y., Yamagata, K., Hong, K., Wakayama, T. and *Zhang, Y. (2010) A role for the elongator complex in zygotic paternal genome demethylation. Nature 463, 554-558(査読有)

6.     *Yamagata K, Suetsugu R, Wakayama T. (2009) Assessment of chromosomal integrity using a novel live-cell imaging technique in mouse embryos produced by intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Human Reproduction10, 2490-9.(査読有)

7.     Hayashi-Takanaka, Y., Yamagata, K., Nozaki, N. and *Kimura, H. (2009) Visualizing histone modifications in living cells: spatiotemporal dynamics of H3 phosphorylation during interphase. The Journal of Cell Biology 187, 781-790(査読有)

8.     Wakayama, S., Kawahara, Y., Li, C., Yamagata, K., Yuge, L. and *Wakayama, T. (2009) Detrimental effects of microgravity on mouse preimplantation development in vitro. PLoS One 4, e6753(査読有)

9.     *Yamagata, K., Suetsugu, R. and Wakayama, T. (2009) Long-term, Six-dimensional Live-cell Imaging for the Mouse Preimplantation Embryo That Does Not Affect Full-term Development. Journal of Reproduction and Development 55, 343-350(査読有)



1.     Wakamoto, Y., Dhar, N., Chait, R., Schneider, K., Signorino-Gelo, F., Leibler, S., McKinney, J. D. (2013) Dynamic persistence of antibiotic-stressed mycobacteria. Science 339, 91-95.(査読有)

2.     Wakamoto, Y., Grosberg, A. Y., Kussell, E. (2012) Optimal lineage principle for age-structured populations. Evolution 66, 115-134. (査読有)

3.     Tomita, T., Sugawara, T., Wakamoto, Y. (2011) Multitude of morphological dynamics of giant multilamellar vesicles in regulated nonequilibrium environments. Langmuir 27, 10106-12. (査読有)



1. Konno K, Kosawada T, Kaneyama Y, Endo H, Feng ZG. (2012) Non-invasive Stiffness Detection Method for Living Cell Nucleus by Using Piezoelectric Micro Sensor, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,Beijin, IFMBE Proceedings 39, 290-293(査読有)



1.     Matsui, A. and Matsuura, A. (2010) Cell size regulation during telomere-directed senescence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 74, 195-198(査読有)

2.     Weng Y., Xiang, L., Matsuura, A., Zhang, Y., Huang, Q., and Qi, J. (2010) Ganodermasides A and B, two novel anti-aging ergosterols from spores of a medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum on yeast via UTH1 gene. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 18, 999-1002(査読有)

3.     Xiang, L., Nakamura, Y., Lim YM., Yamasaki, Y., Kurokawa-Nose, Y., Maruyama, W., Osawa, T., Matsuura, A., Motoyama, N., and Tsuda, L. (2011) Tetrahydrocurcumin extends life span and inhibits the oxidative stress response by regulating the FOXO forkhead transcription factor. Aging 3, 1098-1109(査読有)

4.     Sun, K., Xiang, L., Ishihara, S., Matsuura, A., Sakagami, Y., and Qi, J. (2012) Anti-aging effects of hesperidin on Saccharomyces cerevisiae via inhibition of reactive oxygen species and UTH1 gene expression. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 76, 640-645(査読有)

5.     Matsui, A., Kamada, Y., and Matsuura, A. (2013) The role of autophagy in genome stability through suppression of abnormal mitosis under starvation. PLoS Genetics 9, e1003245(査読有)

6.     Sun, K., Cao, S., Pei, L., Matsuura, A., Xiang, L., and Qi, J. (2013) A steroidal saponin from Ophiopogon japonicus extends the lifespan of yeast via SOD and UTH1. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 14, 4461-4475(査読有)



1.       Hihara, S., Pack, C.G., Kaizu, K., Tani, T., Hanafusa, T., Nozaki, T., Takemoto, S., Yoshimi, T., Yokota, H., Imamoto, N., Sako, Y., Kinjo, M., Takahashi, K., Nagai, T., Maeshima K. (2012) Local Nucleosome Dynamics Facilitate Chromatin Accessibility in Living Mammalian Cells. Cell Reports 2, 1645-1656.(査読有)

2.       Nishino, Y, Eltsov, M, Joti, Y, Ito, K, Takata, H, Takahashi, Y, Hihara, S, Frangakis, AS, Imamoto, N, Ishikawa, T, Maeshima K. (2012) Human mitotic chromosomes consist predominantly of irregularly folded nucleosome fibres without a 30-nm chromatin structure. EMBO J. 31, 1644-53.(査読有)

3.       Maeshima K. Iino, H. Hihara, S.and Imamoto, N. (2011) Nuclear Size, Nuclear pore number, and Cell Cycle. Nucleus 2, 113-118.(査読有)

4.       Takata, H. and Maeshima K. (2011) Irregular folding of nucleosomes in the cell. Physics of Life Reviews 8, 51-52.(査読有)

5.       Maeshima K. Hihara, S. Takata, H. (2010) New insight into the mitotic chromosome structure: irregular folding of nucleosome fibers? Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 75, 439-444.(査読有)  

6.       Maeshima K. Iino, H. Hihara, S. Funakoshi, T. Watanabe, A. Nishimura, M. Nakatomi, R. Yahata, K. Imamoto F., Hashikawa T., Yokota H. and Imamoto N. (2010) Nuclear pore formation but not nuclear growth is governed by cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) during interphase. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 17, 1065-1071.(査読有)

7.       Maeshima K. Hihara, S. and Eltsov, M. (2010) Chromatin structure : does the 30-nm fibre exist in vivo? Current Opinion in Cell Biology 22, 291-297.(査読有)

8.       Iino, H.  Maeshima K.  Nakatomi, R.  Kose, S. Hashikawa, T. Tachibana, T. and Imamoto, N. (2010) Live imaging system for visualizing nuclear pore complex (NPC) formation during interphase in mammalian cells. Genes to Cells 15, 647-660.(査読有)

9.       Takemoto, A. Maeshima K. Ikehara, T. Yamaguchi, K. Murayama, A. Imamura, S. Imamoto, N. Yokoyama, S. Hirano, T. Watanabe, Y. Hanaoka, F. Yanagisawa, J. Kimura K. (2009) The chromosomal association of condensin II is regulated by a noncatalytic function of PP2A. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 16, 1302-1308.(査読有)



1.        Tazumi A, Fukuura M, Nakato R, Kishimoto A, Takenaka T, Ogawa S, Song J-H, Takahashi TS, Nakagawa T, Shirahige K, Masukata H. (2012) Telomere-binding protein Taz1 controls global replication timing through its localization near late replication origins in fission yeast. Genes Dev 26, 2050-2062.(査読有)

2.        Handa T, Kanke M, Takahashi TS, Nakagawa T, Masukata H. (2012) DNA polymerization-independent functions of DNA polymerase epsilon in assembly and progression of the replisome in fission yeast. Mol Biol Cell 23, 3240-3253. (査読有)

3.        Higashi TL, Ikeda M, Tanaka H, Nakagawa T, Bando M, Shirahige K, Kubota Y, Takisawa H, Masukata H, Takahashi TS. (2012) The prereplication complex recruits XEco2 to chromatin to promote cohesin acetylation in Xenopus egg extracts. Curr Biol 22, 977-988. (査読有)

4.        Maki K, Inoue T, Onaka A, Hashizume H, Somete N, Kobayashi Y, Murakami S, Shigaki C, Takahashi TS, Masukata H, Nakagawa T. (2011) An abundance of pre-replicative complexes (pre-RCs) facilitates recombinational repair under replication stress in fission yeast. J Biol Chem 286, 41701-41710. (査読有)

5.        Fukuura M, Nagao K, Obuse C, Takahashi TS, Nakagawa T, Masukata H. (2011) CDK promotes interactions of Sld3 and Drc1 with Cut5 for initiation of DNA replication in fission yeast. Mol Biol Cell 22, 2620-2633. (査読有)

6.        Kanke M, Nishimura K, Kanemaki M, Kakimoto T, Takahashi TS, Nakagawa T, Masukata H. (2011) Auxin-inducible protein depletion system in fission yeast. BMC Cell Biol 12, 8. (査読有)



1.       Hirano T, Kobayashi A, Nakaza T, Kitagawa S, Ohtani H, Nagayama K, Matsumoto T. (2013) Low-flow-resistance methacrylate-based polymer monolithic column prepared by low-conversion ultraviolet photopolymerization at low temperature. Analytical Sciences 29-2, 205-211(査読有)

2.       Nagayama K, Kimura Y, Makino N, And Matsumoto T. (2012) Strain waveform dependence of stress fiber reorientation in cyclically stretched osteoblastic cells: Effects of viscoelastic compression of stress fibers. American Journal of Physiology, Cell Physiology 302, 1469-1478(査読有)

3.       Nagayama K, Adachi A, And Matsumoto T. (2012) Dynamic Changes of Traction Force at Focal Adhesions during Macroscopic Cell Stretching Using an Elastic Micropillar Substrate: Tensional homeostasis of aortic smooth muscle cells. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 7, 130-1402012 Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering "Papers of the Year Award" and “Graphics of the Year Award” (査読有)

4.       Matsumoto T. and Nagayama K. (2012) Tensile properties of vascular smooth muscle cells: Bridging vascular and cellular biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanics 45, 745-755(査読有)

5.       Nagayama K, Yahiro Y, and Matsumoto T. (2011) Stress fibers stabilize the position of intranuclear DNA through mechanical connection with the nucleus in vascular smooth muscle cells. FEBS Letters 585, 3992-3997(査読有)

6.       Nagayama K, Adachi A, and Matsumoto T. Heterogeneous Response of Traction Force at Focal Adhesions of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Subjected to Macroscopic Stretch on a Micropillar Substrate. Journal of Biomechanics 44, 2699-2705 (2011)(査読有)

7.       Nagayama K, and Matsumoto T. (2011) Dynamic Change in Morphology and Traction Forces at Focal Adhesions in Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells during Contraction. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 4, 348-357Selected for the cover art of the journal(査読有)

8.       Miyasaka K, Kida Y, Banjo T, Ueki Y, Nagayama K, Matsumoto T, Sato M, and Ogura T. (2011) Heartbeat regulates cardiogenesis by suppressing retinoic acid signaling via expression of miR-143, Mechanisms of Development 128, 18-28(査読有)

9.       Nagayama K and Matsumoto T. (2010) Estimation of Single Stress Fiber Stiffness in Cultured Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells under Relaxed and Contracted States: Its Relation to Dynamic Rearrangement of Stress Fibers, Journal of Biomechanics 43, 1443-1449(査読有)

10.    Matsumoto T, Ikuta N, Mori M, and Nagayama K. (2010) Mechanics of wrinkle formation: Micromechanical analysis of skin deformation during wrinkle formation in UV-irradiated mice, Skin Research and Technology 16, 179-189(査読有)

11.    Nagayama K, Morishima N, and Matsumoto T. (2009) Effects of three-dimensional culture and cyclic stretch stimulation on expression of contractile proteins in freshly isolated rat aortic smooth muscle cells, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 4, 286–297(査読有)

12.    Nagayama K and Matsumoto T. (2008) Contribution of Actin Filaments and Microtubules to Quasi-in situ Tensile Properties and Internal Force Balance of Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells on a Substrate, American Journal of Physiology, Cell Physiology. 295, 1569-1578(査読有)



1.       Fujita M, Sasanuma H, Yamamoto K.N, Harada H, Kurosawa A, Adachi N, Omura M, Hiraoka M, Takeda S, Hirota K. (2013) Interference in DNA replication can cause mitotic chromosomal breakage unassociated with double-strand breaks PLOS ONE (in press)(査読有)

2.       Kikuchi, K, Narita, T.*, Van, P.T., Iijima, J., Hirota, K., Keka, I.S.,Mohiuddin, Okawa, K., Hori, T., Fukagawa, T., Essers, J., Kanaar, R., Whitby, M.C., Sugasawa, K., Taniguchi, Y., Kitagawa, K., and Takeda, S. (2013) 3Structure-specific endonucleases Xpf and Mus81 play overlapping but essential roles in DNA repair by homologous recombination. Cancer Research (in press) (査読有)

3.       Miyoshi T, Ito M, Kugou K, Yamada S, Furuichi M, Oda A, Yamada T, Hirota K, Masai H, Ohta K. (2012) A Central Coupler for Recombination Initiation Linking Chromosome Architecture to S Phase Checkpoint. Mol. Cell 47 (5)722-733.(査読有)

4.       J. Murai, K. Yang, D. Dejsuphong, K. Hirota, S. Takeda and A. D. D'Andrea (2011) The USP1/UAF1 Complex Promotes Double-Strand Break Repair through Homologous Recombination. Molecular and cellular biology 31, 2462-2469. (査読有)

5.       Y. Qing, M. Yamazoe, K. Hirota, D. Dejsuphong, W. Sakai, K. N. Yamamoto, D. K. Bishop, X. Wu and S. Takeda (2011) The Epistatic Relationship between BRCA2 and the Other RAD51 Mediators in Homologous Recombination. PLoS genetics 7, e1002148.(査読有)

6.       K. N. Yamamoto, K. Hirota, K. Kono, S. Takeda, S. Sakamuru, M. Xia, R. Huang, C. P. Austin, K. L. Witt and R. R. Tice (2011) Characterization of environmental chemicals with potential for DNA damage using isogenic DNA repair-deficient chicken DT40 cell lines. Environmental and molecular mutagenesis.(査読有)

7.       K. N. Yamamoto, S. Kobayashi, M. Tsuda, H. Kurumizaka, M. Takata, K. Kono, J. Jiricny, S. Takeda and K. Hirota (2011) Involvement of SLX4 in interstrand cross-link repair is regulated by the Fanconi anemia pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, 6492-6496.(査読有)

8.       Tskaku M., Tsujita T., Horikoshi N., Takizawa Y., Qing Y., Hirota K., Ikura T., Takeda S., *Kurumizaka H. (2011) Purification of the human SMN-GEMIN2 complex and assessment of its stimulation of RAD51-mediated DNA recombination reactions. Biochemistry 32, 6797-6805. (査読有)

9.       K. Hirota and S. Takeda (2010) Mutant cells defective in DNA repair pathways provide a sensitive high-throughput assay for genotoxicity. T. J. Evans, K. N. Yamamoto, DNA repair 9, 1292-1298.(査読有)

10.    K. Hirota, E. Sonoda, T. Kawamoto, A. Motegi, C. Masutani, F. Hanaoka, D. Szuts, S. Iwai, J. E. Sale, A. Lehmann and S. Takeda (2010) Simultaneous disruption of two DNA polymerases, Poleta and Polzeta, in Avian DT40 cells unmasks the role of Poleta in cellular response to various DNA lesions. PLoS genetics 6.(査読有)

11.    M. Kohzaki, K. Nishihara, K. Hirota, E. Sonoda, M. Yoshimura, S. Ekino, J. E. Butler, M. Watanabe, T. D. Halazonetis and S. Takeda (2010) DNA polymerases nu and theta are required for efficient immunoglobulin V gene diversification in chicken. The Journal of cell biology 189, 1117-1127.(査読有)

12.    T. Narita, T. Tsurimoto, J. Yamamoto, K. Nishihara, K. Ogawa, E. Ohashi, T. Evans, S. Iwai, S. Takeda and K. Hirota (2010) Human replicative DNA polymerase delta can bypass T-T (6-4) ultraviolet photoproducts on template strands. Genes Cells 15, 1228-1239.(査読有)

13.    N. Nemoto, T. Udagawa, T. Ohira, L. Jiang, K. Hirota, C. R. Wilkinson, J. Bahler, N. Jones, K. Ohta, R. C. Wek and K. Asano (2010) The roles of stress-activated Sty1 and Gcn2 kinases and of the protooncoprotein homologue Int6/eIF3e in responses to endogenous oxidative stress during histidine starvation. Journal of molecular biology 404, 183-201.(査読有)

14.    Y. Takizawa, Y. Qing, M. Takaku, T. Ishida, Y. Morozumi, T. Tsujita, T. Kogame, K. Hirota, M. Takahashi, T. Shibata, H. Kurumizaka and S. Takeda (2010) GEMIN2 promotes accumulation of RAD51 at double-strand breaks in homologous recombination. Nucleic acids research 38, 5059-74.(査読有)

15.    K. Yoshikiyo, K. Kratz, K. Hirota, K. Nishihara, M. Takata, H. Kurumizaka, S. Horimoto, S. Takeda and J. Jiricny (2010) KIAA1018/FAN1 nuclease protects cells against genomic instability induced by interstrand cross-linking agents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, 21553-21557.(査読有)

16.    廣田耕志、武田俊一(2010) 基礎の基礎 細胞工学29, 14-20.(査読無)

17.    Hirota K and Ohta K. (2009) Cascade transcription of mRNA-type long non-coding RNAs (mlonRNAs) and local chromatin remodeling. Epigenetics 4, 5-7.(査読有)

18.    Hirota K and Ohta K. (2009) Transcription of mRNA-type long non-coding RNAs (mlonRNAs) disrupts chromatin array. Communicative & Integrative Biology 2, 25-26.(査読有)

19.    K. Kikuchi, H. I. Abdel-Aziz, Y. Taniguchi, M. Yamazoe, S. Takeda and K. Hirota (2009) Bloom DNA helicase facilitates homologous recombination between diverged homologous sequences. The Journal of biological chemistry 284, 26360-26367.(査読有)

20.    廣田耕志、太田邦史(2009)クロマチン再編成をつうじて遺伝子活性化にかかわるmRNA型長鎖ノンコーディングRNA 蛋白質核酸酵素(査読無)



1.        Matsuo, K., Ohsumi, K., Iwabuchi, M., Kawamata, T., Ono, Y., and Takahashi, M. (2012) Kendrin is a novel substrate for separase involved in the licensing of centriole duplication. Curr. Biol. 22, 915-921. (査読有)

2.        Hasebe, T., Kajita, M., Iwabuchi, M., Ohsumi, K., and Ishizuya-Oka, A. (2011) Thyroid hormone-regulated expression of nuclear lamins correlates with dedifferentiation of intestinal epithelial cells during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis. Dev. Genes Evol. 221, 199-208.(査読有)



1.        Iwafuchi-Doi M, Matsuda K, Murakami K, Niwa H, Tesar PJ, Aruga J, Matsuo I, Kondoh H. (2012) Transcriptional regulatory networks in epiblast cells and during anterior neural plate development as modeled in epiblast stem cells. Development. 139, 3926-3937.(査読有) 



1. Iwamoto M, Asakawa H, Ohtsuki C, Osakada H, Koujin T, Hiraoka Y, Haraguchi T. Monoclonal Antibodies Recognize Gly-Leu-Phe-Gly Repeat of Nucleoporin Nup98 of Tetrahymena, Yeasts and Humans. Monocl. Antibod. Immunodiag. Immunother., 32, 81-90.(査読有)

2. Ichikawa Y, Kagawa W, Saito K, Chikashige Y, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y, Kurumizaka H. (2013) Purification and characterization of the fission yeast telomere clustering factors, Bqt1 and Bqt2. Prot. Express. Purif., 88, 207-213.(査読有)

3. Hamasaki M, Furuta N, Matsuda A, Nezu A, Yamamoto A, Fujita N, Oomori H, Noda T, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y, Yoshimori T, Amano A.2013Autophagosomes form at ERmitochondria contact sites. Nature 495, 389-393.(査読有)

4. Yoshida M, Katsuyama S, Tateho K, Nakamura H, Miyoshi J, Ohba T, Matsuhara H, Miki F, Okazaki K, Haraguchi T, Niwa O, Hiraoka Y, Yamamoto A.2012Microtubule-organizing center formation at telomeres induces meiotic telomere clustering. J. Cell Biol. 200, 385-395.(査読有)

5. Ding D-Q, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y.2012Chromosomally-retained RNA mediates homologous pairing. Nucleus. 3, 516 – 519.(査読有)

6. Hirano Y, Hiizume K, Kimura H, Horigome T, Takeyasu K, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y.2012Lamin B receptor recognizes specific modification of histone H4 in heterochromatin formation. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 42654-42663.(査読有)

7. Hashimoto T, Segawa H, Okuno M, Kano H, Hamaguchi HO, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y, Hasui S, Yamaguchi T, Hirose F, Osumi T.(2012) Active involvement of micro-lipid droplets and lipid droplet-associated proteins in hormone-stimulated lipolysis in adipocytes. J Cell Sci. 125, 6127-36.(査読有)

8. Ding D-Q, Okamasa K, Yamane M, Tsutsumi C, Haraguchi T, Yamamoto M, Hiraoka Y.2012Meiosis-specific non-coding RNA mediates robust pairing of homologous chromosomes in meiosis. Science. 336, 732-736.(査読有)

9. Kobayashi S, Hattori Y, Osakada H, Toma K, Maitani Y, Hiraoka Y, Haraguchi T. (2012) Early entry and deformation of macropinosomes correlates with high efficiency of decaarginine-PEG-lipid-mediated gene delivery. J Gene Med., 14, 262-271.(査読有)

10. Hirose H, Takeuchi T, Osakada H, Pujals S, Katayama S, Nakase I, Kobayashi S, Haraguchi T, Futaki S. (2012) Transient Focal Membrane Deformation Induced by Arginine-rich Peptides Leads to Their Direct Penetration into Cells. Mol. Ther., 20, 984-93.(査読有)

11. Asakawa H, Hiraoka Y, Haraguchi T. (2011) Physical breakdown of the nuclear envelope is not necessary for breaking its barrier function. Nucleus, 2, 523-526.(査読有)

12. Tsuchiya M, Ogawa H, Suzuki T, Sugiyama N, Haraguchi T, Hiraoka Y. (2011) Exportin 4 interacts with Sox9 through the HMG box and inhibits the DNA binding of Sox9. PLoS ONE, 6,  e25694.(査読有)

13. Hiraoka Y, Maekawa H, Asakawa H, Chikashige Y, Kojidani T, Osakada H, Matsuda A, Haraguchi T. (2011) Inner nuclear membrane protein Ima1 is dispensable for intranuclear positioning of centromeres. Genes Cells, 16, 1000-1011.(査読有)

14. Asakawa H, Hiraoka Y, Haraguchi T. (2011) Nuclear translocation of RanGAP1 coincides with virtual nuclear envelope breakdown in fission yeast meiosis. Commun. Integr. Biol. 4, 312-314. (査読有)



1. 常岡誠、田中祐司、岡本健吾2012)核小体とリボソームRNA転写調節. 細胞工学 31, 901-908(査読無)



1.       Nakama, M., Kawakami, K., Kajitaini, T., Urano, T. and Murakami, Y. (2012) DNA-RNA hybrid formation mediates RNAi-directed heterochromatin formation. Genes to Cells 17, 218-233(査読有)

2.       Hino, H., Arimoto, K., Yazawa, M., Murakami, Y., & Nakatomi, A. (2012) Ran and calcineurin can participate collaboratively in the regulation of spermatogenesis in scallop. Marine biotechnol. 14, 479–490(査読有)

3.       Hayashi A., Ishida M., Kawaguchi R., Urano T., Murakami, Y. and Nakayama J-I. (2012) Heterochromatin protein 1 homologue Swi6 acts in concert with Ers1 to regulate RNAi-directed heterochromatin assembly. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 6159-6164 (査読有)

4.       Kawakami, K., Hayashi, A., Nakayama, J-I. and Murakami, Y. (2012) A novel RNAi protein, Dsh1, assembles RNAi machinery on chromatin to amplify heterochromatic siRNA. Genes & Dev. 26, 1811-1824(査読有)

5.       Kiboku, T., Katoh, T., Nakamura, A., Kitamura, A., Kinjo, M., Murakami, Y. and Takahashi, M. (2013) Nonmuscle myosin II folds into a 10S form via two portions of tail for dynamic subcellular localization. Genes to Cells 18, 90-109(査読有)



1.     Maehara K, Odawara J, Harada A, Yoshimi T, Nagao K, Obuse C, Akashi K, Tachibana T, Sakata T, Ohkawa Y. (2013) A co-localization model of paired ChIP-seq data  using a large ENCODE data set enables comparison of multiple samples. Nucleic Acids Res. 41, 54-62.(査読有)

2.     Saiwai H, Kumamaru H, Ohkawa Y, Kubota K, Kobayakawa K, Yamada H, Yokomizo T, Iwamoto Y, Okada S. (2013) Ly6C(+) Ly6G(-) Myeloid-derived suppressor cells play a critical role in the resolution of acute inflammation and the subsequent tissue repair process after spinal cord injury. J Neurochem. 125, 74-88.(査読有)

3.     大川恭行, 小田原淳, 原田哲仁(2013クローズアップ実験法:ChIPseqのためのクロマチン免疫沈降法. 羊土社、実験医学31, 577 -582.(査読無)

4.     Harada A, Okada S, Konno D, Odawara J, Yoshimi T, Yoshimura S, Kumamaru H, Saiwai H, Tsubota T, Kurumizaka H, Akashi K, Tachibana T, Imbalzano AN, Ohkawa Y. (2012) Chd2 interacts with H3.3 to determine myogenic cell fate. EMBO J. 31, 2994-3007.(査読有)

5.     Kumamaru H, Ohkawa Y, Saiwai H, Yamada H, Kubota K, Kobayakawa K, Akashi K, Okano H, Iwamoto Y, Okada S. (2012) Direct isolation and RNA-seq reveal environment-dependent properties of engrafted neural stem/progenitor cells. Nat Commun. 3, 1140 (査読有)

6.     Fujii Y, Shiota M, Ohkawa Y, Baba A, Wanibuchi H, Kinashi T, Kurosaki T, Baba Y. (2012) Surf4 modulates STIM1-dependent calcium entry. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 422, 615-620.(査読有)

7.     Kumamaru H, Saiwai H, Ohkawa Y, Yamada H, Iwamoto Y, Okada S. (2012) Age-related differences in cellular and molecular profiles of inflammatory responses after spinal cord injury. J Cell Physiol. 227, 1335-1346.(査読有)

8.     原田哲仁, 大川恭行(2012骨格筋分化における高次クロマチン構造解析. 秀潤社、細胞工学31, 877-881.(査読無)

9.     Xiao H, Leblanc SE, Wu Q, Konda S, Salma N, Marfella CG, Ohkawa Y, Imbalzano AN. (2011) Chromatin accessibility and transcription factor binding at the PPARγ2 promoter during adipogenesis is protein kinase A-dependent. J Cell Physiol. 226, 86-93.(査読有)

10.   Okada S, Saiwai H, Kumamaru H, Kubota K, Harada A, Yamaguchi M, Iwamoto Y, Ohkawa Y. (2011) Flow cytometric sorting of neuronal and glial nuclei from central nervous system tissue. J Cell Physiol. 226, 552-558.(査読有)

11.   Odawara J, Harada A, Yoshimi T, Maehara K, Tachibana T, Okada S, Akashi K, Ohkawa Y. (2011) The classification of mRNA expression levels by the phosphorylation state of RNAPII CTD based on a combined genome-wide approach. BMC Genomics. 12, 516.(査読有)

12.   Kumamaru H, Saiwai H, Ohkawa Y, Yamada H, Iwamoto Y, Okada S. (2012) Age-related differences in cellular and molecular profiles of inflammatory responses after spinal cord injury. J Cell Physiol. 227, 1335-1346.(査読有)



. Chuma S, Nakano T. piRNA and spermatogenesis in mice. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (in press)

2. Shiromoto Y, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Daiba A, Chuma S, Katanaya A, Katsumata A, Nishimura K, Ohtaka M, Nakanishi M, Nakamura T, Yoshinaga K, Asada N, Nakamura S, Yasunaga T, Kojima-Kita K, Itou D, Kimura T and Nakano T. GPAT2, a Mitochondrial Acyltransferase, in piRNA Biogenesis in Germline Stem Cells. RNA (in press)

3. Xiol J, Cora E, Koglgruber R, Chuma S, Subramanian S, Hosokawa M, Reuter M, Yang Z, Berninger P, Palencia A, Benes V, Penninger J, Sachidanandam R, Pillai RS. (2012) A Role for Fkbp6 and the Chaperone Machinery in piRNA Amplification and Transposon Silencing. Mol Cell 47, 970-979

4. Pillai RS, Chuma S. (2012) piRNAs and their involvement in male germline development in mice. Dev Growth Differ 54, 78-92

5. Morozumi Y, Ino R, Takaku M, Hosokawa M, Chuma S, Kurumizaka H. (2012) Human PSF concentrates DNA and stimulates duplex capture in DMC1-mediated homologous pairing. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 3031-3041

6. Reuter M, Berninger P, Chuma S, Shah H, Hosokawa M, Funaya C, Antony C, Sachidanandam R, Pillai RS. (2011) MIWI catalysis is required for piRNA amplification-independent LINE1 transposon silencing. Nature 480, 264-267

7. Tanaka T, Hosokawa M, Vagin VV, Reuter M, Hayashi E, Mochizuki AL, Kitamura K, Yamanaka H, Kondoh G, Okawa K, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Nakano T, Sachidanandam R, Hannon GJ, Pillai RS, Nakatsuji N, Chuma S. (2011) Tudor domain containing 7 (Tdrd7) is essential for dynamic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) remodeling of chromatoid bodies during spermatogenesis. PNAS 108, 10579-10584

8. Watanabe T, Chuma S, Yamamoto Y, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Totoki Y, Toyoda A, Hoki Y, Fujiyama A, Shibata T, Sado T, Noce T, Nakano T, Nakatsuji N, Lin H, Sasaki H. (2011) MITOPLD is a mitochondrial protein essential for nuage formation and piRNA biogenesis in the mouse germline. Dev Cell 20, 364-375

9. Yabuta Y, Ohta H, Abe T, Kurimoto K, Chuma S, Saitou M. (2011) TDRD5 is required for retrotransposon silencing, chromatoid body assembly, and spermiogenesis in mice. J Cell Biol 192, 781-795



1.  Fujita T, and Fujii H (2013) Locus-specific biochemical epigenetics / chromatin biochemistry by insertional chromatin immunoprecipitation. ISRN Biochem. 2013, Article ID 913273, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/913273(査読有)

2.  Fujita T, and Fujii H (2012) Transcription start sites and usage of the first exon of mouse Foxp3 gene. Mol. Biol. Rep. 39, 9613-9619. (査読有)

3.  Fujita T, and Fujii H (2012) Efficient isolation of specific genomic regions by insertional chromatin immunoprecipitation (iChIP) with a second-generation tagged LexA DNA-binding domain. Adv. Biosci. Biotechnol. 3, 626-629. (査読有)

4.  Fujita T, and Fujii H (2011) Direct identification of insulator components by insertional chromatin immunoprecipitation. PLoS ONE 6, e26109.(査読有)



1.       Shang, W.-H., Hori, T. (同等筆頭著者), Martins, N.M.C., Toyoda, A., Misu, S., Monma, N., Hiratani, I., Maeshima, K., Ikeo, K., Fujiyama, A., Kimura, H., Earnshaw, W.C., and Fukagawa, T. Chromosome engineering allows the efficient isolation of vertebrate neocentromeres. Dev. Cell. 24, 2013, 635-648.(査読有) 

2.       Osakabe, A., Tachiwana, H., Takaku, M., Hori, T., Obuse C., Kimura, H., Fukagawa, T., Kurumizaka, H. Vertebrate Spt2 is a novel nucleolar histone chaperone that assists in ribosomal DNA transcription. J. Cell Sci. 88, 207-213.(査読有)

3.       Nishino, T., Rago, F., Hori, T., Tomii, K., Cheeseman, I.M., Fukagawa, T. CENP-T provides a structural platform for outer kinetochore assembly. EMBO J. 32, 2013, 424-36.(査読有) 

4.       Hori, T., Shang, W.-H., Takeuchi, K., Fukagawa, T. (2013) The CCAN recruits CENP-A to the centromere and forms the structural core for kinetochore assembly. J. Cell Biol. 200, 45-60.(査読有) 

5.       Hori, T., and Fukagawa, T. (2012) Establishment of the vertebrate kinetochores. Chromosome Res., 20, 547-561.(査読有)  

6.       Ohfuchi, M.E., Hori, T., Tanabe, H., Kitamura, H., Matsuda, R., Tone, S., Hozak, P., Habermann, F.A., Hase, J., Cremer, C., Fukagawa, T., Harata, M. (2012) The actin family member Arp6 and the histone variant H2A.Z are required for spatial positioning of chromatin in chicken cell nuclei. J. Cell Sci. 125, 3739-3743.(査読有)  

7.       Nishino, T., Takeuchi, K., Gascoigne, K.E., Suzuki, A., Hori, T., Oyama, T., Morikawa, K., Cheeseman, I.M., and Fukagawa, T. (2012) CENP-T-W-S-X Forms a Unique Centromeric Chromatin Structure with a Histone-like Fold. Cell 148, 487-501.(査読有) 

8.       Gascoigne, K.E., Takeuchi, K., Suzuki, A., Hori, T., Fukagawa, T., and Cheeseman, I.M. (2011) Induced ectopic kinetochore assembly bypasses the requirement for CENP-A nucleosomes. Cell 145, 410-422.(査読有) 



1.       堀雄一郎、菊地和也 PYPタグと発蛍光プローブを利用したタンパク質の生細胞蛍光イメージング. 化学と生物 51, 2013.(印刷中)

2.       堀雄一郎、菊地和也(2013)発蛍光型スイッチ機能を有した蛋白質ラベル化技術の開発による細胞内標的分子イメージング. CSJ Current Review 12, 162-168.

3.       Hori, Y., Nakaki, K., Sato, M., Mizukami, S., Kikuchi, K. (2012) Development of Protein-Labeling Probes with Redesigned Fluorogenic Switch Based on Intramolecular Association for No-wash Live-cell Imaging. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51, 5611-5614.

4.       Baba, R., Hori, Y., Mizukami, S. Kikuchi, K. (2012) Development of Fluorogenic Probe with Transesterification Switch for Detection of Histone Deacetylase Activity. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 14310-14313. (Selected as a spotlight article)

5.       Dhara, K., Hori, Y., Baba, R., Kikuchi, K. (2012) Fluorescent Probe for Detection of Histone Deacetylase Activity Based on Aggregation-Induced Emission. Chem. Commun. 48, 11534-11536.

6.       堀雄一郎、菊地和也(2012)発蛍光プローブによる次世代型タンパク質標識技術 -化学アプローチに基づくタンパク質蛍光イメージングの新展開. 化学(化学同人), 67, 68-69.

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3. 特許出願



1.        宮脇成礼、徳永万喜洋、十川久美子、江部康平、堀博文「顕微鏡システム」(特願2010-1455712010年6月25日



1.        若山照彦、山縣一夫、今井雄一郎、田村恵裕「顕微鏡および光透過ユニット」(特願2011-28699620111227



1.       発明の名称:「細胞核を構成する構造体の解析方法、及び細胞核の形態の解析方法」、発明者:村瀬 八重子、小林 民代、天川 玄太、中尾 光善、斉藤 典子、徳永 和明、出願人:オリンパス株式会社、国立大学法人熊本大学、出願日:平成21年9月29日出願、出願番号:特願2009-223587

2.       発明の名称:「誘導多能性幹細胞の識別方法」、発明者:中尾 光善、徳永 和明、斉藤 典子、小林 民代、出願人:オリンパス株式会社、国立大学法人熊本大学、出願日:平成23年4月15日出願、出願番号:特願2011-091405



1.       タンパク質キナーゼの新規基質ペプチド, 片山佳樹、秦彬斗、矢山由洋、韓暁明、下村隆、森健、新留琢郎, PCT/JP2011/63699, 特願2010-137453

2.       Rhoキナーゼの新規基質ペプチド, 姜貞勲、浅井大輔、片山佳樹, PCT/JP2010/065733, WO2011/030892

3.       プロテインキナーゼの検出及び活性測定方法, 片山佳樹、古賀春香、戸井田力、新留琢郎、森健, PCT/JP2010/065721, WO2011/030890

4.       プロテインキナーゼ又はη選択的阻害活性を有するポリペプチド, 片山佳樹、姜貞勲, PCT/JP2010/056438

5.       ポリマー核酸融合体、並びにこれを用いた腫瘍細胞などのイメージング方法及び癌の治療用医薬組成物, 片山佳樹・姜貞勲・戸井田力, PCT/JP2009/068155



1.     松本健郎,宮野真一,長山和亮,軟試料弾性率分布計測方法および軟組織弾性率分布計測装置(PCT/JP2010/695682010114日出願,2011512日公開(W02011/055740 A1

2.     長山和亮,浜田保弘,松本健郎変形可能な微小構造体の製造方法(特願2010-003205201018日出願(出願人:名古屋工業大学)

3.     松本健郎,宮野真一,長山和亮,軟試料弾性率の深さ方向分布計測装置(特願2009-2543162009115日出願(出願人:名古屋工業大学)



1.        武田俊一, 廣田耕志遺伝的に改変された細胞を製造する方法発明者」(特願2009-138902



1. 原口徳子, 岩本政明「核膜孔タンパク質Nup98を特異的に認識する抗体」2013325



1.        藤井 穂高、藤田 敏次「内在性DNA 配列特異的結合分子を用いる特定ゲノム領域の単離方法」(特願2013-263102013214